September 2016




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Jun. 11th, 2016


It is supposed to be summer, right? I looked at the forecast for this weekend and unless I read it wrong the weather is sorta awful. Anyone have any suggestions for things to do that don't involve going outside apart from the regular watching Netflix.

May. 25th, 2016


Guess this place wasn't a dream then?

Rose, Jill, Adrian? You guys still here?

May. 28th, 2015


So where's the fun to be had around here? A girl can't live off spirits alone.

.... well, I suppose she could, but that's not the point!

Someone may or may not have found a policewoman outfit while shopping today. It's not like my old outfit, but there are handcuffs! And... I may have already accidentally handcuffed myself. Could you find me the keys? They are surprisingly strong for fake cuffs!

May. 20th, 2015


This place kinda grows on you.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


Now that I am feeling a little more like my usual self, I want to thank whoever it was who got me to the hospital when I arrived.* My memory is still kind of fuzzy, so I'm sorry I don't remember your name, but I really appreciate you helping me.

For everyone else, hi, I'm Jill! I'm 16 years old I think and I grew up near Detroit, Michigan. This whole thing still feels kind of unreal, but I guess I should be grateful to the portal thing for getting me out of a pretty bad situation. The doctors have cleared me to start school on Monday, so I guess I'll be seeing some of you there.

Apr. 17th, 2015



Apr. 8th, 2015


( Filtered to Adrian Ivashkov )
You missed my birthday, by the way. You should probably think about how you're going to make it up to me.

Apr. 7th, 2015


I'm told I should introduce myself. Good thing I'm not antisocial, really.

Hi, I'm Adrian. I just arrived. And, already been tackle hugged by the only person I know here.

But, I have a very important question. Where's the best bar?

[Little Dhampir]

Unless you want to do something else?

Oct. 31st, 2014


Perfect excuse for a zombie movie marathon, y/y?

Purely for research, of course.

Even you can't argue that, Sage.

Oct. 25th, 2014


I just bought a few books on the history of Maine, while I know a good amount of it, I realized I’m living in a state that I actually didn’t know as much about as some other states. Now all I need is a good big cup of coffee and a comfy chair.

Don’t laugh, you are now going to learn all about Maine with me.

Oct. 4th, 2014


[Filtered to Adrian & Lissa]
I've found another feeder for both of you. I know things have been okay, but I wanted to see if I could find anyone else that was willing to be a feeder so that those currently willing didn't get over taxed. She's available on Thursday morning only.

[Filtered to To Whomever Runs the Garage, ]
To Whomever Runs the Garage,

My name is Sydney mel Sage. While I've been here a little while now I wanted to reach out and see if you were in need of any assistance with your garage. I have an extensive knowledge of classical cars and can fix anything while speaking-. My mother was is a mechanic and I've learnt a great deal from her. I could also assist with book keeping and any other tasks.

If you require references I can present two that are present. I would also relish in the chance to work as a trail to see if I am someone you would want to hire.

Thank you for your time.
Sydney Sage.

[Filtered to Adrian]
I reached out to the garage in town for a job. I know, it's not exactly in my very ridged view on what to do, but I don't know what to do here. The community college while it does provide me with an academic outlet, it's not enough. It's really not nearly as challenging as I would have hoped. I'm being crazy aren't I?

Sep. 23rd, 2014


It's back. Spirit is back.

Sep. 9th, 2014


Call me crazy, but I think something weird is going on.

( Vampire Academy Peeps )
My fangs are gone.

My magic is gone.

But I can still hear her

Sep. 1st, 2014


Is it common for the portal to just randomly drop off presents?

Because I'm pretty sure I just got one. Or it might be a present for my girlfriend Sage.

cut, not filtered )

Filtered: Sydney Sage
Wanna go for a drive?

Aug. 31st, 2014


To all our teenaged residents, consider this an official reminder that high school classes pick up for the year on the second. Also a reminder that superpowers, fangs, claws, robots, guns, and pets aren't allowed in the halls. Also gum.

[Locked to Nick Fury & Melinda May]
I blame you both for the hangover I had for what felt like a year, just so you know. But for the record, Clint found another home for the baby and we'll revisit the topic later.

Nick, if somehow this town manages to swap Clint into a female and knock her up, I am blaming you, and I will murder you, somehow. Nothing personal.
[/Nick & Melinda]

[Locked to Spysassin Home]
Why did I not rebel against the idea of running a high school full of superpowered teenagers and just go live in the woods?

