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Dec. 4th, 2013


There's stuff. Around the apartment.

Like...a forest threw up or something.

And lots of little things.

Is this normal? Phil? Do you have a habit of decorating your apartments weird shit and you didn't tell me?

Anyway, since you added stuff to the apartment, I figured I could too.

I was on Tumblr, and yes...I know you banned me from Tumblr but whatever, and a lot of people kept comparing me to a grumpy cat. And then I went to get milk and...

cut to spare friend pages, not filtered )

Dec. 3rd, 2013


Annie's gone again.  I don't know how much more of this I can take.


This isn't where I thought searching for Bo was going to end up. Speaking of Bo - has anybody seen a succubus woman answering to that name? She's a friend of mine. Or people answering to Dyson and Kenzi?

Nov. 2nd, 2013


This place is very confusing. The metal carriages here move at alarming speeds and I have seen women dressed in a manner not befitting to polite company. I hardly know how this contraption is meant to work, but it was explained to me that it is a means of communication?

Everything about this place is very unsettling. While Mister Salvatore has been very helpful, I would much prefer to be somewhere that makes more sense.

Nov. 1st, 2013


Cry your pardon, but are there gunslingers here?

Mayhap we've not had a lot of crime yet but it seems to me that someone needs to be here to come to the aid of those in trouble.

Oct. 17th, 2013


There needs to be more to do here. Either that, or I need to be elsewhere.

Is there anything to do in this wretched place?


Long days and pleasant nights to you.

Does anyone know where one might come across ammunition for a .45 revolver? And mayhap a place for target shooting?

Say thankya, and grateful I'll be.


So, Hi, I'm May. I'm not sure if I ever made one of these introductions before..

Anyway, I was kind of hoping this trans-dimensional, ending up in some strange, disjointed, time-warp reality thing was, I don't know, temporary or something. It really doesn't seem like that's the case and, while I do have a pretty awesome sister that I did not have before, I figure I try and make some new friends -- you know, so I can not drive her crazy.

Aside from school,which I'd say could qualify as, I haven't really done much since I showed up, so I'd be up for almost anything really. It's getting close to halloween, so there's got to be bad movies on the T.V. If you can talk science to me, that's a huge plus

Oct. 16th, 2013


So. Magic Portals? I wish I could say this was a surprise.

Oct. 15th, 2013


So this homework seriously sucks.

[Filtered to anyone 25 and under]

On a more interesting subject, I want to throw a Halloween party.

Anyone know somewhere we can hold it? All the apartments in the towers are too small.

[Filtered away from Law/Government]
Also we need to find a way to get alcohol for the party. I have my dad's credit card and I've got money from when I got here so I can pay. Will my fake ID even work here what with all the crazy magic? Not to mention this place is such a small town. Smaller than even Beacon Hills was, I think.