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Aug. 17th, 2014


At least it's better than Tarta
Percy where are you?

My name is Annabeth Chase. I'm a recent arrival. Can't say that I've ever been to Maine before.

Aug. 14th, 2014


I guess this is more interesting than Elysium.

Who needs peace and bliss anyway. Contentment gets old after a while.

Charlie? Are you here? Because I'm taking back any nice things I said if you aren't.

Mar. 12th, 2014


So, I'm in love with Sydney Sage. We've been dating for the past couple of months, actually. And yeah, Sydney's human, and not just ANY kind of human, but an Alchemist. I realize that both the Moroi and the Alchemists think this is basically the most disgusting thing ever, but that is such hypocritical bull shit it literally makes me want to punch someone in the face. I mean, where the hell did our half-vampire, dhampir friends originally came from then? Oh, right, FROM MOROI AND HUMANS HAVING SEX! I know, I know. How crass. Biology is so scandalous.

HOW does it make any sort of sense that this would have been okay if you plopped us in the 14th century, but now it's like, totally taboo and "wrong" and blah blah blah. Makes no sense.

Well, let me tell you something. I really don't give a shit. What are "my people" going to do anyway? Sneer at me when I come to Court? Wow. I'm so terrified. Most of them think I'm a joke anyway, so I'm sure everyone would just be like, "That Adrian Ivashkov's really pushing the envelope this time, huh? Shameful", like all I'm trying to do is make some sort of statement or get people's attention or something. Well, I'm not. I really love Sydney, and why wouldn't I? She's smart and interesting and a good person and she just so happens to be beautiful on top of all of that. She's a better person than I am, and she makes me a better person. I'm so inexplicably happy when I'm with her. There's no one else I'd rather spend time with or talk to. So how can anyone tell me that's wrong or unnatural? It's not like we forced this. It just happened, it's just how we connected- isn't that the very definition of natural?

What I do care about is how the Alchemists feel about all this, since that's what has real consequences. We knew the risks, but it seemed so distant, so theoretical. Sometimes I feel so disgusted with myself for being so reckless, like the rules didn't apply to us. But I really don't know what else I could have done. It was selfish of me to keep pursuing her when she knew better and tried to do the smart, safe thing. I feel really guilty about that. Still, even knowing where it ends up, I can't honestly say I'd go back and do anything differently. I feel kind of horrible for that, for not doing everything I could to protect her- which would really have been to just stay away. But maybe the bigger issue is that I shouldn't have to. This shouldn't be such a risk. It's wrong and close-minded to persecute for something like this. We weren't bothering anyone. It didn't affect anyone's lives. It wasn't any of their fucking business.

Feb. 20th, 2014


Wow. This place really does exist.

I think Charlie owes me five dollars.

Speaking of, husband mine, you had better be here. Otherwise, I'm kicking your butt when I get back to Elysium.

Nov. 12th, 2013


Pulled through a magical portal to Maine. Exactly what I needed right now. Thanks for that. I definitely wasn't doing anything important or anything.

Oct. 24th, 2013


Silena and I got married.

Does anyone have an old bicycle they're not using? I need the metal.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with that whole thing. I mean, I can deal with weirdness, don't get me wrong, but I would not want to be a guy. Gross.

Piper, Drew, we should do something. Halloween is coming up, we can go shopping for costumes.

( Charlie )
Want to be my date for whatever Halloween shenanigans happen, Mr. Beckendorf?

Sep. 17th, 2013


Um, what?


Jason? Leo?

Sep. 16th, 2013


So, I realize that it might be difficult because I am really young but I was wondering...If I were to start up a metal shop, would anyone even frequent it? I'd like to know if there is a market for it before I attempt to try.

My name is Charles Beckendorf, I'm a halfblood. Son of a mortal woman and the Greek god Hepheastus. I can make weaponry, fix anything mechanical, make anything mechanical. Prices would be fair and I'm really pretty good.


