September 2016




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May. 3rd, 2015


The last time I was in Maine, I got seafood, rug burn, and third degree burns. I'd say not necessarily in that order, but I think that was how it went.

So far, this is proving a little different. The nuns are a nice touch. Not so crazy about how there's no exit sign, but nothing's perfect.

Nice to meet you, Storybrooke.

Aug. 5th, 2014


Grace insists that communicating with everyone, new arrivals included, will be good for me. After hearing about that incident with the grenade I'm sure we're better off keeping to ourselves.

Jun. 17th, 2014


Anyone feel like sparring? I'm in the mood.

Jun. 4th, 2014


I would kill for some Sun-dollar coffee, or a Zesti Cola.

May. 11th, 2014


So. I think everyone just needs to chill for a bit. It's practically summer. Who's up for a beach party/picnic?

May. 8th, 2014


Lots of people talking about missing things lately. It's sort of timely, since next week would have been my girlfriend's birthday. (Again - her actual 26th birthday was only a few months ago, for me. I thought I'd have longer before the 'firsts' started It's actually only been a few weeks) I feel very... removed, like everything happened in a dream. I don't know if that makes any sense.

How deep do the woods go before you can't walk any further?

May. 5th, 2014


I hate technology. Why do people keep insisting on me using technology for everything. What happened to going to the local bar and having a few drinks as a way to get to know people? Now it's all interwhatsis this and online that. Even fighting crime online now...thankfully that's what my partner is for. But even she insists on this technology stuff.

Where's a girl to get some civilian clothes, and a cheeseburger around here? Somehow running around in my uniform just seems like a bad idea.