September 2016




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Jul. 19th, 2016



I may have cut my hair and dyed it lavender. It matches the sides of my chair.

Will you help me plan my wedding?

Mar. 27th, 2016



I didn't know you could sing.

Secrets don't make friends, you know. You've been holding out on us.

Mar. 11th, 2016


So who wants to help me supe up my wheelchair?

I think I've finally gotten the hang of using it.

Feb. 8th, 2016


Is anyone still here?

Oct. 25th, 2015


I need to stop watching my show.

I DEFINITELY need to stop watching Barry's show. Now that he and Iris are gone, it just makes me worry.

Sep. 14th, 2015


So, I was channel surfing and saw a trailer for a new show and SARA was on it. SARA LANCE IS ALIVE. I don't know how it happens and I know I should care but I don't. SARA is ALIVE.

Also, she's going to be on a team with Barry's archnemesis boyfriend. That's a little odd but desperate times and all that I guess.

Aug. 31st, 2015


Just when I think I'm starting to adjust to things I remember how everything is different here and that to some people I'm sort of like a fictional character and then it's a battle not to freak out all over again.

[Filtered to AoS]
I feel completely useless here and like I really don't belong. You've all been here so much longer than me and I don't know how to deal with that still.

Jul. 19th, 2015


In honor of his most triumphant return from our not so sunny and rarely fun filled home of Starling City, I present Roy Harper and I lip syncing Kelly Clarkson.

This one is for you Scarecrow.

Jul. 14th, 2015


I was asked if I was planning on doing another computer class. So, this is me announcing I'm holding another computer class. Just the basics. E-mail, the internet. Things you need to survive in a tech world. It will be every Thursday night until September. Let me know if you are interested.

With Skye disappearing, I also am in need of a new tech. So if you are a computer savvy person and are looking for employment please contact me. Especially if you have security experience.

May. 27th, 2015


Now this is certainly unexpected, and I do so love the unexpected. I've never been to Maine either, what a charming place. I hate to be a rude guest, but how strict is this "no leaving" rule? I have a bit of wanderlust and I hate to stay in one place too long. I need to get out of here Before I die of boredom

May. 14th, 2015


I'm about do something stupid I just ordered a ridiculous amount of Chinese food for one person.

The office is going to be closed for the rest of the night. I'm not sure if anyone was scheduled/planning on dropping by. Just letting you know you have the night off.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


Has anyone seen Skye? I went to her place to deliver some tech and she isn't there. She didn't come to work either. I hope she's okay. I watched her show. Please let her just be somewhere else in town

As spring rapidly approaches and season finales of tv shows come on, I'd just like to reiterate the suggestion to NOT watch your tv show if it exists. This seems to be the time of the year where things get rapidly worse for people. Yes, Barry, I am talking to you.

Today is my mom's birthday, well later today. I miss her. I am going to play poker and drink fancy cocktails in her honor. Whose with me?

Apr. 4th, 2015


So. My new cat loves Sherlock, Sara and does not like anyone else she's met so far. Her name is officially Hellen. I named it when I was hopped up on sugar. Don't judge me.

And in other news, I found a dog in the alley near my office. I cannot keep her. Lovelace and Hellen would protest too much. She's very sweet.

and FLUFFY )

Also some girl tried to tell me about the show based on our lives today. Please don't do that. I do not need to know.

Mar. 23rd, 2015


So I got a cat from the animal shelter today and she needs a name.

i swear she's actually very sweet )

At least to me she's sweet.

Mar. 9th, 2015


I have to say, I've had some pretty weird days, but this is a whole different level of weird.

You'd think I'd be used to getting thrown headlong into new situations, but mostly I'm just tired of it. I could use a break from the whole 'life getting shaken up' thing. I'm just not sure Pleasantville is the place for it. The League is going to be pissed.

Mar. 5th, 2015


[Filtered to Roy Harpers & Jason Todd]
All right. Kind of coming around on your "Oliver is an asshole" bandwagon. Guy showed up and doesn't even remember my name barely.

This place is screwed up.

