September 2016




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Sep. 14th, 2015


So, I was channel surfing and saw a trailer for a new show and SARA was on it. SARA LANCE IS ALIVE. I don't know how it happens and I know I should care but I don't. SARA is ALIVE.

Also, she's going to be on a team with Barry's archnemesis boyfriend. That's a little odd but desperate times and all that I guess.

Jul. 14th, 2015


fuck yeah, i can do magic now.

i've got magic summoning powers. so step right up. twenty bucks a pop and i'll wish your favorite people into this weird ass magic town for you.

unless your favorite people are assclowns, then i have veto power and will refund your twenty.

i'm magic. sorry billy, make room on the magic throne.

Jun. 1st, 2015


I have a feeling something went very wrong with that wormhole. Or very right? I already hate time travel. Where's the bar?

May. 31st, 2015


Hi, Daddy. I have something to tell you that I think will make you very happy.

May. 30th, 2015




all the people that show up here from like, weird things.

how come there's no miss piggy here?

how come i had to go to a magic place full of people from fictional stuff and i still haven't gotten to meet miss piggy?

someone get the hell on getting some muppets around.

gonzo freaks me out though. he's just way too in to chickens. like when you think about it, would they let someone have a chicken screwing fetish on kids stuff now?

oh and hey captain america wanted to know how i had sex.

May. 7th, 2015


I know not much goes on here in town but I'm sure there's a local news station, right? Who can I get in touch with for an interview? I miss writing. I thought about restarting my blog here but who's going to believe I am who I say I am when the whole world thinks I'm a fictional character? It's still so bizarre.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


Has anyone seen Skye? I went to her place to deliver some tech and she isn't there. She didn't come to work either. I hope she's okay. I watched her show. Please let her just be somewhere else in town

As spring rapidly approaches and season finales of tv shows come on, I'd just like to reiterate the suggestion to NOT watch your tv show if it exists. This seems to be the time of the year where things get rapidly worse for people. Yes, Barry, I am talking to you.

Today is my mom's birthday, well later today. I miss her. I am going to play poker and drink fancy cocktails in her honor. Whose with me?

Feb. 17th, 2015


I am getting far too used to weird things happening to me.

Magic Portals.


How do I get home?

Feb. 15th, 2015


Okay so my life just got 10 times more weird. First people with incredible powers back home, now magic portals that lead to other worlds?

Somebody pinch me because I must be dreaming.