Bianca's gone. I've been looking for her for three days now, but she's really, truly gone.


This place is no better than where we came from.

I hate it here.


Oh, gods, not again.

But at least this time I have my memory.

Sep. 12th, 2013


Toto? I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.

Okay, I've always wanted to say that. I mean, obviously, someone already explained this all to me, but still, it's fun to have a classic opening line like that.

Of course, by Kansas, I mean, Elysium, and by Toto, I mean...I'm not sure who I mean. Is Luke here? If he is, I definitely mean Luke.

Charlie? Where are you?

Aug. 18th, 2013


This isn't the first time I've been taken to another world against my will, but it's still a little unsettling at first.

Well, I've cried a little, and I feel better now, so I might as well introduce myself. Hi everyone! I'm Mimi Tachikawa. I'm eighteen, I'm going to be a freshman in college this fail, and I've been living in New York City for the past few years, but I'm from Tokyo originally. I've been camping in Maine before, but obviously not this one, since it's in a different world. But this seems like a really cute little town!

Does anyone know any good place to go shopping? New world calls for a new wardrobe! The first time I went to the Digital World, I didn't even have a spare change of clothes, so I'm not going to do that again, no thank you. Of course, there weren't any stores in the Digital World, either. Oh! And if anyone wants to come with me, I never say no to new shopping buddies!

Aug. 8th, 2013


Seriously, why do I ever try to cook anything anymore?

The rainbow cake looked so pretty on the internet. )

Henceforth, I stick with liquids. I'm a great bartender. I make killer coffee. I am the worst at baking.

It does at least taste like cake? It just doesn't really stay in the form of actual slices so much as just little piles of cake. All this epic magical power, and I still can't make a damn cake.

Aug. 5th, 2013


So, I'm pretty confused right now. One minute I am about to blow up a ship of monsters and then the next, I'm here.

Um, I'm Charles Beckendorf. Could someone tell me where I am?

Jul. 29th, 2013


voice post

Katniss? Please answer. I have to know if it's true.

Am I really supposed to be dead? I looked it up and it said that the Capitol drops a bomb and-


Jul. 28th, 2013


Hello! I was told that I could introduce myself here and find people I know. So that's what I'm doing.

This was kind of weird for about five minutes, until I realized that I wasn't dead. I then assumed that the gods are playing some kind of weird trick because they realized I wasn't a hero at all and I deserved to be, but then I decided that it probably wasn't the case. At least, I hope it's not the case. No offense, gods, if you can hear/see/read this! I'm just kind of over a lot of things.

Anyway, then I realized that I was alive and that's kind of awesome. Don't get me wrong! Elysium is a pretty awesome place, but not being dead? Kind of a plus side in my life right now.

Oh, and of course I forgot to introduce myself because I'm a special snowflake. I'm Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite. I don't suppose anyone has seen a large guy about a million feet tall and nice and bulky that goes by Beckendorf? Orrr Luke Castellan? I'd also be pretty happy with that, but I'd really like Charlie. (No offense, Luke! You'll always be my bro.)


[Filtered to PJO-verse]
Hey. So...I'd been debating whether I should say anything or if I should just leave you guys alone, and I decided I needed to say this.

First, I know that there's no apology that could ever make up for what I did. People, including some of you, died because of what I made happen and what I let happen. I'm not saying any of this because I want any of you to forgive me. I know I don't deserve that, and I don't expect it. I'm saying this because I'm trying to do the right thing this time around, and I think that has to include facing what I did before.

So...I'm sorry. I can't even say how much. I won't go through any of the explanation unless somebody wants me to, because I don't really think it's important - I did what I did, and it was wrong. I just want you all to know that I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, and I'm going to do my best not to bother anybody here, especially not any of you. If you do want to talk to me, or yell at me, or anything else, let me know. I'll be around.

And I guess that's it. Thanks for reading.