September 2016




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Mar. 17th, 2015


Someone watch a movie with me.

Something that no one could possibly appear here from.

Like Walk the Line.

...I swear if I wake up tomorrow and Johnny Cash is here...


What is St.Patrick's Day exactly, and why should I kiss people because they're Irish?

I'd ask what Irish is, exactly, though I'm assuming it's some kind of nationality, from what I'm managed to gather.

There are so many things about this world that still confuse me, even though I've been here for a little while, now.

Feb. 10th, 2015


okay I need money. will do the following:
1. naked dancing.
2. semi-naked dancing. (will provide costume but will steal costume)
3. naked posing.
4. speed reading (doesn't have to be naked)
5. catch bad guys except the mini loki because people like him for some reason
6. laps
7. eat
8. porn
9. make fun of stuff billy does.
10. run faster than you.

someone give me money.

i don't want to work.

((Edited in later))
11. my own talk show. someone give me a talk show.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


I take it a thing occurred with your American football and there was much grousing and griping of men with multi-million dollar paychecks? Yes, I suppose, your sporting arrangements have always held some odd fascination for me.

As for myself I've been camping in the woods for nigh a week n

Jan. 21st, 2015


Suppose I may need to find honest work since my bloody magic can't get me out of this picturesque nightmare. Could keep trying but I'm not liking my chances.

Has anyone seen the show they're calling Constantine? Relies too much on magic, that one. If I did that the cost would kill me before anything else had a chance to try.

Jan. 5th, 2015


It's sad that this place has thrown me for a loop because things are not terrible here. I'm not even sure that I'm alive. I could have died in that car crash. I'd be okay with that. At least Beth would be alive

I'm Carol.

Nov. 30th, 2014


The day I decide to watch The Walking Dead again.


I need loads to drink.

Nov. 24th, 2014


( The Walking Dead + Melissa )

You are all invited over for Thanksgiving.

There will be dinner, the parade, the dog show, and a Lord of the Rings marathon.

And alcohol.

Oct. 31st, 2014


You have to be shitting me.


So. Zombies. Thanks, Storybrooke.

...Is this this our first real life threatening Storybrooke event?

And to whom it may concern, I'm sorry you all have to go through this again.


Are you freaking kidding me?

Someone tell me how to kill these things. I'm guessing a silver stake in the heart won't get it done.

Oct. 23rd, 2014


( Filtered to The Walking Dead )

Would you all care to come over for dinner? I would very much like to meet Rick's friends.


( Maggie Greene )

Hey. Beth mentioned somethin' she wanted when we were lookin' around the town. You might wanna get it for her when everyone starts bringin' up the holidays.

Sep. 24th, 2014


I haven't been somewhere this populated in a long time. It's...unsettling.

Sep. 19th, 2014


Does anyone know of any farmland within Storybrooke that I can use?

Also, I'd like to work in the stables.

Sep. 17th, 2014


Guys? GUYS! Just so you know... as of today, I'm officially a superhero.

Suck on that, patriarchy.

Sep. 10th, 2014


I've been thinking and I figured since I'm here I might as well take advantage of the things that are available to me. There was a lot of tossing back and forth in what I wanted to do, but in the end I decided that I would go back to school.

So, I was wondering who I needed to talk with about getting back into school?

Sep. 6th, 2014


( Filtered to The Walking Dead )

Who would like to come over for dinner? I'm cooking.

Aug. 26th, 2014


Anyone else here got survival skills? Been thinking of setting up somethin' to give people in this messed up town some skills. Just in case this place decides to go to hell like home did.

This place got a shootin' range of some kind? Need somethin' bigger than beer cans to practice with.


Um...I need help from people who can run a business and can take care of horses. Charlie Weasley's disappeared and left me to run the stables by myself.

Aug. 25th, 2014


I'm Beth and I just want to go home...

Even though there's no home anymore. Dad's gone. Maggie's gone... Everyone's gone. Guess it's better than ...

Aug. 11th, 2014


So... do any of you new arrivals ride? Or old arrivals. Or natives. Anyone, really.

Aug. 10th, 2014


Well, this isn't Cleveland.

Aug. 3rd, 2014


This place is far too normal for my taste.

Jul. 8th, 2014


(daryl's continual typing and erasing here) )

Ain't ever seen a town filled with magic.

The person in charge of this "town"? You'd better drop me back where you found me. I don't want anythin' to do with any of you

Jul. 7th, 2014



I was just in Georgia....

Where's Glenn if you hurt him I will find you and I will kill you.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Science fair projects end up much more interesting but much less scientific when there's magic in town. So far, my favorite was a project obviously done in twenty minutes the night before where they tried to explain why animals are likely to be able to talk. The conclusion was that they probably are already talking, we just aren't listening. Their research was a list of movies that aren't available to watch anymore, so they said we should just take their word.

I'm really glad I don't teach teenagers. At fourth grade, the teacher glare still works. And at least all the truth confessions I'm listening to mostly involve things that don't make me want to buy earplugs.

