September 2016




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Jul. 25th, 2016


Talking with Anakin got me thinking about scary movies. I want to know what everyone's favorite scary movie is. It doesn't have to be straight up horror, just whatever scares you most but in that good way.

[Filtered to Archer]
Come watch scary movies with me so I can curl up and hide behind you when they get too scary, please.

Apr. 26th, 2016


I need a ship and rum.

Who's with me?

Nov. 21st, 2015


Seeing as I'm in Storybrooke again and my stash of rum appears to be gone....


I require my job at The Hanged Man again.

Is this acceptable?

Feb. 23rd, 2015


So, I was reading some posts and thinking about things and had an idea. I could be way off base but would anyone be interested in a computer class? Just make it a little easier to navigate new technology.

Feb. 17th, 2015


Has anyone watched their movie or television show? Because it's on all the time and I


I am getting far too used to weird things happening to me.

Magic Portals.


How do I get home?

Feb. 9th, 2015


So...portals. That's new. And different. But I'm kind of getting a lot of new and different lately, so I guess it's also kind of...not different.

Is it wrong that I think this is kind of cool? I mean. It is. Cool. Right? Someone else has to think this is cool.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


This place is magnficent! It has so many shops, so many types of cocoa and milk! So many kinds of drinks. I have found one named tequila. It's almost as good at the stuff back home. So many kinds of ale! And everything is in one place! Most amusing.

However the doors are short and very narrow. Was this place built only for the smaller races?

I am called The Iron Bull, and yes, the horns are real. I really need to find some horn balm.

Jan. 11th, 2015


So, magic city comes with wi-fi. That updating fairy tale trend isn't gonna die off any time soon, is it?

A fairy nun just gave me a phone and a heads up there's people here I know, so ... someone want to explain the nun thing? And the magic and fairy would be good too, but the nun threw me first.

Jan. 5th, 2015


I know some of the stories here. I've heard before, but I haven't. And you can talk from faraway on this. It carries through electricity. Like magic.

It makes noises like clicking when you push letters. I like that.

Some of the people here walked out of stories into a world that's more real to people here, and less to them. I wish Varric was here. Maybe he could meet his stories and see them the way he does in his head.

What is ice cream? A woman with her heart in pieces told me I should have some when I said he still cared.

Hello people whose faces I know. And people whose faces I don't know. The faces don't matter so much, but it's nice to see the same ones sometimes.

Dec. 30th, 2014


Does this town never get tired of balls and group affairs? There's always such a potent potential for disaster at work, you'd think it would put us all off the idea. Not that I'm complaining about the amount of cleavage and finery usually on display at such things, but still. Practicality.

Since she's forever cast in harbor as it is, I think I'll start work on modernizing the Jolly Roger a bit - bring a touch of the modern world to an old magic ship for the next time whim sends us off to another world. Anyone care to help?

Nov. 4th, 2014


If I had any doubt of this not being the Caribbean, they have now been dispelled.

Who wants rum?

Oct. 13th, 2014


I hate this radio contraption.

It plays such catchy songs.

Sep. 25th, 2014


Yeah, um, where?

So, I'm used to going to strange places, but mostly voluntarily. Gotta admit this is a little different. I was doing things, but I guess I'm here for now.

I'm Dairine Callahan, from New York City, and I have no clue how I'm here.

This is the first computer I've used that hasn't talked back in a while, so I guess that's nice.


Is anyone interested in fishing?

I’ve been making hooks, and… well, there’s quite a lot. I’m not sure even me and Finnick could lose them all. So… I just mean, if anyone wants them, they’re more than welcome…

Sep. 13th, 2014


I have just learned Jessica is gone.

This will not do.

Who wants to have rum?


Morning! Me again.

Who's still about, then?


I do not wish to be kidnapped any more. But I do wish to have waffles. I have not had waffles in a long time.

Aug. 20th, 2014


I need more rum.

Who wants to watch a movie called Reservoir Dogs with me?


