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Apr. 7th, 2015


Alright. So. I'm Doctor Victor Whale, as many of you who've been here for quite sometime know already. Unfortunately, I've never really had the time to get around to actually posting on this lovely little network here, because I've been far too busy making sure that all of you wonderful displaced people get all of the special medical attention that you require.

Speaking of special medical attention, if you're a vampire, remember, you must come down to the hospital and register your name at desk, so that we can put you on the list so you get your blood. And again, sorry, but not really, it's rationed, because we need blood for other important things here too, like life-saving surgery.

Also...Jo, are you pregnant? Because you called out the other day with a "stomach flu", you were pretty mean to me the other day, oh, and your breasts are bigger. Also, I'm a doctor. I notice these things. And, if you are pregnant, I know that boyfriend of yours used to be a vampire, so you might want to check into the possibility that you're carrying an antichrist or whatever other kind of baby former vampires and a witch are capable of making.

Mar. 15th, 2015


What am I even supposed to say here

Hi, my name is Claire Saunders. I'm a very realistic computer program in a people suit

I like being alone in my room and crying

I hate crowds and being alone and being outside and also everything

I'm afraid of dying but even more afraid of living

No, I think not

Why am I even doing this

The weather seems to be warming up finally. A little, at least. It's funny. I grew up in this part of the country or that's what they programmed me to remember, but I've never really liked the cold much. I suppose that's why I ended up in Los Angeles.

I think I might like it here though, a little. It's better than home. Anything is better than that place and those people and every hellish part of it The hospital is familiar enough, and I like keeping busy. It keeps me from thinking I like it there. Apart from Dr. Whale He's too much like Topher in little ways It makes me want to throw up It's easier not to think about home. But I do wonder what's happening there.

malcolm reynolds.
You're the closest thing I have to a friend here That's probably very sad

I don't like going places by myself. I'm not comfortable with it. But I can't stand being alone in my apartment right now.

Would you like to get a drink?

Feb. 4th, 2015


What the actual fuck


I really have no idea what to think about this.

Is this real Is anything real

I mean, on the surface, it seems absolutely insane. The idea that there are portals and magic...I believe in science. I don't believe in that sort of thing. Everything I know says this can't be real. But I'm a fiction in a body that belonged to someone else, so who's to say what's real And we are. I guess I'll have to reevaluate my beliefs.

Aug. 7th, 2013


This town is overrun with vermin. They are strangely fluffy. Something should be done.