September 2016




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Sep. 28th, 2013


What is a pirate's favorite letter, you say? You may think it is R, but his first love is the C.

[Private to Beth Greene]

I think some sister time is in order.

[Private to Daryl Dixon]

Would you like to have some drinks again? I promise no funny business this time. I just... feel the need for some drinks.

Sep. 13th, 2013


[Voice Post]

Three people have dropped pots onto my feet this week. If you cannot walk through a place without crashing about like a charging bull, you should not be allowed into a shop with breakable wares. And if you cannot control your children, then keep them at home until they develop manners or control over their limbs. I am tired of sweeping.

I find myself profoundly disturbed to say this, but I miss Varric's stories. There is a television on in the back room at all times. The owner tells me that it is playing soap operas. The quality of the stories they tell are somehow much less coherent than anything Varric invents.


So this game I'm supposed to be from. I looked it up and...


This is my life and there's me in my small clothes and steamy bits! And that's just the game. This fan fiction...Marker's breath what is wrong with these people?

I'm going back to staying at The Hanged Man. This world is just to cruel. Give me Darkspawn over 'fans'.

Sep. 5th, 2013


You know, most of the fashions here are boring or impractical.

Lingerie, however, now that is fun.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


This place is certainly not where I expected to end up after the leaving the Deep Roads. I would have assumed transportation to a realm other than the Fade was beyond the abilities of magic.

Aug. 27th, 2013


So, I found the story ... game ... thing based on me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it, though. It's supposed to do something to the television machine? But it's just sitting here not doing anything. I can't even read it. It's just shiny.

Aug. 22nd, 2013


This place is quite enjoyable. I have applied at the Arts and Crafts store for a job. I've never had a job before. Unless you count traveling with Hawke. But I didn't get paid. Though we did get money sometimes.

I'm quite excited about having the job though. I will make lots of pretty arts and crafts. Mostly for Fenris because he is so grumpy, I think he could use some cheering up.

If anyone else needs cheering up, I would be happy to help! I like cheering people up.

Aug. 15th, 2013


Unintentional post

What do you mean I just touch the screen and say whatever I want?

[ There's the slight sound of shuffling and muttering for a moment.]



((Voice Post))

I have been given a job. It is not what I expected, but it is not taxing. And it smells better than most places I have spent time in before this town. They do not allow weapons behind the counter, though. They would never have survived a week without having their inventory and profits robbed, in Kirkwall.

Aug. 8th, 2013


All these dogs running about and not a single a mabari war hound to be seen. It's quite disappointing really. Especially when I had the misfortune to have one of these stray dogs hump my leg. A mabari would never do something so undignified. Roll in nug poop, sure. Hump a leg, never.

Aug. 1st, 2013


Tomorrow will be what you all refer to as a Friday, which means you'll be let out of work in preparation for a relaxing weekend.

Conveniently enough, tomorrow night is also the grand opening of the new tavern, The Hanged Man. Call it destiny, convenience, or excellent planning, it doesn't matter. Come and join us for a night of debauchery frivolity and good company!

Also, you shall all have the utmost pleasure of hearing the bard, Leliana, entertain. It's certainly not something to be missed.

[Jo Harvelle, Captain Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, & Jessica Hamby]
Please come an hour or so before opening so we can have a small chat about how the evening go.
I had a thought today.

You and me.

The bar counter.

I don't feel like it needs further elaboration.
I know you were rather helpful with helping this project of Hook's and mine come together. If there's anything I can do to return the favor, you let me know.


Today is my birthday.

I don't know that I'll be throwing any kind of grand celebration, but some pie at Granny's wouldn't go amiss.


[Hermione Granger]
Hi! You don't know me, but I'm a HUGE fan of yours.

So it would seem that we're roommates. Not the worst thing that's happened, I got to say. You're a lot hotter in the flesh than a video game.

Jul. 29th, 2013


Voice Recorder (Active)

› User posted via MS Paint.

Jul. 28th, 2013


Voice Post

Oh well isn't this something? Hello? Is this thing on? Look at all these clothes that people are wearing. How do they protect themselves? Goodness.

I don't think this is working how they showed me but I.. [some banging and crashing noises as if the device is dropped.]