September 2016




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Jan. 28th, 2016


I am going to make it my goal to watch at least one of the movies nominated for an award this year.

Dreaming big here.

Jan. 27th, 2016


I think for the first time in years I may actually be experiencing something like boredom with all of this idle time. I've been told there are job opportunities all over town. Any suggestions? I'd offer my resume but I have a sneaking suspicion many of you already know my experience.

How did your meeting with that young man go? He gave me an odd feeling. I couldn't place it.

I know we've only just touched on training but what do you think about starting in earnest now?

Dec. 22nd, 2015


With all this talk about movies..

It makes me glad I've only been in one movie.

That I know of.

Dec. 15th, 2015


I had plans to set up a skating rink on the town common, but it's been so warm lately I don't think there's any point. It'd just be a big puddle. Unless Elsa's around somewhere and I missed her.

Nov. 13th, 2015


Where is Kätzchen?

Nov. 1st, 2015


Filtered to Kitty Pryde - Movieverse


I think I have overindulged.

Oct. 14th, 2015


I think Logan's gone. Again. I'll be in the w

Oct. 12th, 2015



I feel like baking.

Also, I miss your face.

Aug. 12th, 2015


This place sure is quiet.


Nice to meet you where you been...

Someone needs to make Taylor Swift's songs less catchy.

Or else I'm going to be singing Blank Space into eternity.

Jul. 30th, 2015


Times like this, I miss Bobby. And Ororo. Snowball fights are way more fun in July than in January.

Jul. 16th, 2015


I'd like to thank everyone for coming to the wedding. I know it was all spur of the moment but it was actual a lot less spur of the moment than you'd expect from us. Admit it. You all were pretty impressed by how well it turned out.

Filtered to Jemma Simmons
So. Hi.

This is going to be weird so please bare with me. I'm a genetically modified person. My dad worked for Hydra back in the day and used his research on me. Now, I've learned to deal with my powers, use them to my advantage and all that but something has come up. I'm pregnant. I've got an OB and she's great but I'm worried about the ramifications of my powers on the baby. Would you be willing to monitor me and the baby? Just to keep an eye on things? I know this is a weird request but I know you've got experience with enhanced people and you seem very nice.

Filtered to Peter Parker, Phil Coulson and Steve Rogers (616)
Barney disappeared. Could you all please keep an eye on Clint? I'm afraid he's not going to let me worry about him openly.

Filtered to Kitty Pryde (616)
Hey, I was just thinking, could I use the Youth Center to run some sports camp like stuff?

Jul. 15th, 2015


This is stupid.

Jul. 13th, 2015


I've decided I need more of a life other than sitting my job, my favorite bar, and crocheting. We'll consider this my attempt at making 'friends'. If it doesn't go well I can say I tried.

Jul. 12th, 2015


Kätzchen? Are you still here?

Or Logan or anyone?

Mar. 5th, 2015


In the continuing series of "Kittys Across Parallel Dimensions Throw Parties For Jewish Holidays*", we're having a Purim bash down at the youth center tonight. Costumes highly encouraged. If you don't have one, we have silly hats and feather boas and you will have to wear one. There will be a ton of hamentaschen**, adult beverages for adults, and noisemakers for cursing Haman while we tell the story of Esther. Games and probably some dancing later on just for fun. Come one, come all, come party till you can't tell the difference between "cursed be Haman" and "blessed be Mordecai"!

* We're working on the title.
** Delicious cookies filled with jam and/or Nutella.

Feb. 10th, 2015


okay I need money. will do the following:
1. naked dancing.
2. semi-naked dancing. (will provide costume but will steal costume)
3. naked posing.
4. speed reading (doesn't have to be naked)
5. catch bad guys except the mini loki because people like him for some reason
6. laps
7. eat
8. porn
9. make fun of stuff billy does.
10. run faster than you.

someone give me money.

i don't want to work.

((Edited in later))
11. my own talk show. someone give me a talk show.

Feb. 9th, 2015


Best things about winter in a town you can't leave?

You can totally sniff out whoever might steal the beer you're cooling in a snowbank.

Consider that a warnin' if anyone finds wayward beer.


If anybody is having trouble getting around in the snow and needs errands run, I'm happy to help out.

Also, did you know snowdrifts are not nearly as cold when you phase through them? Fun fact.

Jan. 27th, 2015


Looks like another round of disappearances. You all go ahead and consider this a roll call. Already heard we lost another Rogers. Who else?

I'll be keeping extra hours in the gym, and the youth center, if anybody needs 'em.

This place..

And to the new folks, get comfortable.

