September 2016




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Sep. 13th, 2014


If no one can use magic, does this mean the magical barrier around Storybrooke is gone?


I do not wish to be kidnapped any more. But I do wish to have waffles. I have not had waffles in a long time.

Sep. 11th, 2014


This makes me glad that I'm a clone and not a special snowflake with powers.

No offense to any of those with powers.

Aug. 29th, 2014


The coming and going is so jarring. I don't know how the people here are just so blasé about these things. As if disappearing and reappearing people who should be fictional is just the way the world works. There is no world where it works like that! Except this one. It's not normal.

I'm starting a community theater group until this nonsense stops and I can go home. Sign ups are in the library and our first meeting is on the fifth. Anyone who likes can be involved, regardless of experience. And someone mentioned a book club? I can organize that, too. I'm very good with organization and planning and hosting.


Clone Club + Castiel

Helena is gone.

Just thought you would want to know.

Aug. 26th, 2014


Anyone else here got survival skills? Been thinking of setting up somethin' to give people in this messed up town some skills. Just in case this place decides to go to hell like home did.

This place got a shootin' range of some kind? Need somethin' bigger than beer cans to practice with.

Aug. 25th, 2014


I'm Beth and I just want to go home...

Even though there's no home anymore. Dad's gone. Maggie's gone... Everyone's gone. Guess it's better than ...

Aug. 24th, 2014


Sometimes I

A year goes by quick, even after you've seen a couple hundred of 'em.

Filtered to Carol )

Aug. 11th, 2014


So... do any of you new arrivals ride? Or old arrivals. Or natives. Anyone, really.

Aug. 5th, 2014


Okay, so here's how this works - who the hell is gonna tell me what's going on and don't give me any shite about some magic portal. I want out.

Jun. 3rd, 2014


Filtered to Cosima and Sarah and Helena

What is going on with this town, guys?!

Fictional characters are coming to life?

Am I having a very detailed drunk dream?

May. 26th, 2014


This is shit. It's complete shit.

I don't care about your magic or your portals.

I just want my daughter!