September 2016




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Sep. 2nd, 2013


Where's a good murder when you need one, huh? I am so bored, I'd make a little happy dance in joy, yeah?

Maybe I can go find some bones and dump them in on Bonesy's desk. You do have a desk now, right? Desks are pretty awesome. I miss mine. And my chair. Everybody always had it out for my chair.

Aug. 25th, 2013


Huh, look at that, Bonesy. Look at that.

Aug. 24th, 2013


Well. Haven't seen this one before.

Aug. 22nd, 2013


I've ruled out toxins and head trauma. I can't satisfactorily disprove the hypothesis that I'm currently in a comatose state and that nothing around me is real, but I think it's highly unlikely that even my subconscious brain would come up with something as illogical as magical portals or even decide to base my dream world in a small town in Maine. Not that I put any stock in psychology, but wouldn't my mind be more likely to draw from locations and symbols that are more familiar or significant to me?

There is a reasonable explanation for this, and I will find it.

Aug. 21st, 2013


You know, if anything- I've gained a new appreciation for the normality of my own, boring life. Aside from the serial killers and dead bodies, but we all seem to have those

Boring is good!

    Filtered to Angela
    Angela, would you like to learn how to shoot a gun? It's not like FBI regulations apply here- and I don't trust half of the people here.


Damn I guess that resume really doesn't need to be written now, does it?

Aug. 15th, 2013


A nice lady told me that I'm no longer in Afghanistan - which makes sense, considering this doesn't look like a military base at all -. This doesn't seem improbable to anyone It wouldn't right because this is nor

Bones! You here? Isn't there some scientific mumbo jumbo that clearly states that this is ... impossible?

Okay, I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I still have sand in my boots.