[Filtered to Thea, Felicity, and Barry]
So Oliver's got like years of crap to catch up on. Should we even tell him, or just hand him a remote control, episodes of our shitty shows, and then wait six weeks or so for him to finish prowling rooftops shooting at things before he talks about it, or what?

We should do something. The people of us who actually remember each other, anyway. Dinner or something?

Feb. 26th, 2015


Stranded unexpectedly. Well this is oddly familiar. At least it's not...

At least it wasn't a result of shipwreck so I'll take the small favors.

So. Where exactly have I found myself this time?

Feb. 23rd, 2015


So, I was reading some posts and thinking about things and had an idea. I could be way off base but would anyone be interested in a computer class? Just make it a little easier to navigate new technology.

Feb. 15th, 2015


Okay so my life just got 10 times more weird. First people with incredible powers back home, now magic portals that lead to other worlds?

Somebody pinch me because I must be dreaming.

Feb. 9th, 2015


So...portals. That's new. And different. But I'm kind of getting a lot of new and different lately, so I guess it's also kind of...not different.

Is it wrong that I think this is kind of cool? I mean. It is. Cool. Right? Someone else has to think this is cool.

Feb. 4th, 2015


(Filtered from anyone under 21 or looking like dead husbands.)

So, right. I need to drink. Don't want to do it alone. Anyone want to come with will get a couple of rounds on me. Extra rounds if I get to punch something. Eternal respect if you can out drink me without cheating.

Dec. 30th, 2014


The things this world considers entertainment is amazing.

They are making a movie about the Suicide Squad. Dig would flip.

Anyway, on to a far less confusing topic. I need help choosing a dress for the ball. This one or this one or this last one. I really like this one but I think it's a bit too fancy for me.


Does this town never get tired of balls and group affairs? There's always such a potent potential for disaster at work, you'd think it would put us all off the idea. Not that I'm complaining about the amount of cleavage and finery usually on display at such things, but still. Practicality.

Since she's forever cast in harbor as it is, I think I'll start work on modernizing the Jolly Roger a bit - bring a touch of the modern world to an old magic ship for the next time whim sends us off to another world. Anyone care to help?

Nov. 22nd, 2014


So, last year I was pretty neglectful about the holidays. I had just gotten here and had recently been kidnapped by a mad man so I'd like to think my grandmother would forgive me for not properly celebrating Hanukkah.

That being said I'm going to try very hard to cook a traditional dinner and celebrate it the way I would at home. Would anyone like to join me?

Nov. 8th, 2014


I guess I'm going to need a job. The question is, what's a hacktivist turned secret agent supposed to do in small town Maine?

Oct. 31st, 2014


Anyone looking to save the day? I've got eyes on people trapped in some places. Mostly clients of mine and their customers. I'm not leaving my office until they're safe so don't try Sherlock or Oliver.

ooc: all offers to help are receiving automated responses with instructions.

Oct. 19th, 2014


A town apparently governed by magic that steals people away from their homes? I'm sorry but I'm having trouble actually believing it. Magic isn't real. This can't be real.

Oct. 9th, 2014


We ought to have some sort of service. Pay people to watch our shows and give us small updates like "things could have been worse" or "oh god everything is terrible."

I didn't watch mine and I don't plan on it. Still, it would be nice to at least have a "you're not dead" every once in a while.

Sep. 28th, 2014


Everything is talking to me. Animals, inanimate objects. Talking, singing.

I went to see Sherlock and his turtle talked to me. HIS TURTLE. He's a very nice turtle.

Sep. 10th, 2014


Well, that is just ridiculous.

Bees hardly ever explode. And certainly not like that.

Maybe now that nobody has abilities, things might become interesting.

Perhaps someone will be murdered. One can hope.

Aug. 29th, 2014


Anyone care for a few hands of cards? It's not got the same satisfying clink to it, taking money instead of gold or goods, but it's still fun enough.

Some of the folks getting drunk at our bar fancy poker, but if there's another game of choice, I can learn to take all your money in another one, too.

