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Feb. 18th, 2014


I find myself missing Hayley and Niklaus more and more.My brother tends to get in trouble if I am not there to reign him in and I have no idea if Hayley and the baby are safe at the moment. And now this place has taken away Rebekah. Again. I wish they were here...


We should do something. We have a do-over, Kol here. We should not waste it.

Feb. 13th, 2014


I need book recommendations, probably something that someone isn't from though, because than I'll just judge them based on who they are in the books, and that's awkward for everyone.

Feb. 6th, 2014


I think it's about high time I got a job. Perhaps a position teaching History is in order...

[The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Crew]

What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Normally I would not bother to even celebrate such a foolish holiday, but I'm rather lonely bored now that Hayley Klaus is gone.


How are you doing? Lame Elijah. Not your smoothest or finest moment.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


This town is boring. Does anything happen here besides freak magical occurrences? I'm tempted to kill someone for fun.

[Alexander Grayson]
I've compelled myself a bit of company. Thought you might care to join.
[/Alexander Grayson]

Jan. 28th, 2014


BONNIE BENNETT! Where are you? I'm back. We need to celebrate! LEXI! ELENA! THAT MEANS YOU TOO!

Jan. 24th, 2014


Well, that was fun. Lets be sure I never relive adolescence again, if you please.

[Lexi, Kol, Rebekah]

I'm back to normal.

I cannot believe Klaus is gone.

He showed such kindness and concern. He reminded me if the days when we were all human. When he was not tainted by bitterness.


Thank you. For everything. For looking out for me when I was helpless. You surprise me Katerina. In a good way.

[Teddy Lupin]

I'm Elijah...the er...child you were helping look after. I wanted to extend my thank you and gratitude at your kindness in taking care of me and making sure I was fed. Whatever I owe you for the constant cheeseburgers, I will gladly repay you.

Jan. 23rd, 2014


I want another cheeseburger. And the mead in this house doesn't taste like mead. I had to climb up on a counter to get it out of a cabinet. I miss the mead father used to give me. Lady Katherine can I take you for a walk? You are the prettiest girl I ever saw and I don't know why the other lady looks like you if she isn't your sister.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


I don't care what that person said. Klaus, did you do this? Is this your way to make me do what you want? It won't work. I'm not going to be used by you or Marcel or Elijah ever again. Unless you suddenly want to get back in touch with your animal side, you better fix this now. Send me back. So I can destroy you.


Matt and Nik are both gone. Sent back or however you want to bloody look it at.

Filtered: Kol
You're still here, right?


I guess I'll take this over having my eyeballs cut out, but... I really would prefer to be home. Anyone from Mystic Falls here? I could use some help.

[ damon ]
Damon? Please tell me you're here.

Jan. 21st, 2014


where did Klaus go? i cant find him. it is not nice to hide my little big brother like that.

Jan. 20th, 2014


hello///where am i//mother/father/finn//

i need to get back home/momma just gave birth to my baby brother niklaus11i need to help care for him.


Something tells me I'm not in La Push anymore. So, could someone tell me where exactly I am.


That sucks. Stefan's gone. Unless he's taken to hiding under rocks, which he knows better.

He's gone.

Jan. 14th, 2014


It seems my show is also unavailable to view. I'm not thrilled by this. I need to know what's going on back home. I need to know that she is safe...

Jan. 11th, 2014


Alexia Branson is threatening to torment me for 20 days straight because I will not take her to a Justin Bieber concert. Perhaps Niklaus will take you. That fellow seems to be right up my brothers alley.

Your shameful secret is now out, Lexi. Now is the path towards healing.


[Filter to Elijah]

Getting less drunk yet?

You okay?


I've been here a while now, maybe I should try out this job thing. I haven't really done the job thing in a lot of years, but it could be fun. It seems to be the in thing to do here, might check it out.

So, who actually needs employees? I'm a fast learner and enjoy seeing new things.

Jan. 10th, 2014


I see a lot of people talking about their shows not being on anymore and I'm really kind of hoping that applies to mine. I mean, I'm not sure how much worse it could possibly get and I'm kind of curious to know if Katherine actually dies (but probably not, because she's like a Timex), but it would be a relief not to have to deal with whatever is going on at home anymore.

Especially when most of it is just really confusing depressing.

Jan. 9th, 2014


Hey. Hey Agent.


I'm gonna talk to them.

So there.

[ Filtered to Science Babies of SHIELD. ]
SO. I've heard you're not allowed to talk to me. And vice versa.

Well, as I like pissing Agent off and I've yet to see if we get Supernanny here -- HI KIDLETS.

Jan. 7th, 2014


niyklaus was right. lojve is stupiqd. love makes you weak. hayley ies gqone. gone. i hdate love. all i wagnted wfas to lovqe cher anmd the bajby and wnow i'm alone.

Dec. 29th, 2013


I'm rather looking forward to the ball.


Are we still attending the ball, love? Are you feeling up to it?

[Klaus and Kol and Rebekah]

I expect to see all of you at the ball. No excuses. It will be good for us. The social function with us all here.


Save me a dance at the ball?

Dec. 24th, 2013


This town is quieter than Mystic Falls and that town barely had a pulse before I arrived.


