September 2016




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Nov. 6th, 2014


I am so sorry everyone. I did not mean for this to happen. I was simply overwhelmed by my sudden relocation.

I promise, the snow and ice will go away in a few days. I really hope that I have not caused anyone too much trouble.

My name is Elsa.

Jul. 23rd, 2014


Would law enforcement be against using the Force against the one who refers to himself as Deadpool?

...what about anyone else?

Jul. 11th, 2014


Who does magic here, please?

Is there lots of different types? Can people from one place not learn magic from somewhere else?

Jun. 30th, 2014


I truly am I awake at all hours of the night these days. I'm glad I let Anakin talk me out of getting a job. As tiring as it is to take care of the twins I couldn't imagine being away from them just yet. Nor do I think I could juggle a job and the twins. I applaud anyone who is capable of that. I haven't figured out the balance yet. Once they get older, however, I plan on looking into a job. Senator doesn't translate very well into a skill set.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


It's... surreal to be the only one from my world here. I have a couple friends that I made when I was brought here, but I miss everyone from home. It's hard to keep my head up, sometimes.

Who else here is the only one from their world? Maybe we should start a club.

May. 28th, 2014


Luke and Leia were born yesterday morning.

I'm scared.

They're wonderful and healthy and so is Padme.

Apr. 15th, 2014


We'll be having a spring open house at the library this week. There will be extra books for sale to raise money and there will also be snacks. In addition, there will be applications for anyone interested in jobs here. Everyone is more than welcome to come.

I've been told there are some people in town who are afrai wary of librarians. I promise that I don't mean anyone any harm. I just really love books and want to encourage everyone to appreciate them. I hope we'll see some people there this weekend.


I don't understand How am I ali Is this another tear Elizabe

So, from what they tell me, there was a tear portal, and this place is called Storybrooke.

Is there a young woman here named Elizabeth? It's important that I find her.

Apr. 11th, 2014


I am not sure how I have been in Storybrooke for this long and have just now discovered the wonderfulness that is bacon on a cheeseburger.

Darcy, I blame you for my lack of knowledge in this department.

And what is the procedure for when a woman gives birth here? I am not exactly sure when Padme is due to have the children, but I would like to know what is done here, when that time comes.

Mar. 12th, 2014


[ accidental voice post ]

--Please! You don't understand. I need to leave. I don't want to hurt you, any of you! I can't control this. I've never been able to. Please, just, stay away!

I need go. Please, just, let me leave. I don't want to cause an eternal winter here too! Arendelle was enough. Anna was enough. Why am I even saying all of this? Just stay away from me! For your own safety.