September 2016




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Jun. 26th, 2016


So, apparently, weird gay porn books aren't just about dinosaurs anymore. There's totally a book about gay sex with...the concept of money? Giant coins with your own face? British mistakes? Who even knows.

Tommy. Are you going to write lesbian money porn now? Because I think it would be hilarious.

Oh! So, F/M/K, Civil War Edition. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark or T'Challa. Let's see if Rogers or Stark cry when people choose to kill them. Because let's be honest here, nobody's choosing to kill T'Challa.

Also, feel free to torment one another with your own F/M/K questions in the comments. I encourage it.

May. 16th, 2016


What is this place?

This isn't where I'm meant to be.

Apr. 15th, 2016


So... completely random question but how do I convince a Skywalker not to do something?

Mar. 11th, 2016


Well this certainly brought back some memories. Do people here spend a great deal of time making videos?

Feb. 9th, 2016


I've decided that I want to see the movie... but I'm not entirely sure I can do it on my own.

Jan. 27th, 2016


I think for the first time in years I may actually be experiencing something like boredom with all of this idle time. I've been told there are job opportunities all over town. Any suggestions? I'd offer my resume but I have a sneaking suspicion many of you already know my experience.

How did your meeting with that young man go? He gave me an odd feeling. I couldn't place it.

I know we've only just touched on training but what do you think about starting in earnest now?

Dec. 17th, 2015



I just realized something.

Luke or Obi-Wan?

Can I see your lightsaber?

I'm scared to ask Anakin...


I have some extra Jedi robes if anyone needs them for a certain movie premiere.

No, you cannot have my lightsaber.

Nov. 21st, 2015


As this is my third Thanksgiving in Storybrooke, one of the greater celebrations of our shameful imperialist history and the damage it wrought, I think I'm becoming more familiar with the customs here. And I do enjoy celebrating with my Carlos. I am, obviously, very thankful for him. I still miss home, of course, and the great traditions there. There's much less gore in the parades here, but that's a good thing. I really am pretty squeamish. I probably would have just covered my eyes and got Carlos to explain what was happening to me. He's a scientist, so bloodshed really doesn't bother him overly much.

I've been practicing cooking to be ready for the holiday, and I think my efforts have been pretty successful if I do say so myself. I gave Khoshekh some of the scraps from my experiments and, judging by the unholy noises he made, he really liked them. I even took some pictures, I was just that proud. The pictures, not being of cats, will probably not be fatal to anyone.

pictures! )

I placed some of the dishes on traditional hay bales, as is custom. That I made up. Because I found a bunch of hay bales in the apartment and wasn't sure what else to use them from.

I really am looking forward to Thanksgiving.

Nov. 11th, 2015


( Obi-Wan Kenobi )

I need to talk to you.

( Luke Skywalker )

Do you want to meet me for a drink?

Obi-Wan is here, too, were you aware? Not the one you know, the one from my time. A little past my time, but closer to mine than yours.

Oct. 22nd, 2015


Would this shirt be in bad taste?

I need to be kept away from stores.

Oct. 10th, 2015


These surroundings are preferable to a hovel in the desert but I did have some particularly important responsibilities to attend to.