September 2016




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Sep. 9th, 2014


What is it like, you without 'powers', having to rely on your wit to get by?

I'm reaching out simply because I've noticed some distinct differences within the definition of 'powers' - and whilst some whose means have been more scientific have retained their abilities, others have not. If either of you need anything discreetly - or otherwise - I'll do my best to help.

Aug. 29th, 2014


It would seem I've missed out on quite a bit by taking time to acquaint myself with this era before using this device. Including my sister

My name is Charles Xavier. Thank you very much for your hospitality.

Aug. 20th, 2014


I'm thinking of buying a horse as a one year anniversary of being here present for myself. Can you buy horses here?

Jul. 27th, 2014


Honestly, nothing is particularly surprising anymore. A portal under the Brooklyn Bridge brings me to Maine, I've been here several times before with seventy years worth of SHIELD agents.

Hello, then. I'm Peggy Carter. I'm sure you've heard of me, so that means you're one up.

If you'd be so kind as to introduce yourself, then, we can get to know one another adequately.

Jun. 25th, 2014


Hey. So. This blows and I don't know any of you and I lapped the town five times and didn't find a way out. Screw that.

Billy, you really here or were they screwing with me? Kate? Kate, what did Billy do, because crap like this is usually some magic mojo thing.

There is a lot of weird shit in the pawnshop.

Jun. 23rd, 2014


There really isn't any way out of here, is there?

I'm Mys Raven. If there is a way to leave, I'd appreciate someone telling me.


I'm starting to think I'm just not roommate material. Which is kind of sad since I think I'm pretty easy to live with. You know what? I didn't want a roommate anyway.

For those of you who knew her, Peggy Carter seems to have been sent home. From the looks of it she wasn't the only one. I'm sorry for that.

May. 29th, 2014


It's my bloody awful luck that the first day I get here and try to start communicating, my technology goes up in smoke. (It wasn't me. Really, now. It wasn't me at all.)

So, if you contacted me on the previous hello ... hello. And I've got my eye on you particularly, Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes. I imagine there's a story inherent in your presence not only here but in our future, as well.

Agent May, the pleasure is all mine.

Mr. Ward, I'd like you to pencil me in.

That is that, new neighbors. Agent Carter out (more or less).



It isn't every day one finds a magical portal through an underground bunker in New Jersey. Hello, then. Storybrooke seems a rather picturesque and sleepy town. Of course, seems can be quite deceiving in a world which offers the likes of time and space travel as an regular and ongoing occurrence. I suppose I'll just have to get used to it.

The name is Carter. And if it's all the same, I'd be glad to get to know you a little more.

May. 14th, 2014


Alcohol doesn't seem to have much of an effect.
I've started feeling antsy without orders. I think that means I need a job.
Who wants to spar. Lots of spare energy to work off.

I should probably make a few more friends too. People have those.

[Filtered to Steve Rogers]

Hey, so I need to talk to you about something. Just promise you won't get mad.

May. 13th, 2014


It sucks being here for so long, watching people come and go over and over again. I don't get the point of making friends with people not from your world anymore.

May. 12th, 2014



This is rather unexpected. Now to find whomever was childishly toying with the spell. I don't suppose anyone could just tell me...

May. 1st, 2014


Dear All:

It has come to my attention that GIF wars are hilarious.

It has also come to my attention that I haven't started one in a while.

There we go. Have at it.

Your kind, benevolent, and resident asshole,

Tony Stark

Apr. 30th, 2014


I'm just about 9000% done with papers and school and everything.

I'm going to go take a nap for a year.

Apr. 22nd, 2014


I miss having monsters and supervillains to stop on a weekly basis.

Mar. 31st, 2014


Stupid portal. No one ever sticks around long enough. Except me

Mar. 12th, 2014


So, I'm in love with Sydney Sage. We've been dating for the past couple of months, actually. And yeah, Sydney's human, and not just ANY kind of human, but an Alchemist. I realize that both the Moroi and the Alchemists think this is basically the most disgusting thing ever, but that is such hypocritical bull shit it literally makes me want to punch someone in the face. I mean, where the hell did our half-vampire, dhampir friends originally came from then? Oh, right, FROM MOROI AND HUMANS HAVING SEX! I know, I know. How crass. Biology is so scandalous.

HOW does it make any sort of sense that this would have been okay if you plopped us in the 14th century, but now it's like, totally taboo and "wrong" and blah blah blah. Makes no sense.

Well, let me tell you something. I really don't give a shit. What are "my people" going to do anyway? Sneer at me when I come to Court? Wow. I'm so terrified. Most of them think I'm a joke anyway, so I'm sure everyone would just be like, "That Adrian Ivashkov's really pushing the envelope this time, huh? Shameful", like all I'm trying to do is make some sort of statement or get people's attention or something. Well, I'm not. I really love Sydney, and why wouldn't I? She's smart and interesting and a good person and she just so happens to be beautiful on top of all of that. She's a better person than I am, and she makes me a better person. I'm so inexplicably happy when I'm with her. There's no one else I'd rather spend time with or talk to. So how can anyone tell me that's wrong or unnatural? It's not like we forced this. It just happened, it's just how we connected- isn't that the very definition of natural?