I'm thinking of buying a horse as a one year anniversary of being here present for myself. Can you buy horses here?

Aug. 19th, 2014


Do you ever wonder what you're like in other universes? Like, I fully accept that I may not exist in most of them but what about the ones that I do? Am I still just Hacker IT Girl Felicity? Am I the vigilante? A villain? Maybe I'm dead or still in Vegas, maybe I'm married with kids.

This post brought to you by Felicity Smoak's caffeine addiction keeping her up.

Jul. 30th, 2014


So, okay. We have a big block party coming up. Help a girl out - who's single? Who's cute?

And who is basically not even/would be evil if they were not bored?

Jul. 25th, 2014


So, I get it. The seafood is good, and the living is clean. And apparently you send grenades for fun (which, whatever, not judging) ... but I have a couple of questions:
A) The wireless signal sucks, so where's the hardware store?
B) Does anybody have some fiber-optic cable? If not, how about a staple gun?
C) So there aren't any baddies to fight? Just people hanging out, going to sock hops and singing "Greased Lighting" ... ? (Don't lie. I heard you.)

Jul. 24th, 2014


backdated to the explosion - in case it is needed!

What the hell was that boom?

Jul. 11th, 2014


I miss traveling. Storybrooke is great and all. Really, it is, but I miss seeing new places. Hoping in the TARDIS on my bike and just -- going.

If anyone's interested? I was thinking of heading out to the beach over the weekend. I'm pretty sure I'll melt if I stay inside my apartment any longer.


My dear, sweet Jessica.

Where have you been?

And why is the rum gone?

Jul. 7th, 2014


What. The. Actual. Hell.


Greetings, I am Thor, of Asgard, Son of Odin.

Though such a means was not how I had intended to return, I suppose the good fortune means I should be without complaint. Instead I find myself quite thankful that I have landed among such a considerate group of people, people who have informed me that this device will connect me to many of the others of you who have ended here the same as I?

Perhaps then there might be one of you here who could point me in the direction of your delicacy known as pancakes? I find them to be the best choice, when one is forced to deal with a sudden and unexpected arrival in any realm. Your assistance would be most appreciated.


I know that it was Ruby's idea, originally, but the more I think on it, the more I like the thought of doing a town-wide block party.  Who would like to help me plan the event?  (Ruby, I'm already counting you!)

Jun. 28th, 2014


Bo is gone. Which sucks, because I have no maid of honor. ...Not that I was planning a super fancypants wedding where I go bridezilla on everyone anyway, but still sucks.

Oh well.

Hey Hale can we elope and then just drink a lot with our friends until we can't remember anything the next day? Because that sounds like my kind of wedding.


Sam Merlotte what have you done with my rum I do not approve.

....why's the rum gone.


So now that I'm no longer frowning over disappeared crew members and pretty blonde scientists this is a warning that I'm probably going to start hitting on everything that moves again. And is of legal age. I mean, luckily, I'm spending my time between a couple of bars because... gorgeous pirates.

Jun. 23rd, 2014


( Jessica Hamby )

Would you care to come over tonight, my love?

Jun. 18th, 2014


OMG, seriously? How many times are they going to drag me here? I don't even remember that last time.

Alright. Roll call! Lizzie, Darcy, Molly, Jack; where you at? Please tell me you are here still.

Jun. 9th, 2014


I miss the Pearl.

But at least there's rum here.

Jun. 3rd, 2014


Of all the effing places I could have been teleported to... why Maine?

No offense to the people who actually live here.

Even though I'm honestly aghast to think that anyone would choose to live here.

I suppose it's cute and picturesque in that small town sort of way, if you like that kind of thing.

Where can I get a drink around here? Please tell me there are clubs here. Or at least a bar?

Oh fuck me. How will I live without drink?

May. 30th, 2014


Okay. So definitely not in Valhalla.

Hale? They said you were here, but I don't want it to not be true, I can't deal with it not being true right now.

