September 2016




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Jun. 3rd, 2016


Not this place again.

Sherlock? Are you still here?

May. 27th, 2015


Now this is certainly unexpected, and I do so love the unexpected. I've never been to Maine either, what a charming place. I hate to be a rude guest, but how strict is this "no leaving" rule? I have a bit of wanderlust and I hate to stay in one place too long. I need to get out of here Before I die of boredom

Feb. 15th, 2015


Oh thank goodness. There's been a murder.

Oct. 19th, 2014


A town apparently governed by magic that steals people away from their homes? I'm sorry but I'm having trouble actually believing it. Magic isn't real. This can't be real.

Sep. 15th, 2014


Okay I have had an absolute enough of being kidnapped. I know what they told me, but if some kind of mob is behind this - or some other kind of awful crime thing, I can assure you. You're not going to get a dime out of anyone. And I won't be kidnapped for me to fix up your wounded hitmen.

And I swear to God if Mycroft Holmes is behind this, I will hurt you.

Aug. 25th, 2014


You know what would be fun? A night out on the town. First round of drinks are on me.

So who's in?

Jun. 27th, 2014


Sherlock is gone.

I am going to eat ice cream and drink.

Jun. 5th, 2014


Sherlock Holmes, where have you gone.

There are two here and there are supposed to be three.

May. 26th, 2014


I was expecting more bbq related injuries to come into the hospital today, but there were only about two. Not that I wanted anyone to get hurt, but holidays are usually the time when most injuries happen.

May. 21st, 2014


It's such a beautiful day out. I'll go for a run on the beach tonight? Anyone want to join me? I can provide dinner and drinks for anyone who wants to come along with me. Sometimes it's nice to have the company.


I was so hoping this place was just a figment of my imagination. Let me guess, I've only been gone a couple of days.

May. 15th, 2014


I need a new roommate.

Edit: And I need a drink.

( Felicity )

Please make sure he doesn't do drugs. And try not to hurt him.

Apr. 17th, 2014


No more Sherlocks.

I need a nap.

Apr. 10th, 2014


I was told you were here, Holmes.

Which makes me even more convinced you had something to do with this.

Apr. 8th, 2014


This is delightfully efficient as a communication method. I needn't listen to anyone at all.

I require a Watson, if one is present. And a wrench, seven hoses of variable size, and a dog.

Apr. 7th, 2014


Well, I am most definitely going to be late for dinner with Sherlock.

Though considering I'm reasonably certain I was about to die, I imagine I was going to be late anyway. Hello dears, I'm Irene.

Mar. 29th, 2014


Does anyone know where I can get lessons on self defense? Nothing happened or anything but I just let myself get creeped out on the walk home. I'm definitely not getting a gun and I was learning a little back home.

Mar. 6th, 2014


[Filtered from Sherlock Holmes - both of them]

I am pretty lonely and my roommate is not making it any better. I need a drink. I need a lot of drinks, and I need a place to stay the night that isn't my apartment because I can't be drunk around him. It would be bad. So.. takers?

Mar. 5th, 2014


I wish Mycroft would make up his mind where he wants me. Particularly if he's going to drug me and lie to me in order to make it happen.

Which would you rather I deal with first, brother? Magic or Moriarty?

Mar. 1st, 2014


Why are there chickens in our apartment, Sherlock?

If someone has lost some chickens, apparently we have them in our apartment.

I really hope someone lost these chickens.

Feb. 12th, 2014


I need a date for Valentine's Day. Because otherwise, I think I'll be stuck inside with my roommate and him forcing me to read a twenty page paper about tobacco ash. I'm okay with it not being a date. I'd just like to get out of the apartment.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


[Filtered to Julia Shumway}

Care to join me for dinner tomorrow night?

[/end filter]

I do not mind Storybrooke nearly as much as I thought I would.

Jan. 31st, 2014


Please tell me there's a bar that'll be having a single's only night for the impending holiday. Nothin's worst than bein surrounded by happy couples.

Jan. 26th, 2014


Being a kid is exhausting. I need a nap. I'll settle for coffee, since they don't let kids have any. Which is probably a good thing.

Did I miss anything?

Jan. 21st, 2014


I'm boooooored. This place doesn't have anything fun to do.

Jan. 14th, 2014


Where am I? Mom? Dad? Can someone tell me where I am? A police officer maybe? I'm not supposed to talk to strange weirdos.

Jan. 10th, 2014


Watson! You're needed on the roof.

Jan. 5th, 2014


Working at a pirate bar is... well, interesting to say the least. But it's a job, and it gives me something to do.

[Filtered to Emma Swan]

Sheriff Swan,

I am having a small issue. I would not usually go to someone for this issue...

But as it is a life or death situation for me, I do need some assistance.

As a vampire, I live off blood. I do not wish to get on anyone's bad side by feeding off humans here. What should I do about this?

[Filtered to Joan Watson]

I thoroughly enjoyed your company at the ball, and I thank you for allowing me to escort you.

Dec. 30th, 2013


Well, I'm fairly certain I've not consumed any substances that would alter my perceptions to this degree. Though I have to say that anything that could manage this would have been spectacular.

Maine. You could have at least had the decency to put your little fairy story town interesting. I'd wager there's not even any murders around here. Well, apart from the one that seems to have happened a bit back. It was his wife's lover, by the way. I suppose I'll have to resign myself to boredom for the foreseeable future. Perhaps I'll cultivate a new apiary.