What I do care about is how the Alchemists feel about all this, since that's what has real consequences. We knew the risks, but it seemed so distant, so theoretical. Sometimes I feel so disgusted with myself for being so reckless, like the rules didn't apply to us. But I really don't know what else I could have done. It was selfish of me to keep pursuing her when she knew better and tried to do the smart, safe thing. I feel really guilty about that. Still, even knowing where it ends up, I can't honestly say I'd go back and do anything differently. I feel kind of horrible for that, for not doing everything I could to protect her- which would really have been to just stay away. But maybe the bigger issue is that I shouldn't have to. This shouldn't be such a risk. It's wrong and close-minded to persecute for something like this. We weren't bothering anyone. It didn't affect anyone's lives. It wasn't any of their fucking business.

Mar. 5th, 2014


I wish Mycroft would make up his mind where he wants me. Particularly if he's going to drug me and lie to me in order to make it happen.

Which would you rather I deal with first, brother? Magic or Moriarty?

Mar. 4th, 2014


I was perfectly happy being Robin and I hate Dick for taking that away from me.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


I have the urge to get something off my chest.

I am not an American named Alexander Grayson.

I am Dracula.

Just thought you ought to know.

Feb. 28th, 2014


Magic portals to smalltown Maine, huh?

Lissa, where are you? I know you're here. I can feel it.

Feb. 18th, 2014


Wow. Back again, huh?

So. Everyone still here? Steph and my awesome goddaughter? Cassie? Tim?

Feb. 16th, 2014


Private to friends + Emma & Charming

She's going to need blood. From an actual person. Moroi can't live on animal blood. Now, I could break into the hospital and get her some blood bags, but I'm trying this new thing where I don't do things that would get me arrested unless I absolutely have to. I don't even know how Lissa was I wish she was here

A live donor would be better, but since you guys don't have feeders and I don't see people here lining up no matter how good it feels, I'm hoping blood bags will work well enough. So this is me asking nicely if we can work something out.

Also, in the absence of Lissa, Sydney and Eddie, I'd like to officially request to be assigned as her guardian. At least until someone more appropriate shows up.


Hello, everyone, my name is Jill Mastrano. This nice blue fairy explained everything to me, but can anyone tell me if they have seen a really cute guy named Eddie Castille or even a woman naed Sydney Sage or a girl named Angeline around here? I'd even take Trey And, um, Adrian Ivashkov. I don't think he's here I can't feel, but I thought I would ask.

And can anyone tell me where to get a feeder around here?


network post: rose hathaway

Wow, fairytale land. Really didn't miss it. Now, can anyone tell me what happened to Lissa Dragomir and Dimitri Belikov? They were here when I got out of here, but now they both seemed to have vanished. Please don't tell me they're gone

God, at least tell me they didn't shut down my gym or anything. I kinda loved that place.

Feb. 13th, 2014


Filtered to Friends (excluding Alexander Grayson)

Guess who actually has a date for Valentine's Day!

Feb. 6th, 2014


All these happy teams going off and doing team stuff or threatening people as a team makes me miss my own band of jerks.

Do you mind if I call you Leo? I did it once and you didn't say anything but I was like maybe I should ask first and... yeah.

Anyway, did you want to get some dinner tonight?

Feb. 4th, 2014


I'm a terrible person. There are apparently three people I'm friends with from back home here. And I've been here for a week and didn't even notice. Steph, Cassie, Tim, I'm sorry I didn't say hi earlier. Or really haven't been paying much attention to anything after arriving here. Roy not freaking knowing me and being some weird alterna-Roy really freaked me out. So if I missed any marriages, births, or alien takeovers, I'm sorry. I'll buy pizza to make up for being a bad friend? And chocolate?

Feb. 3rd, 2014


[Filtered to Julia Shumway}

Care to join me for dinner tomorrow night?

[/end filter]

I do not mind Storybrooke nearly as much as I thought I would.


Has anyone seen Catty around? I wanted to ask her


This town is boring. Does anything happen here besides freak magical occurrences? I'm tempted to kill someone for fun.

[Alexander Grayson]
I've compelled myself a bit of company. Thought you might care to join.
[/Alexander Grayson]

Jan. 31st, 2014


[ Filtered to Steph's Friends (if your character should be here, they are) but NOT Stephanie ]
Hey, so, what with it being a result of the age shifting mess, Steph didn't really get a chance to prepare or celebrate the whole impending motherhood thing. So I was wondering, would anybody be interested in helping me put together a proper baby shower thing?

Jan. 30th, 2014


As much as I have an aversion to parties now a days, I think Valentine's Day is a perfect excuse to have a singles party.

I guess we could have a singles blind date thing too, if anyone's interested in that side.

Jan. 27th, 2014


Okay, that was unexpected.

Do you think if we try really hard, we can pick the next kind of weird crap that happens? Everyone shrinks, or the houses turn into gingerbread, or the animals start talking. Anything other than being a kid again, basically.

I'm sorry, Ms. McCall Melissa. And Dr. Banner. And everyone else I talked to, basically.

