September 2016




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Sep. 6th, 2013


If only my mum could see how well I cook now. She'd hardly believe it though I did learn some things from watching Dad. He didn't cook much but he made excellent strawberry pancakes. It's not not having them here with me, I do miss them but I know they're happy. It would have been nice to introduce my brother to everyone. It's fun, being an older sister.

Filtered: Ladies of Whoverse (Gwen Cooper, Jenny, Dona Noble, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond & River Song)
Hello! I know some of you I really haven't had a chance to sit down and introduce myself so I'll take care of that first. My name's Rose! I traveled with the Doctor and I know many of us are connected either by acquaintances, traveled or in Jenny's case family!

I thought maybe tomorrow night we could all go out for a drink? Have a girls night out. Get to know one another and swap stories.

Let me know if that sounds all right!

Aug. 11th, 2013



My name is Kurt Wagner, but in the Munich Circus I was known as The Incredible Nightcrawler.

I do not know why I was brought here, but... I suppose there is a reason for it.


Okay. So. This isn't Cardiff. But it's not alien, so that's a relief. And the rift didn't open up the portals? Well, that's interesting. I still blame the rift.

Also, walking through a portal alone was probably a bad idea. My boss is going to kill me when he finds out. Absolutely kill me. Rhys too.

But I ought to be able to get back soon, right?