Aug. 29th, 2014


There have been various recent departures within the past few weeks.

If anyone needs to talk about anything, feel free to come to me.

Aug. 27th, 2014


Hello, Storybrooke! Nice little town here, I gotta say. Very picturesque. Seriously, it's giving me warm feelings for some hot chocolate right now, even if it is a billion degrees out right now.

Now before, I forget my manners, introductions. I'm Janet Van Dyne, Avenger and fashion designer extraodinaire. Also, speaking of Avengers, I saw some names on this thing that looked pretty familiar to me. Hi guys!

Aug. 23rd, 2014


Sydney says I should introduce myself. So, hi, Stroybrooke! I'm Adrian Ivashkov. Cute little town you have here.

Aug. 22nd, 2014


Charlie Weasley!

You're going out for drinks with me. No questions asked.

Anyone else who wants to tag along is invited, of course.

Aug. 21st, 2014


Well, this place is... not boring.

[Filtered to Alaric Saltzman]

We should try making our own bourbon. Or Beer. Or start with beer and follow it up with bourbon.

It could be called. VampOut. OR something much more amusing. I'm more focused on pumpkin flavored things.


[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]

So, this friend Steve of yours. Do I get to meet him? Don't worry, his blood is all yours, just curious. Steve is a popular name.



I am under the impression that posting on the network here is the most common way to communicate. I prefer text or email, but as this is the form that appears to be the most common, I'll go ahead with it.

I'm new to town, and while I do not pretend to understand everything, I am versed on the basics. I would be very interested in talking to those in charge so that I may find suitable employment (as that is clearly necessary) and acquire more information.

Thank you?

Mar. 21st, 2014



I… sorry, is this right? Can people see this?

I don’t – really understand what’s happening..

Mar. 18th, 2014


I realized I haven't really come out and said it, so there's probably a lot of people even in my social circle who don't really know.

I'm a vampire now.

Before anyone gets worked up, it was my choice. I was dying and losing my mind and possibly had an evil parasite thing inside me, and now I'm fine. I'm good. I mean, sure I'm technically dead, but it's better than being completely dead, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I know, I'm sixteen. I don't know what I want. I don't care. I like being alive.

And no, it isn't easy. Cravings are hard, and I'm definitely worried I'll slip up and eat someone. But there are resources here to help and it's probably easier than it would be somewhere that I'd have to hide what I am now. It definitely sucks not being able to go outside during the day, and I'm kind of going a little stir crazy around the apartment, but Cora's been good about bringing me my school work, so it gives me something to do. I guess the weirdest part is that I sort of feel like everything's turned up to eleven. Not just senses, which is kind of a given, but In general.

But...yeah. I'm a vampire now. Deal with it.


Every time I think that I won't be surprised by anything, life throws me another curve ball. I've seen a lot of things, but being brought to a completely different world? That's a new one for me.

Mar. 17th, 2014


I guess I should probably figure out about getting a job, but I have no idea what I'd be any good at here. Arthur thinks I'd make a good teacher but I don't think anyone would really respect me in front of a classroom. Besides, I'm still not done with my master's, so I'm not technically qualified. But we're going to run out of money and that worries me. I don't know that I'm good at anything useful. Just good at being a student. And designing, and drawing, and building dreams. But nobody is going to pay me for that here.

I've been trying so hard to not ask you why you kissed me on the Fischer job that my tongue hurts from biting it too many times. I don't want to make you answer when we have to tell the truth. That's not fair. I still don't know why you did it, though.

I kind of hate this place.

Mar. 13th, 2014


I would really, really like to go back where I came from, please. I know everyone must say that, but... I still need to go home. They need me back there, I'm the only one who can get everyone want they need. And Jamie -- I need to go back to Jamie. Please let me go home?

And while I'm here, I suppose... What does the word soul mean to you?

Mar. 12th, 2014


So, I'm in love with Sydney Sage. We've been dating for the past couple of months, actually. And yeah, Sydney's human, and not just ANY kind of human, but an Alchemist. I realize that both the Moroi and the Alchemists think this is basically the most disgusting thing ever, but that is such hypocritical bull shit it literally makes me want to punch someone in the face. I mean, where the hell did our half-vampire, dhampir friends originally came from then? Oh, right, FROM MOROI AND HUMANS HAVING SEX! I know, I know. How crass. Biology is so scandalous.

