September 2016




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Jun. 16th, 2014


Carlos and I are finally married. I'm now, officially, Cecil Gershwin Palmer-TheScientistMendoza. And I have to say, I could not be happier.

The ceremony was lovely, even if there was some confusion over the incorporation of bloodstone circles. Dana, Amy, it was so great having the both of you there.

We went for pie at the diner, rather than having a reception. Then Carlos and I did what all married couples do. We went out to the park to stare into the void and scream in existential terror. And that was beautiful, because in that moment we were terrified together. And then we had sex. Because obviously. I mean can you blame me? Have you seen Carlos? And he's my husband now!

It was wonderful. And it will continue to be wonderful because how could it possibly ever cease to be so.

Jun. 15th, 2014


Today is the day Cecil and I are going to be married.

I am not nearly as good with words as he is but I feel like I need to say something. When I came to Nightvale, the place that we're from, I was just going there to work. I never expected to fall in love with the town and I definitely never expected to find the man i want to spend my life with.

I am beyond happy.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


I'm getting married in two weeks!

I'm so excited. I've been marking every day off my calendar. I know that's silly, since time isn't real, and concepts like "days" and "weeks" are really relative. Still, I'm really excited about the eventuality.

I mean, I'm sure everyone already knows this. I might have mentioned it once or twice a broadcast on the radio. But it's still nice to say it here.

( Carlos )
How is my perfect and wonderful fiance today?

Apr. 22nd, 2014


The weather is really nice lately. I'm not sure what else to talk about. Things here are calm. Honestly, they're too calm. I'm used to more disasters. I keep expecting something terrible to happen. Not that I want something terrible to happen, I just expect it.

Still, it's nice to be here with Carlos. And Dana. And I've made friends from other places too. In many ways, it's preferable to dealing with the corporate overlords currently overtaking Night Vale.

( Carlos )
Let's get married on June 15.

I just think it would be incredibly romantic. After all, we met two years ago on June 15, and I fell instantly and irrevocably in love with you. And then, a year ago on June 15, you finally returned my affections. Yes, this was directly preceded by you nearly being murdered by an army from a very tiny city of very tiny people and the Apache Tracker actually dying. But still. There's nothing I can think of that would be more romantic than marrying you on the anniversary of everything truly important in our relationship. Well, other than our first date. And the first time we had sex. And our first trip through a portal to another reality as a couple. And the first time we moved in together. Which actually happened back home, because memories. And the first time we both got sent back home separately then returned separately, leading you to propose marriage. But besides all that.

Apr. 15th, 2014


We'll be having a spring open house at the library this week. There will be extra books for sale to raise money and there will also be snacks. In addition, there will be applications for anyone interested in jobs here. Everyone is more than welcome to come.

I've been told there are some people in town who are afrai wary of librarians. I promise that I don't mean anyone any harm. I just really love books and want to encourage everyone to appreciate them. I hope we'll see some people there this weekend.

Mar. 11th, 2014


Despite being here, I still feel as if I am back there. With that mountain range. The one I can't escape from. No matter where I went, it was still there. That beacon up on the hill. It still feels like I'm there. I said I wasn't scared. I knew Cecil couldn't hear me when I left him messages. I said I wasn't scared then, but I was scared. So scared. I never got a chance to see or talk to those things that were following me.

I think they might be here. Sometimes I see them out of the corner of my eye.

How do I know I'm not just still there, wandering around until I die?

Feb. 20th, 2014


I was quite sure that this place existed only in my mind.

I suppose I need to catch up. I'm Dana.

Oct. 24th, 2013


As lovely as my boyfriend was as a woman, I am rather glad that he is back to being himself. This town really is as strange as Nightvale and I mean that in a good way.

Anyway, Halloween is coming up. I'm excited to see what this place has in store for us all.

Oct. 5th, 2013


Well, this is a little unexpected. Usually you have to fill out paperwork for this kind of thing, or at least receive some kind of advanced notice.

I'm reminded of high school. We were encouraged to swap bodies with classmates of the opposite gender to promote better understanding of one another. It was very successful. Maybe that's what's going on here.

( Carlos )
This won't be inconvenient, will it, my darling Carlos? I know that you didn't sign up for dating a woman, or rather someone currently possessing a female body and the things that entails, but I like to think our relationship is more about what's on the inside. And I really feel that my internal organs are largely similar to how they were before. Especially my heart, which is - as always - yours. We really should talk about trading them so you can keep mine. I know it's a big step, but I really feel like we have something special Now probably isn't the time for that kind of discussion

( Dana )
Can I borrow some clothes? Also, can we go shopping?

Sep. 6th, 2013


Are you sure this isn't Desert Bluffs? Please say it's not.

This place is really confusing.