'Sup, Storybrooke?

May. 15th, 2014


If this had happened to me a few months ago, I'd be inclined to believe that I've gone mad, but all things considered, I do believe what Has just been explained to me. My question now, however, is, what do we do now? I've found my way to the apartment that has been assigned to me, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself now.

I almost forgot, my name is Percy Weasley.


As the Sheriff, I can't actually hit someone without an actual reason right? It's like the temperature going up has caused people's brains to shut down.

If I ask you about your world and the people in it, would any of you answer truthfully?

I think I'm going home. This paperwork can wait. I need a nap, a bath, and to spend time with my son and husband. Not necessarily in that order. Please don't do anything horrible for the next couple of hours.


I need a new roommate.

Edit: And I need a drink.

( Felicity )

Please make sure he doesn't do drugs. And try not to hurt him.

May. 6th, 2014


Sorry. Does anyone know of there's anywhere to swim here?

I... I really miss it.

May. 3rd, 2014


I am too low on rum for my liking.

I must remedy this problem.

( Kenzi )

Would you care to join me for some consumption of rum?


On first impression this place seems completely insane and I'm fairly sure I don't have to describe all the reasons why. But I've just read backwards about two weeks on the network, and if I sort of look past everything else, it's actually very, very normal. It's a bit comforting, really, like the biggest changes to get used to will be not living in a city and having to meet new people instead of... well. (I'm about 95% certain I will change my mind as soon as I'm actually confronted, in person, with my eyes, by magic or superheroes or something, instead of just reading about them. Also I'm trying to mentally revise my categorisation of various books and things to "documentary" and I think it's a bit of a work in progress.)

At least I might almost have a job, fingers crossed, will find out soon. Incidentally a lot of people are talking about getting pets for a place where you can randomly disappear without warning. Which is probably another thing to try to get my head around. Seems like I can either plan for the long term just in case or just... exist, and I'm not sure how to weigh up the pros and cons for either.

Apr. 28th, 2014


I can't be the only person looking forward to May and hopefully warm weather. Am I?

[Jack Sparrow]

I know I haven't said it before but I'm glad you're back. The Hanged Man wasn't the same without you.

[Sookie Stackhouse]

I know I've been working a lot and not around much and I'm really sorry about that. What do you say we do something fun next time we have the same day off to make up for it? Just the two of us unless you have somebody you want to ask to come along. I suck at this shit don't I?

Apr. 8th, 2014


Well that game backfired and just made me depressed.

Who wants to go out and get drunk? No one who's going to be sappy or in a relationship. Cause fuck that.

Apr. 7th, 2014


I am in need of someone teaching me how to use the Science Oven.

I will trade rum for this knowledge.


The whole of the house smells like something that would be used as poyson poison on an assasin's blade, but my room is no longer the color of cheep leather. It is an improvement.

There are very few fights at the Hanged Man. I feel as if the name should be changed, as it holds nothing in comon with its namesake, save for Isabela's rear being eternally perched before the bar. There are even parts of the floor that are not stained with blood. I didn't know that was possible.

Mar. 15th, 2014


So, it's official. I am a business owner.

Smoak Securities is properly set up. Papers signed, office leased. Not bad for a sidekick. It's going to be weird being the boss but I really don't need many employees. I work pretty well alone.

What we do is install high tech security systems and maintain them. I'd give you references but they are back home. So I will say that I've been keeping the fact that my boss, Oliver Queen, is the Starling City Vigilante a secret for over a year.

Now, I want pie.

Mar. 11th, 2014


I miss my butler, Jervis. And having lots of money to shop. I hate admitting that because it's not something I'd normally do ~ the shopping part at least.

Also apart from dogs and cats, the animals in this world are really boring and less intelligent than most Pokemon. Yet the trainers here are still getting mauled and bitten on a constant basis.

And I can't cook.


(accidental) Voice Post

What is this device?! Come back here mortal and tell me who dares kidnap the daughter of Thor!!?

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