HOW does it make any sort of sense that this would have been okay if you plopped us in the 14th century, but now it's like, totally taboo and "wrong" and blah blah blah. Makes no sense.

Well, let me tell you something. I really don't give a shit. What are "my people" going to do anyway? Sneer at me when I come to Court? Wow. I'm so terrified. Most of them think I'm a joke anyway, so I'm sure everyone would just be like, "That Adrian Ivashkov's really pushing the envelope this time, huh? Shameful", like all I'm trying to do is make some sort of statement or get people's attention or something. Well, I'm not. I really love Sydney, and why wouldn't I? She's smart and interesting and a good person and she just so happens to be beautiful on top of all of that. She's a better person than I am, and she makes me a better person. I'm so inexplicably happy when I'm with her. There's no one else I'd rather spend time with or talk to. So how can anyone tell me that's wrong or unnatural? It's not like we forced this. It just happened, it's just how we connected- isn't that the very definition of natural?

What I do care about is how the Alchemists feel about all this, since that's what has real consequences. We knew the risks, but it seemed so distant, so theoretical. Sometimes I feel so disgusted with myself for being so reckless, like the rules didn't apply to us. But I really don't know what else I could have done. It was selfish of me to keep pursuing her when she knew better and tried to do the smart, safe thing. I feel really guilty about that. Still, even knowing where it ends up, I can't honestly say I'd go back and do anything differently. I feel kind of horrible for that, for not doing everything I could to protect her- which would really have been to just stay away. But maybe the bigger issue is that I shouldn't have to. This shouldn't be such a risk. It's wrong and close-minded to persecute for something like this. We weren't bothering anyone. It didn't affect anyone's lives. It wasn't any of their fucking business.


So, this is interesting.

Mar. 11th, 2014


I will do absolutely anything in order to survive. It doesn't matter who stands in my way. Though there is no Blight here, I have no problem taking the lives of people who will try to stop me from living. I miss the Blight in a way. Things were simpler. You put on armor, you fought Darkspawn. We killed the Archdemon and everyone survived. No one had to die.

Now we're stuck here where there are always more prejudiced people. Against magic. Against people who don't agree with the things they agree with. Is every world the same? Sentimentality is the downfall of everyone, no matter where they are it seems.

Mar. 9th, 2014


I miss being a Princess.

I know I still am, but it is... different here.


I highly doubt I am the burglar that the Dwarves and Gandalf are convinced I am.

I fear I have been more troublesome than beneficial.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Wow, great. An all-expense paid trip to Maine. Just what I always wanted- said no one ever.

So am I really supposed to buy this crazy bull shit they told me? Or is this some kind of weird kidnapping thing? Because if you're looking for ransom money, you're kidding yourself if you think Nathan Ivashkov is coughing up the big $$$ just to get me back. You guys might be stuck with me for a while.

But, hey, thanks for the apartment all the same. I guess I'll go find that now.

I'm Adrian, by the way.


I wouldn't ask if it wasn't completely necessary or if I hadn't been too shell-shocked to think of asking the simplest of my many questions while the welcome wagon was handing out clothes and answers but Is there an Adrian Ivashkov here? could anyone point me in the direction of some coffee? I'm Sydney, new here. And I could almost literally eat a horse right now. Hello.

Sep. 29th, 2013


Um, so, someone PLEASE tell me why I'm stuck in some lame town that reminds me of depressing places I'd NEVER go? And I have none of my CLOTHES and most importantly, my PINK EYELINER??? How can I LIVE without my pink eyeliner?? I don't suppose there's a Sephora in this lame town?

I'm told there are other Camp Halfblood people here so...hello!

And for all you cute boys out there, I'm Drew.

Sep. 16th, 2013


[Adrian, Rose, Dimitri, Lissa]
I did a search online for the Alchemists' database wouldn't believe what I found instead.

Sep. 15th, 2013


This isn't happening. I've been drugged and kidnapped and I did NOT come through a magic portal because that can not happen at all

Would someone mind possibly telling me where I can find a local coffee shop? Please let there be one

Jul. 10th, 2013


Right then.

My name is Emma Swan, and I'm the Sheriff here in Storybrooke. You've all met the Mayor, and been given your welcome kits, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, or my deputy, David Nolan.

And if you could all fill this out for me, so I get a feel of who's who, that would be great.

[OOC: Characters, can try to lie, but Emma has had the Blue Fairy charm the form with a spell that prevents people from doing so!]
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