Watson. You can cease worrying. I am here now. And I've brought Clyde. Also, judging by your romantic history and general lack of any sort of continuous social life, I've taken the liberty of assuming you are without a date for this charming social gathering they've put together for tomorrow. Never fear, I will accompany you so that you do not have to expect futile effort attempting to make meaningful connections with other people. You don't have to thank me. Consider it a belated Christmas gift.

Dec. 18th, 2013


Sherlock's gone. I guess that makes me dateless again. I mean not that it was a date with the ball and everything.

I don't even know. I need coffee.

Dec. 6th, 2013


Really, Sherlock? Really?

[ooc: spoilers for last night's Elementary possible in the comments]

Dec. 1st, 2013


So... Back here again. Huh.

Oct. 24th, 2013


I need so much brain bleach for that episode. And I'm not even talking about the Russian mob.

So gross.

Sep. 26th, 2013


My so-called 'show' is starting up tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing what Sherlock's brother looks like at least.

Also my birthday is in 11 days and I will be forty-five. If I have a mid-life crisis and spend the whole day at the bar - well at least you know where to find me.

Sep. 14th, 2013


Great. So both Sherlocks and the other me.. I mean John are gone.

Molly if you're still around, we should room together. If you want, I mean.

Sep. 11th, 2013


[Filtered to any and all of those currently in or with a background in Government, Medical, Animal Care, Military, and Law]

I want to request a list of people currently in these fields or with a background from where they came. I think it would be nice to have a solid foundation of who has the expertise in which areas and perhaps even Sheriff Swan and Mayor Mills could find the information useful.


Groups listed by Expertise )

Sep. 1st, 2013


There is a pattern to the departures. Apathy. If you fail to prove yourself useful to the hive—for instance, should you stop working, communicating, or functioning altogether—you're driven out of the society itself. What use does a plane of existence have with the inanimate?

You're welcome. Now someone get me cigarettes.

Aug. 19th, 2013


I quit medicine for a reason. But it seems like me going back is the only thing that's going to pay the bills.

Unless there's some recovering drug addicts that need a sober companion.

Does anyone want to go for a run?

[Molly Hooper]
How are you holding up? You know you can come stay with me any time you want and get away from the boys.

Aug. 8th, 2013


I was curious, is there anyone else here from New York? I guess I'm curious about the differences between my New York and other dimensions or universes or whatevers New York. Does that make sense? Then again, a lot of the stuff that happened in my New York, mortals wouldn't have even known exactly what was happening.

[Filtered to demi-gods]

Are any of you guys like really restless? I know that the likelihood of a monster attack here is low, at least not like at home, but I keep finding myself looking over my shoulder when I'm out.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


I'm starting to warm up to not being in the city. It's so quiet. And no one's been murdered. I'm enjoying the quiet though. No cat calls across the street. No horns honking all the time because people don't know how to cross the street properly.

There's a town near by with like a mall or something, isn't there?

We should do something, before both of us go crazy with boredom. Have you talked to the Sheriff about us consulting? Except it seems like there's an awful lot of us consultants these days.

Jul. 25th, 2013


That's the last time I go camping with a bunch of men.

I think I need a drink.

Jul. 23rd, 2013


If there aren't any monstrous deaths, I'm not going to bother with Downton Abbey.

john watson& joan watson& sherlock holmes  )

molly hooper& winston churchill  )

neria surana& john watson  )

cassie sandsmark  )

madge undersee  )

Jul. 21st, 2013


Well quite odd.

Jul. 20th, 2013


It's weird not having things be open 24 hours a day. You guys have an excellent place to get coffee though. It's almost as good as the stuff I'm used to.

Does this place have a pet shop? Not that I'm planning on buying a pet, but I'm just curious. I had a tortoise named Clyde. I kind of miss him.

I need to find something to do with myself that isn't work.


I just wanted to take a minute to extend a warm welcome to all of our new neighbours here! I know Storybrooke is a small town, and very different to what a lot of you are used to, but I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us.

My name is Belle, and I'm opening the library under the clock tower once it's up to scratch. It's still a little dusty in there, and I have a lot of books to index before the place is fit for the public. I want to set up a few fun events for the library for bookish types, like a book club, or meetings for fans of particular series, that sort of thing. I'm going to be looking for some staff to help me run the place too, so if you're interested, drop me a line!

Additionally, if anyone brought books with them that they would like to share with other people, I'd be happy to set up a system for that!

Jul. 17th, 2013


What's the point if you've killed off the only Stark with any veritable worth? DROLL. I refuse.

[ooc: GoT spoilers ahead (◕‿◕✿)]

Jul. 15th, 2013


This is certainly a pleasant change, and I have been meaning to get away. Does anyone know what the clothes shops are like here? I'm Irene Adler, by the by. I'm very glad to meet all of you.

Jul. 13th, 2013


As weird as this is, and as much as I'm freaking out on the inside? I'm kind of glad that I don't have to eat spaghetti out of a mug and be woken up in the middle of the night because of clues.

Except it just feels wrong not to have Sherlock here.

I'm Joan Watson and I'm not sure I'm ready for this small town kind of life. I'm more of a city person.