September 2016




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Jun. 15th, 2015


Three years ago today, I met the love of my life. Of course, he didn't know that then. And I guess I didn't know how things would go then either. But I did love him instantly. How could I not? He was perfect and wonderful and had perfect hair and a perfect smile with perfect teeth like a military cemetery. He was a scientist and he was easily the most fascinating person I ever met. I have to admit, I wasn't entirely smooth. I'm often not smooth. Also, three years ago today, we discovered there was a vast, underground civilization miles beneath the earth, below the pin retrieval area of lane 5 at the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex. And the Dog Park, which no one can enter or look at or think about and which contains numerous hooded figures who are also not to be looked at or thought about, opened. It was an exciting day.

Two years ago today, I started dating the love of my life. This was, of course, after he nearly died in an attack by the vast underground city...which was actually a very tiny city ten feet below the earth inhabited by tiny people who worship a god called Huntokar. Or I guess we didn't actually start dating in the sense of going on dates until a month after that, but that night he let me know that he returned my affections. Also, shortly after that, we ended up here in Storybrooke. It was an adjustment, to be sure. Storybrooke is so very strange compared to my home. The schoolboard doesn't even have a glowing cloud that throws down dead animals as a member, and there are no mysterious lights or ominous hooded figures. And people seem to think Lee Marvin is dead. But we made it work.

One year ago today...well, really two entirely different things happened one year ago today, but such is the reality of being taken to another dimension. At home, in Night Vale, we overthrew the sinister corporatic regime of Strexcorp Synernists Incorporated, with the help of the massive winged figures all named Erika, with a K, who are definitely not angels, a masked army from a desert otherworld, my friend and former intern Dana and the pre-teen band of vigilantes led by Tamika Flynn. The man I love was trapped in the same desert otherworld the masked army came from after he saved the town. And Dana became the new mayor after an election in which she did not run, defeating Hiram McDaniels, the literal five-headed dragon, and the Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home. It was an eventful day, but also a sad one. And a year ago here, I married the love of my life. That was an infinitely happier day.

And today, on this day now, while much is happening back home, I'm sure, I am happy to know that I have been married to Carlos, the perfectly imperfect love of my life, for a year. Meanwhile, back home, I'm sure many things are happening that are amazing or terrifying or some mixture of the two. I'm sure people are living and dying existing somewhere between those two. I'm sure Carlos and I both are doing at least one of those things, perhaps in different places or times or both, but perhaps reunited. Even as our lives take two very different paths, here and there or there plural, I can hold on to all the good we've had together.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love my husband. And that June 15 is and always will be a wonderful and special day to me. And that the universe is a wildly unpredictable and frequently horrifying place with no rhyme or reason and no clear path, so we should all really just hold on to the things we have and hope that the future is less horrifying than it could be. Enjoy your lives and hold on to what and who you love, because life is short and awful and beautiful and frequently on fire. And at any moment you could die. Any given moment your life could end, most likely in a horrible accident with a bandsaw.

Apr. 10th, 2015


It's nice to see that everyone, or seemingly everyone - best not to assume, has survived another Easter here in Nigh Storybrooke. As always, the holidays here seem to come with far less bloodshed than expected. And that, I feel most people will agree, is a good thing. I can't help but remember countless Mondays after Easter back home where the clean up crews had to deal with the extensive structural damage and ravaged corpses. Some people were never seen again. And not, in that particular instance, because of a particularly persistent case of infectious invisibility.

I've heard that there is going to be a book fair at the library soon and I must strongly caution against attending. Books are dangerous enough without involving librarians. It was, after all, the great Ralph Waldo Emmerson who famously said, "Some books leave us free and some books make us free and some books take us captive and keep us trapped inside them. Help! I've been trapped inside this book for what feels like an eternity. Won't someone let me out? Please, please, for the love of god, help." Adding librarians to an already volatile situations can only make matters worse. Though I have been told on many occasions that librarians here are harmless, I cannot, in good conscience, ever condone allowing librarians to roam freely. Librarians are always dangerous, no matter how strong and well-crafted the chains and cages containing them are. To allow librarians to roam free and unchecked is to invite the slaughter of the innocent (probably) and screaming (definitely) masses. As such, I urge everyone to keep away from the library and whatever foul tricks the librarians use to lure their victims.

But, in good news, Khoshekh's kittens have vanished from the apartment, which can only mean that they have gone to new homes. This is good, both because everyone deserves to have a wonderful cat in their life and also because Carlos really is very allergic and having that many cats around was making things difficult. Even all the Benedryl really wasn't helping much. If there is a small cat floating in a fixed point in space in your house or apartment, good news. You have been chosen by one of the kittens, or perhaps ancient prophecy, and are now the owner of your very own pet. Congratulations on the new addition to your home.

