September 2016




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May. 1st, 2014


Regulus? Are you still here?

I have found a job at the animal shelter. While I despise the fact that I must work, the animal shelter is a decent enough job, I suppose.

Apr. 28th, 2014


It's been just a little over a week since Easter now. Maybe this makes me sound awfully cynical, but I'm wondering how long before we get an influx of rabbits at the shelter, once people realize they're actual work.

Apr. 27th, 2014


I have come to the conclusion that Storybrooke isn't all that bad.

More muggles than I would like, though.

( Regulus Black )

I know I haven't been helping out a lot with my not having a job...

But I really have no idea what I would be good at. it okay?

Feb. 14th, 2014


Present for Regulus Black )

Feb. 10th, 2014


Your animals are all so small here! Especially the birds and domestic cats! It's so strange.

You know, a kitten or a puppy would make perfect Valentine's Day presents for you and your significant other!

Someone has to adopt them soon or I'm going to have an apartment full of animals and I'm pretty sure there's a law against that sort of thing. I can't help it though ~ I just can't get enough of these little ones!
cut for adorableness )

What we have back home is more along the lines of: Read more... )
But from what I understand here they're not really kept as pets or companions.

Feb. 8th, 2014


This is complete and utter rubbish.

Feb. 7th, 2014


Is there a pet store around here? Or better yet, a place to adopt pets?

I miss my dog, and I need something to cuddle.

Feb. 6th, 2014


Everything is rubbish and there is no quidditch and I hate everything except whiskey, and we're having a contentious relationship because it doesn't love me back.

Someone entertain me. Entertain me, or I'm telling knock knock jokes for the next week. No talking, just knock knock jokes.

What do you bloody people DO all day when there's no quidditch to argue over and no one wants to kill you?

Well people probably want to kill me, but only in the vague way, not in the way where they're throwing hexes at my head.

Jan. 31st, 2014


I never knew how much work kittens were before they were weaned. There's a mother cat at the animal shelter with more than she can possibly feed all at once. The smallest one keeps getting pushed away by the others when it tries, so I've been trying feed it myself, with an eyedropper. I'm not sure it knows who or what I am or what's even going on since its eyes haven't even opened yet. I never really thought of my own cat, back home, ever being this small. I wonder if he's being taken care of, if he misses Obviously, he was, but he was already three months old when I got him. I never thought of how small he must have been before that.

I'm still without a wand, but it's getting a bit easier, getting used to having to do things by hand instead. It's strange, I've been here weeks and yet I still keep reaching for it as though it's going to miraculously be there.

Jan. 12th, 2014


I thought I ought to introduce myself here, as I suppose we all having being relocated by a magical portal in common.

My name is Hermione Granger, and I've come from travelling across England, 1998. I've heard there are magic users in Storybrooke, though no one's quite managed to determine the kind of magic used to acquire it's citizens. I've been here just over a week now.

I look forward to meeting others here.

[Filtered to Hogwarts students past and present]

I've heard from both Ron and Fred that there are others here in Storybrooke from our world, though we're not all from the same time. If anyone's interested in impromptu lessons we might run ourselves or any opportunity to practice magic of our world with company, please let me know. I've several spellbooks and various other magic books of use, that I'm afraid are now on permanent loan from the Hogwart's Library.

[Filtered to Luna Lovegood]

Hello Luna, I'm sorry I haven't contacted you sooner. It does seem like we're here to stay, doesn't it?

How are you? Perhaps we could meet up soon?

Jan. 5th, 2014


[Voice Post]





Oh. Well that's a bit easier on the head, anyway.

This is mad.

WHAT did I drink last night?

If I'm dead, I'm going to be brassed the last thing I saw was the underside of a coffee table.

((OOC: Caps section is, obviously, yelled like an idiot.))

Dec. 29th, 2013


I was given this... thing by someone and I'm not entirely sure why the letters on it are scrambled and they told me where I live now, but I'm pretty sure I'm not... where I was meant to end up. Not that I suppose I really should complain, all things considered. I just don't think I've ever heard of an afterlife quite like this. Suppose I should be glad there aren't little red things with pitchforks.