Jan. 12th, 2015


( filtered against high school students )
Teenagers are the actual worst. Give me demons any day.

I need grown up friends.

Or a sparring partner.

Or a drink. No, Buffy. Beer bad.

Or five minutes where I'm not dealing with the emotional problems of teenagers.

Teen angst is the worst. I swear, I was never this bad at that age. That's probably a lie

( Dawn )
How are you settling in here? Do you like it? Have you met any cute, age-appropriate boys?

( Xander )
So, I was reading some stuff from back home.

And you're my best friend and I love you like a brother, but if you ever try to date my sister ever, I will hit you in the face with my scythe.

Just wanted to get that out there.

Movie night?

Jan. 11th, 2015


[Filtered to Killian Jones]
I'd like to apologize for the ball by offering drinks.

[Filtered to Clint]
I'm going to ask the pirate out for drinks.

[Filtered to Kitty]
So, I've been meaning to get with you for a while but things haven't really been ideal for that. I heard that when I was here before I taught some dance classes at the youth center. I was wondering if I could pick that back up? I was also thinking some self defense would be good too.

I am really not used to having so much time to myself. I think it's starting to finally get to me.

Dec. 13th, 2014


So, Kitty, Felicity and I were talking and we've decided that given the Jewish population here, having Hanukkah at anyone's apartment would probably be a little too crowded. So we're sending out an open invitation to Hannukah celebrations at the Youth Center. If you're Jewish, have friends or loved ones who are, or are just interested in learning more about our culture, you're more than welcome to come and join us. We'll also be having a traditional, for my reality anyway, Chinese food dinner on Christmas for anyone who doesn't have other plans or who doesn't celebrate.

For those who don't know, Hannukah begins Tuesday night.

( Derek, Peter, Malia, Stiles, Allison, Scott, Melissa, Erica )
You're all personally invited, obviously. I know you aren't Jewish, but you're family, so I hope to see you there.

( 616-Earth people and offshoot worlds, MCU people, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Jubilee, Kurt Wagner, Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson - Felicity and other Kitty can read )
You guys are all welcome to come and we really hope to see you.

Nov. 11th, 2014


There's still snow on the ground...

And I'm so tempted to start a snowball fight it isn't funny.

[Avengers and various/sundry of the MCU sans Clint]
Okay, so I get Clint's in a bad place. It's been months and I'm still there over Pepper.

Fact of the matter is, I'm worried about him. Has anyone seen or heard from him in the past few days?

Nov. 6th, 2014


I am so sorry everyone. I did not mean for this to happen. I was simply overwhelmed by my sudden relocation.

I promise, the snow and ice will go away in a few days. I really hope that I have not caused anyone too much trouble.

My name is Elsa.

Nov. 1st, 2014


What the hell? Am I seriously in the middle of a bunch of zombies right now?

Uh, guys? I could kind of use some back up right about now.

Oct. 31st, 2014


I knew it was too god damned quiet in this place for it to last, just wasn't exactly expecting to see the Dead up and walking around.

Bottom line is this: I'm makin' supply runs for folks who need 'em. Since we got know way of knowing how long this fun time is gonna last, or if it's gonna go on 'till we put each and every one of of 'em down, be reasonable about what you're askin' for. And don't be stupid. Stay indoors unless you know what you're gettin' into, and how's about we all try really hard to avoid gettin' chewed on, huh?

Kitty(616) )

Kitty(MCU) and Jubilee )

Kamala )

Thalia )

Beth & Carl )


Anyone looking to save the day? I've got eyes on people trapped in some places. Mostly clients of mine and their customers. I'm not leaving my office until they're safe so don't try Sherlock or Oliver.

ooc: all offers to help are receiving automated responses with instructions.

Oct. 13th, 2014


For people who have been here longer than me, do we get snow here?


Are we all back to normal then, kids?

Oct. 8th, 2014


So, I'm speedy. As in I actually have superspeed.

It's actually pretty cool, even though I ran into a wall and whacked my head really hard this morning. Ow.

Oct. 6th, 2014


I have found a game called Dance Dance Revolution. Despite its honorable name, it has nothing to do with Revolution. I was very disappointed.

Despite the lies it tells, I found myself missing my compatriots while attempting to move in rhythm. It is a foolish past time, and yet I could see many of Les Amis enjoying the attempt. They were ever distracted around feminine flesh, and attempts to enjoy company with ladies of our acquaintance, one of their few faults.

For anyone who spoke with the traitor Javert, he has not bothered me recently, so I assume he was returned to his dishonorable toadying and oppression.