Nov. 5th, 2014


The quiet, slightly decomposing visitors with no regard for personal space seem to be gone now, replaced by snowfall and ice on the streets. This leaves us to wonder, did they dissolve and turn into snow? Or was snow simply their natural deterrent? Did the snow cause them to melt into the ground? We may never know the answer. Of course, either way it is highly unusual. Everyone knows that "zombies" aren't real, and if they were, they would be resistant to extreme cold. Perhaps, these creatures were a product of our collective imagination and vanished when we chose to think of other things.

Whatever the cause of the snow, it probably isn't the castle made of ice in the middle of the park, and we should just ignore it and pretend it isn't there until it isn't.

In any case, it would probably be a good idea to wear a heavy jacket. And maybe some gloves and a scarf. And be careful on that ice. I hear there may be snow plows soon. If that's the case, I pray everyone will be safe from those murderous beasts. Snow plows, after all, are simply winter's equivalent of streetcleaners, and everyone knows the dangers of those.

Also, I'm making hot chocolate. With extra cumin, guajillo chilies, and extra nutmeg. I love nutmeg, and not just for it's poisonous nature and hallucinogenic properties. Anyway, the hot chocolate should be wonderful. Just like my mother used to make it. I think. I don't actually remember my mother, so I am largely working on assumptions here. But, you know what they say. If you can't assume things about your dead relatives, who can you?

Oh! And, this is very exciting. Khoshekh and his kittens are here. They appeared via portal in one of the spare bedrooms this afternoon. Carlos, of course, has to avoid the room, because of his allergies, but so far everything is fine. Khoshekh and the kittens are hovering in the air at various heights and seem very happy with their new home.

Sep. 23rd, 2014


Well, that certainly wasn't fun.

I haven't had something like that happen since the last time I got laryngitis.

What day is it?

Sep. 10th, 2014


My husband is gone.
It's like he just blinked out of existence.
This place is the worst.

Jun. 16th, 2014


Carlos and I are finally married. I'm now, officially, Cecil Gershwin Palmer-TheScientistMendoza. And I have to say, I could not be happier.

The ceremony was lovely, even if there was some confusion over the incorporation of bloodstone circles. Dana, Amy, it was so great having the both of you there.

We went for pie at the diner, rather than having a reception. Then Carlos and I did what all married couples do. We went out to the park to stare into the void and scream in existential terror. And that was beautiful, because in that moment we were terrified together. And then we had sex. Because obviously. I mean can you blame me? Have you seen Carlos? And he's my husband now!

It was wonderful. And it will continue to be wonderful because how could it possibly ever cease to be so.

Jun. 15th, 2014


Today is the day Cecil and I are going to be married.

I am not nearly as good with words as he is but I feel like I need to say something. When I came to Nightvale, the place that we're from, I was just going there to work. I never expected to fall in love with the town and I definitely never expected to find the man i want to spend my life with.

I am beyond happy.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


I'm getting married in two weeks!

I'm so excited. I've been marking every day off my calendar. I know that's silly, since time isn't real, and concepts like "days" and "weeks" are really relative. Still, I'm really excited about the eventuality.

I mean, I'm sure everyone already knows this. I might have mentioned it once or twice a broadcast on the radio. But it's still nice to say it here.

( Carlos )
How is my perfect and wonderful fiance today?

Apr. 18th, 2014


Honestly, I rarely miss home. I miss Nightvale more than where I was born oddly enough. My mother always encouraged me to go off and see the world. I always knew she'd be there when I needed her. Easter time is different though. Easter is her favorite holiday. I kept meaning to go back for it, was going to bring Cecil, but I guess that's not going to happen.

I wish there was a way to let her know I was alright at least. I guess I'll have to settle for celebrating Easter in her honor.

Apr. 15th, 2014


We'll be having a spring open house at the library this week. There will be extra books for sale to raise money and there will also be snacks. In addition, there will be applications for anyone interested in jobs here. Everyone is more than welcome to come.

I've been told there are some people in town who are afrai wary of librarians. I promise that I don't mean anyone any harm. I just really love books and want to encourage everyone to appreciate them. I hope we'll see some people there this weekend.

Apr. 1st, 2014


This doesn't even make the top ten list for weirdest things to happen to me this week. That makes me reconsider my life choices.

Anyway, hi. I'm Alcatraz and I break things. Way to sound like you're at AA, self

Feb. 17th, 2014


Has it truly only been a day? It feels like so much longer.