Aug. 27th, 2014


Oliver has been gone for a few days. I was thinking that he just went home for a little while like I did but now with others going, I'm worried. It was quiet back home but that changes so quickly.


Any tech savvy people looking for jobs? I'm thinking of branching out to more IT stuff. Also it's really quiet in the office.

Do you want your job back? It might not be as interesting as back in your world,

Aug. 19th, 2014


Do you ever wonder what you're like in other universes? Like, I fully accept that I may not exist in most of them but what about the ones that I do? Am I still just Hacker IT Girl Felicity? Am I the vigilante? A villain? Maybe I'm dead or still in Vegas, maybe I'm married with kids.

This post brought to you by Felicity Smoak's caffeine addiction keeping her up.

Aug. 16th, 2014


Clinton Francis Barton, you are officially no longer allowed to tease me about crying at Disney movies. I mean, who cries over a youtube video that's not a puppy trapped in a sewer grate or kittens being rescued from a well?

From what I could see, those were two attractive, well dressed people just talking to each other. What could be so upsetting about that? And don't tell me you had something in your eye. The only thing you had in your eye were tears.

Aug. 15th, 2014


I need to get out more.

Is there a place I can go dancing? People do that right? Dance? Who wants to come with me?

Aug. 9th, 2014


Right. Maine. Good. Needed a change. Things were becoming a bit stale. This is good.

Felicity! I need to ask you something very important. How are the bees?

Aug. 5th, 2014


Please don't think I'm creepy but I remembered your post. I'm Felicity. I run the security business in town and I've got some extra fiber optic cable if you want it. It's just me and Oliver working here so I don't really need all of it.

How long do you wait before you give up on something?

Jul. 24th, 2014


I don't know if I'm relieved that this place is real or not.

That was not a fun trip home.

Jul. 10th, 2014


Who wants to play poker?

I'm having a crappy week and am in the mood to take some money from people.

Jul. 5th, 2014


It's strange living in a town where "is it fireworks or gunfire" is a short game of "nope, that's just fireworks".

Jun. 27th, 2014


Sherlock is gone.

I am going to eat ice cream and drink.

Jun. 20th, 2014


I want to get a tattoo. How badly do they hurt? And if you make your living shooting/getting shot at, please do not answer. I'm a weakling. I'm sure our pain thresholds are way different.

Though...Feel free to show pictures. For artistic references.

Also, I really like tattoos.

Jun. 10th, 2014


Everyone is always bored or missing people on this thing. Including me. So screw it.

Top five people in town you'd sleep with. Everyone tell me theirs. (I don't care if they're married/dating/into the wrong gender/from a world where they're actually a rabbit. It doesn't have to make sense.)

No picking people who aren't here anymore, because then it's not as funny.

Jun. 6th, 2014


I don't know how people deal with puppies on a day to day basis and not feed them everything. They always make a face like they're starving even though they're wider around than they are tall.

Which may explain why we're out of anything to make sandwiches with. Sorry, Felicity. I'll get more. Unless Sherlock likes it. Then he can starve.

Jun. 1st, 2014


So, I adopted a puppy.

Her name is Lovelace )

I think I might stop and get a drink after work.

May. 23rd, 2014


When I first got here, I tried to catch up on fairy tales, but that's actually less relevant than they said it was. I should have gone for comic books, but then they told me the ones people are from are mostly not even here. There should be somewhere to go for background research that's actually relevant. Because as it is, I just ask Felicity. Which usually works, but she may be slightly sick of it.

So anyone who wants to tell me about their world?

May. 15th, 2014


I need a new roommate.

Edit: And I need a drink.

( Felicity )

Please make sure he doesn't do drugs. And try not to hurt him.

May. 6th, 2014


Who wants to play poker?

I haven't gambled in ages.

May. 2nd, 2014


I wish I knew how the portals worked. If you get sent home and you die, do you get sent back anyway? I know that injuries you get in your world come with you but what about death?

I just feel like this is something I might need to know.

Apr. 24th, 2014


I guess no one has a need for a girl who can break ciphers and lock picks here.

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