September 2016




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Feb. 6th, 2014


I think it's about high time I got a job. Perhaps a position teaching History is in order...

[The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Crew]

What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Normally I would not bother to even celebrate such a foolish holiday, but I'm rather lonely bored now that Hayley Klaus is gone.


How are you doing? Lame Elijah. Not your smoothest or finest moment.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


This town is boring. Does anything happen here besides freak magical occurrences? I'm tempted to kill someone for fun.

[Alexander Grayson]
I've compelled myself a bit of company. Thought you might care to join.
[/Alexander Grayson]

Jan. 22nd, 2014


I don't care what that person said. Klaus, did you do this? Is this your way to make me do what you want? It won't work. I'm not going to be used by you or Marcel or Elijah ever again. Unless you suddenly want to get back in touch with your animal side, you better fix this now. Send me back. So I can destroy you.


Matt and Nik are both gone. Sent back or however you want to bloody look it at.

Filtered: Kol
You're still here, right?


I guess I'll take this over having my eyeballs cut out, but... I really would prefer to be home. Anyone from Mystic Falls here? I could use some help.

[ damon ]
Damon? Please tell me you're here.

Jan. 20th, 2014


So...I need to find a job. I've got training as a waiter and bartender. I can host as well.

Any leads?

Jan. 7th, 2014


niyklaus was right. lojve is stupiqd. love makes you weak. hayley ies gqone. gone. i hdate love. all i wagnted wfas to lovqe cher anmd the bajby and wnow i'm alone.

Jan. 5th, 2014


Working at a pirate bar is... well, interesting to say the least. But it's a job, and it gives me something to do.

[Filtered to Emma Swan]

Sheriff Swan,

I am having a small issue. I would not usually go to someone for this issue...

But as it is a life or death situation for me, I do need some assistance.

As a vampire, I live off blood. I do not wish to get on anyone's bad side by feeding off humans here. What should I do about this?

[Filtered to Joan Watson]

I thoroughly enjoyed your company at the ball, and I thank you for allowing me to escort you.

Dec. 30th, 2013


Time travel and alternate universes. I really wish I could say this kind of thing still surprise me.

Dec. 29th, 2013


I'm rather looking forward to the ball.


Are we still attending the ball, love? Are you feeling up to it?

[Klaus and Kol and Rebekah]

I expect to see all of you at the ball. No excuses. It will be good for us. The social function with us all here.


Save me a dance at the ball?

Dec. 24th, 2013


This town is quieter than Mystic Falls and that town barely had a pulse before I arrived.


Well, well, well. This certainly beats being on the other side.

I hear there's a few familiar faces That have missed me terribly.