I'm surprisingly still soaked to the bone and I haven't quite found the flat I'm supposed to be staying at. I wonder if you can still do magic when you're dead, but my wand didn't follow me here. I suppose it wouldn't through, would it?

Aug. 6th, 2013


I like weird animals. I credit the notion due to having grown up in the same house as Sirius.

Cut for images, not filtered. )

</center> Unrelated. I need he Would someone good with grammar and the like be able to assist me with my CV?

Jul. 30th, 2013


voice post

I know what I've been told, but I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't some sort of last minute training for the new HitWizard.

So there's magic in this town? Fine, I know magic that part isn't exactly surprising for me.

Let's start with some of the basics then. I've been told I have family here? My name is Rose Weasley.

Jul. 29th, 2013


A few inquiries.

1. To confirm my hypothesis about the nature of this mass-dimensional transportation: has anyone experienced headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, or difficulty with memory upon their arrival?

2. Mayor Mills, are you the party to whom proposals for scientific projects and funding should be directed? Oh, I've missed this a little.

3. If anyone does see another person of my general description - red hair, interest in physics, freckles - please do direct them toward me. This is a most thrilling opportunity, after all. Even though Robert appears to be avoiding me or this place for now. One really never knows.

4. Good Shakespeare collection in the library.


It was suggested that to alleviate my boredom that I get a job.

...a job. Honestly. I'm only now beginning to breathe properly after the ensuing fit of laughter.

Note: Where can I procure a house elf?


I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I think I'm having a bit of hard time adjusting to not having anyone inside my head but myself. Also, there is the guilt that I should be home helping but I'm sure everyone is going through that but to a far bigger degree It's bizarre. I haven't spoken in Haiku or fallen and there have been no bloody noses. I guess there is a readjustment period for everyone.

Anyway! I want to throw a slumber party. A little bit of teenage normalcy before I succumb and apply to the art store for a job. Whose in? Bianca are you okay with it?


Voice Recorder (Active)

› User posted via MS Paint.


There is no purpose to this. It is not a game, there is no score. Just scores of babbling mortals.

I will not remain confined for long.


Oh my God.

(OOC: Spoilers for the latest episode of True Blood)

Jul. 26th, 2013


I used to love summer. The heat, the trips to the lake, the barbeques, going to the pool, all that stuff. Now every time I step outside, I'm just like "ugh, everything about this is terrible, why is this happening to me?"

Jess, sweetie, just let me know if I'm keeping the apartment too oppressively cold. If it starts to drive you nuts, I can just get a window unit for my room.

Related: I worked with the boss and got a specialty drink added to our otherwise unpretentious menu - the Fresh Berry Daiquiri. I made my own sweet berry puree, added ice and rum, threw it in a blender, and it turned out beautiful. All you afternoon drinkers should come have one while it's all stupid hot and I'm working the early shift.


Well, it looks like I'm going to be here for a while, and I've decided I'm okay with that. Back home, I was dead.

So I've gotten a job: teacher's assistant and soccer coach. I'm actually really excited about it - I used to be good with kids, and I think I'll be better now that I don't have to deal with prophecies and monsters and all the other stuff that drove me literally crazy. For the first time in my life, I'm really looking forward to the school year starting.

Jul. 25th, 2013


I am being very calm right now because my infant daughter is sleeping on my lap and I don't want to wake her up. I am being calm.

Calmly, I would like to know where the fuck I am, who the fuck brought me here and how the fuck do I get home. I don't know what the fuck you think you're going to get by bringing me here but I'm not an Avenger anymore.


Jul. 24th, 2013


I think I should go out and look for some kind of job here. It might be nice to feel like a normal teenager again.


A broken leg, two cracked ribs, a concussion, one sprained wrist, and some other cuts, bumps, scrapes, and bruises.

For falling through a magical portal after jumping off a Ferris Wheel, that's not bad at all.

Hi. I'm Claire Bennet.

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Hello? Hello? Is this working?

They said I should I write and say I was here, but I don't know where here is other than it appears to be America and highly-populated with Muggles (two strikes against it, admittedly).

I am Regulus Black. I was pulled away from something important, I'm afraid, and would appreciate any assistance with going back home.