Well, it would appear this place is not so bad after all. My brother Kol is here, and just in time for the Holidays.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


Well, well, well. This certainly beats being on the other side.

I hear there's a few familiar faces That have missed me terribly.

Dec. 22nd, 2013


Filter: Sam Winchester and Elijah Mikaelson
I found someone who seems willing to help. Do either of you know a Lissa Dragomir. She claims to be a vampire with some kind of healing magic. I don't know if it works on old age, but she seems willing to give it a try.

I guess there are some things about this place that aren't so bad.


Filter: Kenzi
You're basically my only friend here I need a shopping partner. What do you say?

Filter: Stefan
Look, I know you hate me and whatever, but can we talk? Please? I promise to behave myself maybe.

God, this place sucks. I can't believe we're all stuck here.

Dec. 16th, 2013


I'm pretty excited for the ball everyone is talking about. I mean...come on. It's being thrown by Prince Charming and Snow White. Fairy tales and balls just go together. I'm pretty sure it will be a ball to remember. And I think I found the perfect dress.

I demand you save me a dance! Or three!

[Bonnie & Elena]
Girls night this weekend?

Dec. 12th, 2013


The Vampire Diaries Spoilers )

Dec. 8th, 2013


The holidays are coming. I suppose I actually have a reason to celebrate this year. And someone to celebrate with.

[Hayley, Rebekah and Alexia]

Alright girls. What do you three want for Christmas? I need ample time to prepare.

Hayley should we decorate our quarters? I've never decorated before so I want to know your opinion on the matter before I do anything.


You have got to be kidding me.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Can't believe I"m saying this, but I miss New Orleans.

Not the people. Not entirely.

So if I come from a bloody television show there's really no point in secret keeping is there?

Dec. 5th, 2013


I'm supposed to write here, I guess. What exactly am I supposed to or expected to say? Who I am, my feelings on what has happened. What has happened in regarding to what? There are a lot of different ways to even mildly think about things, and take away the mildly and the insane takes over. That's not logical, but what is logical, and what is actually considered logical. It all changes on what you know.

Dec. 3rd, 2013


The Originals spoilers under the cut. Messages for Rebekah, Hayley and Lexi under the cut as well )

Dec. 2nd, 2013


What the bloody hell is this all about then? I've seen magic at work and they don't create some bloody portal to another world.

If this is some sort of joke, Niklaus it is not funny.


So, this is a little busier than I've gotten used to. Not complaining. Sure beats the Other Side.

Still...fairytales? Really?


Sweet! This is so much better than the other side.


I know I'm new to all of the mystical and supernatural things that have been happening around me, but this is a lot. I mean, at least I'm not standing in a ring of fire anymore...

But, Jeremy and Elena better be safe.

Nov. 22nd, 2013


TVD Spoilers )

Nov. 12th, 2013


The Originals Spoilers )

Nov. 8th, 2013


What the hell?

I'm so sick of magic. I'd like to go a week without it screwing things up.

They're going to freak out and murder half of New Orleans, I just know it They aren't exactly the models of restraint

Okay, where do I get food? I'm starving.

Nov. 5th, 2013


The Originals Spoilers Under the Cut. It is an awesome cut. )

Nov. 2nd, 2013


This place is very confusing. The metal carriages here move at alarming speeds and I have seen women dressed in a manner not befitting to polite company. I hardly know how this contraption is meant to work, but it was explained to me that it is a means of communication?

Everything about this place is very unsettling. While Mister Salvatore has been very helpful, I would much prefer to be somewhere that makes more sense.

Oct. 31st, 2013



Might I just say I am deeply disturbed why what went on tonight. She might have done many terrible things to all of you in the past, but she did not deserve that. You are fortunate, Damon, that you were brought here from before tonight's events occurred. Otherwise, we might have a problem, you and I.

Oct. 24th, 2013


Well...that was certainly....dramatic.

[TVD/TO Crew]

Are you alright? Miss Bennett, I'm sure that was painful to watch. Do let me know if you need anything.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


TVD/TO Spoilers in comments.

Well tonight was more tolerable at least. Admittedly, I would like Hayley to be here where I can keep an eye on her...and my niece. I'd like my brother brought here too.

Sister dear, we need to spend more time together.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I still haven't quite figured out a costume for myself. Bonnie, Elena, have you? If not, I demand shopping! And lunch! We can make it a girls day! And I kind of want to carve a pumpkin. I'm feeling oddly nostalgic. Oh I want candy apples.

Hey...are there any haunted houses or scary hayrides around this town? Because that could be kind of fun.

[TVD/Originals Cast]
I'll be watching the show tomorrow night if anyone is interested in joining me. Sometimes its easier when you have company. And at least its not my life. I promise to have popcorn, pizza and other unhealthy but yummy snacks.

Oct. 18th, 2013


I am so glad to be myself again. That was awful.

( Damon )
Hey, you.

(OOC: Possible TVD spoilers in comments, just by virtue of it being Thursday.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


[ooc: TVD S5 and The Originals Series Premiere in the comments]

Would someone care to explain to me what the hell I just watched on the TV?

Oct. 1st, 2013


Somebody better start explaining: Now. I warn you that I'm not a man you want to anger.

Aug. 9th, 2013


Seems there was a bit of a room shake-up. Interesting.


Guess who has a new roommate dear Sister.

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