September 2016




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Jun. 27th, 2015


I was just thinking I needed a holiday but this... Oh, this is brilliant is what it is. Alternate worlds brought together without disrupting the flow of time. Of course you were all taken here against your will and we can't have that. Not even in a lovely pocket universe like this one. Should probably get on fixing that.

Hello, I'm the Doctor.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Right then. Hello. I'm The Doctor. Some of you know this, some of you don't. Been a bit quiet for awhile -- I know, I know, I'm never quiet and, to those of you who know me, that's probably been nice. But. Yes. Busy. I'm good at busy. Very good at busy. Not so good at cooking I've discovered.

I figured it couldn't hurt to come here and ask but, nobody's seen a blue police box just lying around anywhere have they? I haven't seen it in quite some time, so I doubt it, but I don't really think it could hurt to ask.

Filtered to Jack, Ianto, Rory, Amy, and Barbra Gordon )

Jan. 26th, 2014


Voice Post

[There's a gigantic head in the centre of town. HAVE FUN WITH THAT GUYS.]

Oh, isn't this place... quaint.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


Voice Post, Filtered to Jack Harkness

So. About that talk..

You still want it?

Because I think you're right.

Jan. 20th, 2014


Has anyone seen the Doctor?  He said he'd be back in five minutes.

Jan. 16th, 2014


I've started a program that is going to track all of the odd things happening in Storybrooke. I'm hoping that I can find a pattern with all of the information I have. I'm tracking how often the odd things happen, who is affected, who isn't and how long it lasts.

I'm also correlating all of this information about who appears, how long they've been here and who comes back after disappearing. All of those odd things will be calculated.

If anyone could tell me how long they've been here, I'd appreciate it. Also if anyone has any information that they think I need, I'd like that.

Dec. 19th, 2013


Have I ever mentioned how much I hate time travel? Why am I even playing along?

Dec. 9th, 2013


Well, someone explained what's going on and I must say it's quite a bit odder than most of the things I've dealt with before. Which is really saying a lot.

Jack? They said you were here?

Dec. 7th, 2013


Oh what the hell.

This isn't the damn transport ship I was promised.

I think my VM is busted. Again.

Nov. 7th, 2013


All right so this is Maine? It's not London, but it's quite beautiful!

Maybe some of you can help me out? I'm looking for a bloke, and I think you'd know who I'm talking about if you met him. Calls himself the Doctor, or if anyone has seen a blue police box that'd be helpful.

Oct. 31st, 2013


This can't be real.


I was all set on being the Doctor for Halloween, just to see the look on his face when I traded in my coat for his. But then I went another direction. It's Halloween, I should switch it up.

Free sonic screwdrivers to any kids dressed as the Doctor though, I know where he keeps the stash.

Oct. 26th, 2013


Werewolves. Vampires. Witches. A man who turns into a green monster.

I'm not sure how I am going to handle all of this.

Oct. 25th, 2013


Magic. Right. I'm just going to go ahead and call bullshit on this one. It's either the angels screwing with me again or one of their pissed off big brothers.

How'd you Michael to shut up?

Oct. 4th, 2013


Rose is gone -- means there must be a way to leave, if only I could get some kind of proper reading -- hard to do, can't quite seem to get the sonic to zero in on anything about her, for anything -- could really use a TARDIS -- and a new oven and..

Right. Yes. Back to work. Me -- other me -- Bow Tie me -- bring your screwdriver. Maybe if we put our brains together we can get to the bottom of this. River, you too, -- and Donna and Martha and Jack and Mickey -- just round up everyone.

Filtered to Jack Harkness. )

Sep. 17th, 2013


As many charms as it has, sometimes this town does just seem small. And there are shockingly few aliens.

[Whoniverse Residents & Jack's Friends]
I'm not sure who else we've lost, but Ianto seems to have been one of the people pulled back out of town. Anyone else missing?

[Rose Tyler & Arthur]
I could stand to be extremely drunk right about now. Care to keep me company?

((If you think your character is friendly with Jack, feel free to assume they can see.))

Sep. 8th, 2013



Apparently this device doesn't appreciate the jiggery pokery of the sonic. What kind of rubbish is this then? Was only trying to boost the signal to reach my ship.

Seems I'm stuck here. Genius, me, getting stuck some place. It's what I deserve, I suppose, when in the middle of chasing a Slitheen I think, oh, look, there's a portal, I'll just have a quick pop then get back to it.

So, what's this then, with the portals? And don't say magic.

