September 2016




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Oct. 8th, 2014


I've been designing some new dresses lately. I had to do something when I lost my powers, and I just haven't stopped. Right now, all I have are drawings, but hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on the materials and such to start actually making them soon.

And yes, one of those may or may not be a wedding dress. Not for me, of course. But for a friend...if I actually am making one. I'm not saying for sure.

Sep. 12th, 2014


Huh. This place again. Jess, Logan, Steve, Bruce? You guys still here?

Also, I can't fly. I didn't get another brain lesion again did I? Because I will be so pissed.


This... isn't the Diamond.

I've finally snapped, haven't I?

Whatever this is it isn't my fault.

Avengers Assemble?

Sep. 10th, 2014


Okay. I'm going to take not having my powers and do something constructive.

If I wanted to say, start a business, how would I go about doing that? Say...a fashion line?


This is the first time in my life where I am grateful for the mucking about in my genetics my dad did.

Today I have:
- Gotten tired on a run.
- Tripped on the run.
- Had to have Clint help me carry groceries

And I have a bruise.

Now I'm grumpy and I want a bath. I miss my powers.

Aug. 27th, 2014


Hello, Storybrooke! Nice little town here, I gotta say. Very picturesque. Seriously, it's giving me warm feelings for some hot chocolate right now, even if it is a billion degrees out right now.

Now before, I forget my manners, introductions. I'm Janet Van Dyne, Avenger and fashion designer extraodinaire. Also, speaking of Avengers, I saw some names on this thing that looked pretty familiar to me. Hi guys!