September 2016




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Sep. 15th, 2013


This isn't happening. I've been drugged and kidnapped and I did NOT come through a magic portal because that can not happen at all

Would someone mind possibly telling me where I can find a local coffee shop? Please let there be one

Jul. 31st, 2013


I feel as though I should be following a rabbit in a waistcoat, but given the things I've overheard people calling each other, not to mention the welcoming committee, I wouldn't be surprised if he's around here somewhere. If only in a less anthropomorphic form.

Also, with the mutterings of magic and portals, I see no sense in keeping tight-lipped on my own issues. Peter Hale. Werewolf, recovering sociopath, and current babysitter to a gaggle of clueless teens. Speaking of... Any of you about?

Jul. 26th, 2013


This place is bloody absolutely brilliant!!!

Especially these deVICESvices! There's so much around here I never thought of at all.


I used to love summer. The heat, the trips to the lake, the barbeques, going to the pool, all that stuff. Now every time I step outside, I'm just like "ugh, everything about this is terrible, why is this happening to me?"

Jess, sweetie, just let me know if I'm keeping the apartment too oppressively cold. If it starts to drive you nuts, I can just get a window unit for my room.

Related: I worked with the boss and got a specialty drink added to our otherwise unpretentious menu - the Fresh Berry Daiquiri. I made my own sweet berry puree, added ice and rum, threw it in a blender, and it turned out beautiful. All you afternoon drinkers should come have one while it's all stupid hot and I'm working the early shift.