September 2016




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Sep. 9th, 2014


I do not like this.

I do not like this one bit.


Has anyone been able to determine the cause of the resident's losing their abilities? I am hesitant to blame a force known as magic, but there is always something new to find in the world.

While I maybe unable to help return the lost abilities, I am more than willing to help in anyway I can. Even if it is as simple as having someone to talk to. My organization in my world is dedicated to helping those with abilities and giving them a safe haven. So, please, don't hesitate to ask anything if you need it.

( Nikola Tesla )
I imagine you are completely thrilled by this turn of events. Have you lost any of your vampiric powers?

Aug. 18th, 2014


I can safely say that this was certainly not the place I was expecting to see when I turned around the corner. I was rather unaware there was any sort of portal or dilatation field where I was before.

My name is Dr. Helen Magnus. I'm also assuming that there is no controllable way to return home. Therefore leading me to the simple question of: what can I do to help Storybrooke the most during my time here?

Or, if anyone would be so kind to give me the "tourist edition" of Storybrooke, it would be most appreciated.

Aug. 13th, 2014


I need something to do. Something more... productive. Now that I've figured out the talking box television, I find that's all I do. That, and read.

( Filtered to Nikola Tesla )

Care to come over for some wine?

Jul. 27th, 2014


Sirius is gone and I do not know how I feel about that.

Jul. 24th, 2014


A magic portal, congrats Storybrooke. You actually managed to surprise me with that one.

An introduction shouldn't be necessary, but in case your educational background has grossly failed you and you've yet to pick up the academic slack, I'm Nikola Tesla.

I don't suppose anyone has any insight on the state of the scientific research facilities in this charming, quaint unintended containment area? Or if not that, the location of an establishment with a decent wine selection.