September 2016




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Apr. 4th, 2014


What does one do, here, to celebrate a birthday?  Today is mine.

Mar. 28th, 2014


So... sorry, but what do people do here?

I mean - just to pass the time and... and things.

Mar. 9th, 2014


I miss being a Princess.

I know I still am, but it is... different here.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


[Filter: Aladdin]
I have found a job, jaan-e-mann.  It is a restaurant, one that serves food much like what we knew in Agrabah!  In truth, Abu found the place.  When he jumped from my shoulder and raced away from me, I thought at first that he was simply being mischievous, but he must have recognized the smells of freshly baked naan!

It is called La Tandoor.  I bought keema naan for myself- oh, it tasted of home so wonderful!  I brought chicken tikka masala and gulab jamun home for you, as well.  I couldn't help myself, I suppose.

In speaking with the owner, he asked if I knew the way to cook the dishes...  I was abashed to say that I did not, but he offered me a position there as a hostess.  As he explained, it is not a servant does not seem to be a difficult job.  I hope that it is something I can do well.

Before today, I have never had a job.  Being a princess, it was not expected of me, nor did I need the money.  I am grateful to the owner of La Tandoor for giving me a chance to change that.

Feb. 10th, 2014


Your animals are all so small here! Especially the birds and domestic cats! It's so strange.

You know, a kitten or a puppy would make perfect Valentine's Day presents for you and your significant other!

Someone has to adopt them soon or I'm going to have an apartment full of animals and I'm pretty sure there's a law against that sort of thing. I can't help it though ~ I just can't get enough of these little ones!
cut for adorableness )

What we have back home is more along the lines of: Read more... )
But from what I understand here they're not really kept as pets or companions.

Feb. 7th, 2014


I have heard that the upcoming celebration of Valentine's Day is one to celebrate love.  I admit, I find myself somewhat confused.  Why do you need a specific day for such celebration?  Shouldn't you celebrate your love every day?

[Filter: Aladdin]
I am nearly out of money.  What is-  I think that I may need to find work soon.  How-

Jan. 27th, 2014


Okay, so what exactly are we supposed to do while we're here? I was kind of in the middle of about a hundred things, and now I'm kind of... stuck in this weird in between place where I can't finish what I started but I can't really start something new because... closure. I think my brain's about to go splodey.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Typically, when I am whisked away to a far-off land, it is at a time and to a place of my own choosing.  Thank you to the young man who told me where I was, but knowing that am unable to return to Agrabah is hardly comforting news to hear.  Trapped, again.

I have been told that my husband is here.  Has anyone seen Aladdin?