September 2016




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Jan. 12th, 2015


( filtered against high school students )
Teenagers are the actual worst. Give me demons any day.

I need grown up friends.

Or a sparring partner.

Or a drink. No, Buffy. Beer bad.

Or five minutes where I'm not dealing with the emotional problems of teenagers.

Teen angst is the worst. I swear, I was never this bad at that age. That's probably a lie

( Dawn )
How are you settling in here? Do you like it? Have you met any cute, age-appropriate boys?

( Xander )
So, I was reading some stuff from back home.

And you're my best friend and I love you like a brother, but if you ever try to date my sister ever, I will hit you in the face with my scythe.

Just wanted to get that out there.

Movie night?

Oct. 31st, 2014


Oh, good, zombies. I was just thinking to myself, you know, I haven't seen zombies in years, we should have zombies. Who says wishes don't come true?

Aug. 31st, 2014


To all our teenaged residents, consider this an official reminder that high school classes pick up for the year on the second. Also a reminder that superpowers, fangs, claws, robots, guns, and pets aren't allowed in the halls. Also gum.

[Locked to Nick Fury & Melinda May]
I blame you both for the hangover I had for what felt like a year, just so you know. But for the record, Clint found another home for the baby and we'll revisit the topic later.

Nick, if somehow this town manages to swap Clint into a female and knock her up, I am blaming you, and I will murder you, somehow. Nothing personal.
[/Nick & Melinda]

[Locked to Spysassin Home]
Why did I not rebel against the idea of running a high school full of superpowered teenagers and just go live in the woods?

Aug. 22nd, 2014


Charlie Weasley!

You're going out for drinks with me. No questions asked.

Anyone else who wants to tag along is invited, of course.

Aug. 10th, 2014


Well, this isn't Cleveland.


So this is how it goes, huh? Save the world, win an all-expenses paid trip to sunny alternate universe Maine.

Just once, I'd like saving the world to come with a nice prize. Like shoes. Shoes would be nice. I like shoes.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


It kind of sucks that I still have to change into a wolf once a month but I think I prefer this strange town to home. Even if its the opposite of normal. Especially since Sally is not a ghost here.. I do miss Aidan though. I wish he didn't get taken back.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


You know what's kind of comforting? Even in a weird town in the middle of Maine full of magic and superheroes, Microsoft Word still sucks. That's what I get for being lazy and just using what was already installed. Half an essay trashed.

Watching new fall TV is weird when you've met some of the people.

Sep. 17th, 2013


The person who met me said I've been here before. They welcomed me back...

I've never been to Storybrooke. Quaint, quiet little town no hellmouth I think I'd remember...


Filtered: Buffyverse.
Party on the beach this weekend. This almost definitely means it won't end with me having to replace all the windows. Or fix Buffy's furniture. We're going, right? All of we?

Ohmygod, do you think THOR will be there?

Aug. 30th, 2013


So, I’ve been sitting here with this mocha trying to figure out what I’m doing. There are so many networks to look at, and this laptop is really a piece of work, to think back to my old clunky one…science never stops with the impressing. I think I’m trying to just not think about the Hellmouth right now, somehow it has to have something to do with this. I mean, you don’t just kill stop that much evil with no backlash, right? This mocha is really good, whipped cream goodness on top. Oh, oh! Hi, by the way, hi. I’m Willow Rosenberg of Sunnydale California, it doesn’t exist anymore…I wonder if it ever existed here.

This isn’t exactly my first dimensional crazy fun time; only, my counterpart was the one that came through. Little different being on the other side. I am ramble girl right now, sorry. There’s just so much to take in still, did I mention this is a really good mocha? Sugar rush, here I come!

Aug. 29th, 2013


It has come to my attention that there is a large magical community in this town, and yet no shop or any good place for resources! So with that in mind I will be seeing about opening up a magical supply shop, given that running one is the only job I've ever had, and I hope to open soon. After I get things. Like licences and so forth.

Aug. 28th, 2013


Life is hard. I mean, you get sucked through portals, things try to kill you, and there isn't a decent Chinese joint around here. So I think my new policy is just to enjoy the little things as they come. You know, go for an inner peace deal.

Basically, I'm just going to keep watching that time Angel was a puppet, and everything's better.

If it makes you feel better big guy, your werewolf girlfriend's pretty hot.

Hey, Dawnie, check out what I found. This computer stuff is pretty handy.

Aug. 26th, 2013


Speaking as sort of an expert on the whole finding yourself in a world where you exist in a tv show, I feel like I should give out some pointers. I'm pretty sure these translates to all media.

- Don't Watch Your Show. (Read your book, Your Comic..etc).
- Don't google your name.
- Stay away from fans.
- Don't read anything they might have written.
- Don't look up actors.

Trust me, it'll just mess with your head. Obviously, these are just suggestions but trust me, you'll thank me.

Aug. 23rd, 2013


So people who were here vanished? Or went back home or whatever? I don't like the sound of

Aug. 21st, 2013


And somehow, not the weirdest thing that's happened to me. High on the list, though.

Aug. 10th, 2013


Wait. Who assigned me a room on the bottom floor?

People in charge. Does the word penthouse mean anything to you?

Followed up with, you know who I am, so fix it. Fix it as in, room reassignment to something above the fifteenth floor.

You people have google right?


So I'm curious and a bit obsessive and wondered about everyone since we have so many amazing people here. I'd love to know where everyone is from, what they can do, and you know, if you're not totally human, what you are. I'll start!

I'm Charlie, I'm from a world much like this one, and I'm run of the mill human. I don't have any special powers or anything, just some mad computer and gaming skills.

Feel free to use filters if you don't want to share with the whole class!

Aug. 4th, 2013


So, I've decided. This place is the coolest place ever and I never wanna leave it!

Aug. 3rd, 2013


I suppose I should thank whoever is responsible for bringing me here and saving me from a pretty bad apocalypse

Thank you person I probably don't know. But since I didn't ask you to do it, I don't owe you anything, so I hope that's not why you did it. If it is, too bad.


I now see why the school was hesitant to employ me. I thought it wouldn't be that hard catching up on everything I needed to learn but now I'm not so sure.

If anyone needs me I'll be in my apartment surrounded by books and my laptop - it is so much smaller than the ones I was used to in my time.