I still feel like I should avoid all adults until this is over, though. And I know it's probably not fair, but I still blame Regina for everything that goes wrong here.

Mar. 8th, 2014


I really wish my sister was here so we could speak about my love life.

Mar. 7th, 2014


Where am I?

They said my husband was here.


Mar. 5th, 2014


( Daryl Dixon )

I've been meaning to ask you something, and seeing as no one can lie right now... I figure it is the best time to ask.

Mar. 4th, 2014


I guess this isn't the worst place I've ever ended up.

It would be great if the people I was traveling with were here too but at least Judith is with me. So, she's safe here at least.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


( Glenn Rhee )

I love you and I miss you terribly. I've been such a horrible fiance to you.

I'm just afraid.

I'm afraid I'm going to end up hurting you again. I'm afraid Daryl will think I've been using him, which I haven't been. I don't want to hurt him, I've already hurt enough people.

I don't know what to do.

Just remember that I do truly love you.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


I feel the need to confess that I'm in love with two women. The first woman is the woman who ruined my brothers life for 500 years, and the second is is the woman he inadvertently got pregnant. I love them both.

Feb. 7th, 2014


Is there a pet store around here? Or better yet, a place to adopt pets?

I miss my dog, and I need something to cuddle.

Feb. 6th, 2014


( Glenn Rhee )

I thought you wanted to fix things between us.

I thought...

Gah, nevermind. Just have fun.


I do love meeting new people. It makes things interesting.

Glenn, you were very sweet. I'm not much for second times, but you should come by the bar for a drink on me.

Less literally this time.


Despite what Beth said, I'm not gone. I just moved into another apartment. I admit, I should have told her first, but I just needed to do it. I couldn't stay in this room or apartment or this floor any longer.

Maggie, you should probably move back in with your sister.

Feb. 4th, 2014


Glenn's gone. I don't know if the portals stole him or he ran away because of Maggie and Daryl if he's just off somewhere. How long does it take to fix this magic and these portals? It's too dangerous back home. I hope it didn't send him there.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Two teams I could care less about but at least I get to watch a super bowl. I didn't think I'd ever get to see another one.

[ Rick | Maggie ]
Pizza, beer, wings. Am I missing anything?

Jan. 21st, 2014


Maine winters must be hell on short coated dogs.

[Private to Maggie]
I washed your friends clothes. Want me to drop them off at the animal shelter for you?

[Private to Bill Compton]
Fuck this is awkward I need some help.

[Private to Sookie Stackhouse]
I'm sorry about what happened at the full moon. I don't know how I got out How do you feel about Siberian Huskies?


Dad's going to be mad that I went out by myself after dark and got lost. I've never been in this part of town before Can somebody call him and tell him where I am? And that I'm sorry

Jan. 19th, 2014


[Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

You, me, The Rabbit Hole. Tonight.

Yes or yes?
[/end filter]

I have become addicted to Netflix. This is bad.


I need a distraction. Any volunteers?

Jan. 18th, 2014


concerned citizen saw me standing outside a bar, thought i was sick so he tried to get me into his car, said something about the clinic. surprised he didn't try to give me candy or some shit.

...don't really look that bad, right? judging from people's reactions the smell's mostly gone, though i feel a little overdressed.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Hello, everyone,

I am organizing a clothing drive to outfit our influx of younger residents. If you have any spare child-sized clothing, please let me know. If you are in need of clothing, because you woke up a size that doesn't match the clothes in your room, please let me know and I will get something to you as soon as possible.

Filter: School and Youth Center Staff
I'd also like to offer my help in finding things for all of these kids to do after school, helping to make sure they're all taken care of, etc. Kitty, Logan, do you need any extra help at the youth center?

Jan. 7th, 2014


[Private to Glenn]
It's still okay that I'm here right? I don't want to live with Maggie and Daryl. I would rather stay with you.

[Private to Carl]
Maggie wants to meet for coffee tomorrow. I should probably stop avoiding her I guess, right?

I didn't miss school one bit. I had fun at the ball. More fun than I thought.

[Private to Lily Evans]
Can we get dinner or something tomorrow?


[Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

Have a drink with me, Daryl. I bought a bottle of tequila.

Filtered to Glenn Rhee]

I think it's time we talked.

[Filtered to Beth Greene]

Meet me at the coffee shop in the morning? I'll buy you a coffee.

Jan. 4th, 2014


It's been 4 days now and I still can't believe Arthur really asked quit smiling.

[Private to Merlin]
Did you know what he was planning?

[Private to Madge]
Did you enjoy the ball Madge? I wanted to come and speak to you but I had to talk to Arthur about what he was doing couldn't find you and then I left early to see what Arthur's surprise was.

[Private to Morgana]
Will you help me plan the wedding?

Dec. 16th, 2013


[Filtered to Sam Merlotte}


You working tonight?

[Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

Want to go to The Hanged Man with me tonight?

Dec. 14th, 2013


I just arrested the Grinch. He was trying to steal the Christmas decorations from Town Hall.

And no, not someone dressed up as the Grinch. The real deal.

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