Jan. 26th, 2014


I should probably warn you that this was not a good time to kidnap a Black Widow.

Jan. 25th, 2014


Holy crap, this place was real.

I'm not even sure how long I was gone. Is anyone I know still here?

[ooc: Last night on the way to Stephanie's, Cassie was yoinked out and brought back today for a canon bump to just before "Final Crisis", so she's about 20ish now and has gone through a HELLUVA lot.]

Jan. 24th, 2014

[info]spoiledbat, I'm back to being me. Well, regular me. I was still me before, just shorter.

I also...still have a baby. So, that's a thing.

I guess she's sticking around.

Anyway, I named her Joy. It seemed like a pretty name...and happy, which is really nice. I'm babbling Joy Cara Brown. So...yeah.

She's so tiny I can't believe I ever gave this up Holy crap, what if I screw this up

( Loki - 616 )

I know this isn't exactly what you signed on for. So, I get it, if this is too much.

I mean...we can still be friends. I hope so anyway.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


( intended to be filtered to tim, actually public )
I think my water just broke.

Jan. 21st, 2014


I'm very glad I'm not younger. It wouldn't be very good, if I was suddenly a child from my time on Krypton, and my superpowers suddenly kicked in. I don't like to think of the damage I'd cause.

At least it's somewhat comforting to know that if I was an adult, I'd at least age well, since Karen's basically an older me from another earth.

Oh well.

Jan. 18th, 2014


Oh my god.

What's going on?

My mom is going to kill me.

Robin Alvin? Are you here? Please say you're here.


Who wants to go flying?

Fast. As high as we can go.

I guess if you can fly, that's good or if you just want me to take you up, that's good too. That sounds so wrong.

I just want to fly. A lot.

Jan. 17th, 2014


My brother has taken his leave, for those who know him.

If he reappears as his younger self, no one tell him he can't have dessert first. He'll just tell you he's Odinson and can have whatever he wants.

What to do with myself now, without a constant watchdog? I'll need a hobby.

[Filtered to Nick Fury, edited in later]
Your baby bird will likely be here later, if you'd like to bring him back to the nest before he throws himself at the whole of the building.

Jan. 13th, 2014


I'm bored. It's times like this I miss Gotham. Even with the smog and the psychopaths, there was always something to keep things interesting.

I could really go for a game of rooftop tag. Tim? Cassie? Kara? Any of you in? Girls, mind your crazy super strength around us humans. I'm looking at you, Cass.

Kate? America? Other Cassie? You can play too.

Really, I'm cool with anyone joining as long as you can navigate rooftops and handle possibly getting kicked in the face.

Jan. 10th, 2014


I really need to get a job. The question is, what is there in this town for a hacktivist turned secret agent or whatever?

Dec. 30th, 2013


Time travel and alternate universes. I really wish I could say this kind of thing still surprise me.

Dec. 24th, 2013


I can now safely say that I can check off "go through a magical portal to a small town in Maine" off of my bucket list.

...Not that that was actually on my bucket list.

Come to think of it, I don't even actually have a bucket list.

Anyway, hi. I'm Kara Zor-El.

Dec. 21st, 2013


[Filtered to Stephanie]

So....I'm going to ask Isaac out. Wish me luck?

[Filtered to Isaac]


I was wondering. To keep things from being super-awkward the night of the ball, do you want to maybe get some dinner tonight?

Dec. 20th, 2013


I found my dress for the ball, thanks to Kate. Seriously, she is a shopping goddess.

We sort of got waylaid by some mistletoe - A+ kissing, Kate - but we did find something eventually.

cut for image )

I'm pretty happy with it. It's got just enough purple, without being like...a punch to the face.


I don't know what the hell that was, but it sucked.

Is everyone still here? Please tell me everyone else didn't disappear and doesn't remember me.

[Filtered to Beacon Hills People]
I remember all the crap you all do, now. Or at least as much as I saw of it, since you're all still liars who tell me nothing, in the real world.

It's confusing.

Dec. 15th, 2013


Ugh. All this talk about the ball just reminds me that if I go, I'm going alone.

So, I'm just going to take a chance here. Anyone want to go? I'm probably setting myself up for potential public embarrassment here, but I figure screw it. Fortune favors the bold, or whatever.

Note, I'm not necessarily going with the first person that comments, since that could end in tears and bloodshed. Just opening the forum for discussion.

If it helps: I'm Steph. I'm nineteen. I bake a lot. I'm kind of a ninja. I love breakfast food, terrible movies, motorcycles and the color purple. I'm majoring in psychology, I waitress at Granny's and I'm a vigilante in my free time. Also, I have little to no brain to mouth filter.

Also, Katie. Dress shopping? I figure it'll go great because we both love purple to possibly unhealthy degrees.

Edit: Officially also looking for dates for friends.

Cassie Sandsmark: Blonde bombshell demigoddess. Daughter of Zeus. Super fun and awesome. Very friendly. Likes animals. Nicest person ever.

Lydia Martin: Foxy ginger genius. Likes shopping and being incredible at everything. Does not put up with bullshit. Probably smarter than you. Deal with it.

Respond to them below. You know you want to.

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