But then, I suppose that as much as it's been a day, it's also been six and a half months.

Well, all of that is assuming that time is real, and we all know it isn't. Still, this is almost as bad as that time that eons on the subway turned out to only be four minutes.

It was nice to go home, though I find I strangely missed this place in some ways. Night Vale certainly has its charms, namely Carlos, but I really do like it here even though this place rarely makes any sort of sense.

Feb. 16th, 2014


This place is real. Really actually real.

Cecil? Are you here? Please say you're here.


Cecil is gone. I went by to see if he wanted to get lunch and he's gone.

Hopefully, he's back with Carlos. I know he missed him.

Jan. 31st, 2014


I was trying to think of ways to explain Valentine's Day traditions outside of Nightvale to my boyfriend but some of them are just as bizarre. Not as violent but just as bizarre. Such as....

In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a prospective suitor. If the gift is kept, then it means she has accepted his proposal of marriage

If a guy buys you some nice shoes on Valentine's day, ladies, make sure to ask him if he's trying to propose or just thinks you'd look nice in them.

Jan. 22nd, 2014




My name is Carlos and I believe you spoke to my boyfriend Cecil about Valentine's Day earlier. I just wanted to clear something up for you. Cecil comes from a very unique little town called Nightvale. It's where we met. Their holiday customs are much different than ours. No one eats hearts for Valentine's Day here. Valentine's Day is a holiday for showing people how much you love them but outside of Nightvale, most people choose to do that with flowers, candy, gifts of somesort, dates. Little things.

Cecil didn't mean to distress you if he did. He always means well. He's just learning how things work outside of our home.


Some days I really do miss Dana. Most days, honestly.

( carlos )
Carlos, my love, I have to people outside Night Vale not consume one another's hearts for Valentine's Day.

I only ask because I'll need to think of a different gift for you if that's the case.

Also, I might have distressed someone.

Dec. 21st, 2013


It's really beginning to feel like Christmas around here. I can practically smell that mix of gingerbread, mulled wine and existential despair that calls to mind the season.

I do wonder if, given the barriers surrounding the town, Santa Claus will show up. Not, of course, that the real Santa Claus is a jolly old man who comes bringing gifts. Everyone knows Santa Claus is really a drugged-up government bear used as an experiment by the CIA. Still, it's very much a part of Christmas, and it wouldn't be the same without Santa.

Speaking of Christmas, darling Carlos, would you like to go to this ball with me? I'm not sure which of us should wear the dress, but I'm open to either way.

Nov. 10th, 2013


It's funny. Or not funny, really.

I think I miss Dana more than I did when she was trapped in the Dog Park and then in a house that didn't actually exist and then possibly not existing herself. Maybe because then I'd gotten used to her being gone but knowing she was okay. And now I'd gotten used to her being back and she's gone again and I'm not used to it any more and I don't know if she's okay. I hope she's okay.

Who knows. Maybe she's back in Night Vale and once again existing in the correct alignment of space and time. Or maybe she died horribly. I suppose anything is possible.

Oct. 24th, 2013


As lovely as my boyfriend was as a woman, I am rather glad that he is back to being himself. This town really is as strange as Nightvale and I mean that in a good way.

Anyway, Halloween is coming up. I'm excited to see what this place has in store for us all.

Oct. 5th, 2013


Well, this is a little unexpected. Usually you have to fill out paperwork for this kind of thing, or at least receive some kind of advanced notice.

I'm reminded of high school. We were encouraged to swap bodies with classmates of the opposite gender to promote better understanding of one another. It was very successful. Maybe that's what's going on here.

( Carlos )
This won't be inconvenient, will it, my darling Carlos? I know that you didn't sign up for dating a woman, or rather someone currently possessing a female body and the things that entails, but I like to think our relationship is more about what's on the inside. And I really feel that my internal organs are largely similar to how they were before. Especially my heart, which is - as always - yours. We really should talk about trading them so you can keep mine. I know it's a big step, but I really feel like we have something special Now probably isn't the time for that kind of discussion

( Dana )
Can I borrow some clothes? Also, can we go shopping?

Sep. 17th, 2013


Since I promised my boyfriend that I would stay away from the portals, I was wondering if anyone might have a photograph of one? I realize this sounds like a strange request but I'd like to see one. I'd like to see if it appears as the border around the town does.

Also, I have an interview at the college and one at the high school for a teaching position. Hopefully, I will be employed soon. I'm not good at sitting around.

Aug. 13th, 2013


You know that you've become far too used to strange when a perfectly lovely normal town is unsettling normal. Hello! I'm Carlos...There wouldn't happen to be a Cecil here? Handsome man, lovely voice?