Sep. 24th, 2014


Oh, hey, it's Rosh Hashanah. Nice to start a new year without worrying about whether this'll be the year the giant killbots finally destroy us all.

So yeah. Happy new year.

Sep. 9th, 2014


I... I can't teleport.

Sep. 8th, 2014


Number of doors I have walked into: 5

Number of cars I bumped into: 3

Number of books I knocked onto the library floor when I didn't phase through a stack: 23

Number of bruises I have: uncountable

Why yes, I do feel really stupid, thanks for asking.

Sep. 3rd, 2014


This place is quaint and strange. I'm not sure that I like it.

I understand it is not possible to return to my ship?

Sep. 1st, 2014


Magical dimensional travel was not on my to-do list today.

Anyway, hi. I'm Jean Grey.

Kitty? They said you were here.


All right. Like Principal Coulson said, classes will be staring at the Elementary, Junior High and High Schools, as well as the Community College, on September 2, which is this Tuesday. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Kitty Pryde, the town's educational advisor.I'll be taking registration for any recent arrivals, as well as updating information for our other residents. All children and teens eighteen and under are required to register for school. Please use the following form to provide your information, or that of your child, and we'll get everyone into the system and registered for classes.

We'll be doing one on one counseling for high school and college students, to help them pick classes. We will also be working with any students who have special requirements outside of typical academic programs, in order to best help them. The first week here is spent helping people to settle in, as we know there are often unique circumstances for our students.

Additionally, we could use some more help at the Youth Center, as several of our staff have been sent back to their own realities. If you have any interest in working there, please either contact me here or email me your information at We'll be having an open house next weekend so we hope to see you all there.

Thank you all very much and we appreciate your help and cooperation.

Aug. 29th, 2014


It would seem I've missed out on quite a bit by taking time to acquaint myself with this era before using this device. Including my sister

My name is Charles Xavier. Thank you very much for your hospitality.


My mother Raven is gone.

Aug. 26th, 2014


Anyone else here got survival skills? Been thinking of setting up somethin' to give people in this messed up town some skills. Just in case this place decides to go to hell like home did.

This place got a shootin' range of some kind? Need somethin' bigger than beer cans to practice with.

Aug. 21st, 2014


Um, what?

I was walking through one of the stores in town today and I saw this. I know there are fairy tales and super heroes here and stuff and those girls don't even look like me and Lissa, but it's still really weird. That movie is basically my life, with someone playing the part of me who definitely isn't me.

Damn. I need a drink.


Well, this place is... not boring.

[Filtered to Alaric Saltzman]

We should try making our own bourbon. Or Beer. Or start with beer and follow it up with bourbon.

It could be called. VampOut. OR something much more amusing. I'm more focused on pumpkin flavored things.


[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]

So, this friend Steve of yours. Do I get to meet him? Don't worry, his blood is all yours, just curious. Steve is a popular name.


Aug. 18th, 2014


I can safely say that this was certainly not the place I was expecting to see when I turned around the corner. I was rather unaware there was any sort of portal or dilatation field where I was before.

My name is Dr. Helen Magnus. I'm also assuming that there is no controllable way to return home. Therefore leading me to the simple question of: what can I do to help Storybrooke the most during my time here?

Or, if anyone would be so kind to give me the "tourist edition" of Storybrooke, it would be most appreciated.

Aug. 13th, 2014


Kätzchen, come over for some Netflix marathoning?

Jul. 31st, 2014


There have been times in my life where having this happen to me would have been a godsend. This isn't one of them.

Still, it's not the weirdest thing to happen to me.

Jul. 29th, 2014


It looks like we should have good weather for the block party or whatever we're calling it this weekend. Which is great, because nothing is sadder than a block party in the rain. Soggy popcorn is nobody's friend.

I could use some help constructing the waterslide, though. All the plans and parts are set, we just need to build it, and I'm just one rather shrimpy woman. Anybody with construction experience is extra welcome.

Jul. 23rd, 2014


For once I get to say that an explosion wasn't my fault. Nice. I feel kinda validated by this somehow.

Jul. 22nd, 2014


There is a crucial lack of adult level hobbies in this town that don't involve hitting things, shooting things, or drinking things.

I haven't even found any community theater groups. Is that something I can start and manage, or do you have to have some level of superpower to do anything in this town?


It's strange and nice to be living in a place where the world hasn't almost ended. It took some getting used to and I was feeling a bit useless but I think I'm getting the hang of this normal life thing.

And in my attempt to be less of a failure at the social life thing, who wants to have lunch? I've been studying for hours and I need a break.

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