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Jan. 31st, 2014


For The Under 21 Crowd

P3 will be having a party for everyone under 21 on Friday, February 14th. Singles and couples are welcome, and all drinks and snacks will be 1/2 off until midnight. We'll be opening at six.

Jan. 30th, 2014


You know, life's a boring when people aren't trying to kill you.

Jan. 18th, 2014


Phoebe's got P3 running really well, I was thinking while the club is closed during the daytime hours I could host some cooking classes. Is anyone interested in either learning or helping teach?


I've seen a lot of people worry about cooking, especially baking, but maybe the club can double up, and give us more to do.

I don't really know what to do with myself without Leo fighting demons daily.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Filtered: Phoebe Halliwell
So, Valentines Day is pretty much the most useless holiday ever, but I was thinking we should have some kind of party or something. Could bring in some good money for the club, right? What do you think?

Jan. 7th, 2014


[Blocked from Storybrooke Officials and Fairytale Folk]
Hey...does anyone know if the curfew thing is still in effect? I haven't heard anything but I have no idea if the witch mayor has eased up on the rules any?

[Filtered to Fred Weasley]
Question for you my magical friend. I miss the old dance club I went to back home. They don't have anything like that here except those silly youth center things. Is there a way to set something up that no authorities could see? I mean if the mayor hasn't lightened up on all the rules.

Does anyone know if that P3 club is for like 18 and younger? I'm doubting it but I figure it would be worth a shot.

[Filtered to Serena Killingsworth]
I want to dance. I miss Planet Bang. So. Much.

[Filtered to Tim Drake]
So the ball was fun. I had a good time. We should hang out again.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Filtered to Phoebe Halliwell
Hello. My name is Katherine Pierce. I have heard that you are in the process of opening a club and that you might be looking for help. I don't have a lot of experience working, but I can be charming when I need to be and I mix an excellent drink. And I need a job. Do you still have some openings? God, this would be so much easier if I could just compel

Dec. 6th, 2013


I'm opening a dance club, P3, that caters especially to those residents of town that are Under 21.

Adults are always welcome, too, but the club will mostly be for the underage people to have a place to go. There will be dancing, karaoke nights and we'll even be serving a small menu of items. There will be no alcohol at all.

However, I'm looking for some employees since I can't run P3 all by myself.

I need at least one more bartender, a couple of waitresses, a cook or two, a doorman and at least two bouncers.

Let me know if you're interested.

Nov. 15th, 2013


It's always been my experience that alcohol is a good way to drown your sorrows. I also know that you should not drink alone.

So, anyone want to meet up for a drinking night -- or if you don't like crowds, we can hang out in my apartment.

Nov. 1st, 2013


This is usually my favorite time of year, but I just keep losing my loved ones here.

Oct. 30th, 2013


Gearing up for another Halloween. I got buckets of candy.

Sep. 20th, 2013


Okay, I've been here long enough. I need an OB doctor. Is there anyone who has that sort of experience?

[Filtered Paige & Phoebe]

Prue's disappearance has been hard on me. I'm sorry I haven't been very talkative to either of you. I've been really scared too that either of you will leave or something's wrong with the baby. And I know that I need to talk to the both of you about these sorts of things. If I find a doctor, will both of you go to the appointment with me?

Aug. 22nd, 2013


This message is mostly for the teenagers around, but also for their parents and guardians so that you know what's up.

Hi, I'm Paige Matthews. I'm going to be joining Kitty's staff as a counselor, and I just want you all to know that you can come to me with anything you need or want to talk about. It's kinda my job to help people, and I'll do what I can to help any of you who needs something, whether it's help in picking the right classes or just a shoulder to lean on.

[Piper & Phoebe]
How'd it go? Is it safe to Does she want t

Aug. 18th, 2013


Apparently I'm in Maine? Storybrooke, Maine? Really? Storybrooke? That's just --

It's been explained to me but it's just not quite clicking. I'm pretty intelligent but my brain just isn't really processing this.

The only thing I can think of is that this must be some sort of plot by the source. Or maybe Cole?
Whatever. I need to find my sisters. I don't know if they are here. Maybe they were sent somewhere else?

Anything is possible with magic. There has to be a way back home.


Why isn't he answering me?


Aug. 1st, 2013


Well, this isn't the weirdest thing that has happened to me, but it's close to being there.

Piper? Paige? I don't suppose that the two of you are here, too?