September 2016




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Dec. 3rd, 2013


[Filtered to George Weasley]

Can we hire a girl named Cora to help out at the shop occasionally?

Nov. 12th, 2013


[Filtered to George Weasley]

Will you go get me some tequila? I have to watch a few movies, and I have a feeling that some tequila is in order.

Nov. 9th, 2013


Filter: Fred; Angelina can read, too
Got the official approval to open up a shop here. Let's go out and celebrate.
Weasley Wizarding Wheezes: coming soon to a space near you. You may all rejoice accordingly.

Oct. 24th, 2013


Here's the saddest story you'll ever hear. Because of the fact that I've been finding not only this whole displacement completely mad and I'm just going to skip over the part where Fred is here and very much not dead and figuring out that this whole thing has actually put me into a completely different year, I pretty much almost missed that my birthday was coming up.

As in it's today.

I told you it was a sad story.

What I've decided however is to find the best pub -- as in the one with the best beers -- and have myself a few drinks. Considering that I'm missing a few close friends, I welcome virtually any and everyone to join me. Unless you're a complete twat. Then you can just stay away.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


You know, I like being me again, but I sort of miss having tits.

Oct. 21st, 2013


I don't get to listen to Amy's radio show all the time, because sometimes I'm just too busy at the hospital, but when I do happen to catch it, I can't help but smile a bit. And I know she's going to tease me about this, but I don't care.

Oct. 5th, 2013


This...this is new. Not unpleasant.

This is Dean.

I'm apparently now a girl.

And I didn't do anything. I swear.


Er, what?

Fairly sure I didn't have the same bits when I went to sleep last night.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


It looks like I was worried about the wrong thing. I should have been worried more about passing Trigonometry thank Merlin I had the textbook right next to me than learning how to help James take care of our son. He keeps saying I'm a natural and he must be right. Taking care of Harry is easy compared to this homework

Does anyone know anything about Trigonometry? I thought going to primary school before Hogwarts would make school here easier. I should be more used to muggle classes than this And might be willing to help me get a better grasp on it?

I'm Lily by the way. Lily Evans.

[Private to James]
I miss how things are at home with us I wish I was your age here I burnt the cake I was trying to bake for dessert so maybe you can pick something up on the way home for us to eat after dinner? I didn't burn that at least.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


Just so everyone knows, I am a metamorphmagus.

So if you know me, and someone you don't recognize approaches you and acts like he knows you...

Deal with it.


[Voice to Text]

mother sameles tits

how did i cross into aeginea without realizing it

Oct. 1st, 2013


Well, this isn't at all how I expected my day to go...

Sep. 15th, 2013


whaoddsfvfd wdskfdf df fjkdjs