Sep. 7th, 2013


All right, Doctor. I know what they said about portals and all that, but I am about 98.7% positive this is somehow ALL YOUR FAULT.

Very funny. Let's go home now, yeah?

Sep. 2nd, 2013


I think I'm slowly getting used to this place. Better than Chiswick, but not nearly as exciting as travelling with the Doctor.

Aug. 15th, 2013


I've become incredibly bored here, there's only so many things within ones home that can be taken apart then put back together again. Not mention I'm pretty sure her indoors is getting a tad annoyed with me, it's a blessing I suppose that River and Clara put up with it. I think I need a job, an actual job, how would one go about that? Maybe something involving scientific pursuits?

Aug. 11th, 2013


Well now that I've been here for a month, I like to think I've settled in pretty well.

Filter: Doctor (Tenth)
Speaking settling in, I heard back from Sheriff Swan and we're going to talk Monday about giving me a job. Desk work mostly, nothing too exciting but she needs help keeping a database of everyone coming through the portals.

End Filter

It's still strange that we can't seem to leave this place. Wouldn't most products have to come from other places in the States? Or is everything solved by magic here? Like crops, foods, and clothes?

Aug. 10th, 2013


So I'm curious and a bit obsessive and wondered about everyone since we have so many amazing people here. I'd love to know where everyone is from, what they can do, and you know, if you're not totally human, what you are. I'll start!

I'm Charlie, I'm from a world much like this one, and I'm run of the mill human. I don't have any special powers or anything, just some mad computer and gaming skills.

Feel free to use filters if you don't want to share with the whole class!

Aug. 4th, 2013


Filtered to Leonard McCoy

Hello, Doctor McCoy, is it? I'm Doctor Smith, a friend of a friend, Doctor Carol Marcus?

To the point, recently I have come into contact with an alien species to which I am unfamiliar -- which believe. me does not happen very often -- who is living as an immuno-compromised being inside a self contained suit which acts as an external buffer between herself, and the outside world. Since coming through this portal -- really, still not sure if I want to go with calling it that -- she has been transformed into a human -- don't ask me how that happened, no ideas as of yet -- and I have been conversing with your Doctor Marcus about a means of developing a series of treatments we could begin administering that would get her out of that suit.

I imagine, with the local hospital having an up to date micro-viral-database of sorts, it shouldn't be a terribly complex process -- though it'll probably take longer than it normally would -- not having the proper tools really is getting rather frustrating -- but still, should be something we can handle. I was wondering if, perhaps, I could petition your experience on the matter and, if I sent you over a collection of schematics, if you would be willing to review them and sign on with the team I am attempting to put together to help? It would be greatly appreciated -- and, c'mon, who doesn't love a bit of complicated medical science in the interest of helping a complete stranger?

Aug. 2nd, 2013


I am in need of a number of electronic components that are not currently being used by appliances. Does anyone know where I might acquire those?

[Dr. Smith]
I've done some calculations and they show the likelihood of my survival at 48%. Do you have any further information on what you intend to do so I can get a more accurate result?

Aug. 1st, 2013


Okay, sucked in through a portal. Not anything entirely new. Still got my sonic but no TARDIS, that's a bit worrisome. Never mind it, I suppose, not the first time I've lost her.

Hello I'm the Doctor. Has anyone seen a random blue police box lying about?

Jul. 30th, 2013


Filtered to Dr. Carol Marcus

Hello, Doctor Marcus. It's The Doctor. I have recently come into contact with an alien species that I am not familiar with, and one that seems to have a vast array of difficulties with their immune system. Upon checking about on the network, and not wishing to make anything more awkward for the person in question, I wonder if I could ask you for your assistance, provided I can get you some schematics and technical details?

I know medicine isn't your primary forte, but the technology is far removed from anything that Earth should be able to handle in this time period, but I do not think it would be safe or fair to this person to allow them to live in such an immuno-compromised state.

She claims to have previously been a Quarian, do you have any knowledge of this species?

Jul. 29th, 2013


[The Doctor]
Commander Shepard told me that you're a doctor and could help me. Is there any chance you might be in possession or know where I can get some immuno-boosters?


Right. So if any of you smell something burning, don't worry. Windows are open and there's a fan going so it shouldn't stay around for very long.

Think I'll just go out for dinner.


Filtered to Ianto Jones

I'm going to check out this barrier, before I make plans to get everyone together. Would you like to come? I imagine it will give us some time to talk.

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Voice Post

So many new people showing up it really is a wonder that you're all able to keep it together so well...

Anyway, yes, right. Hello. My name is John Smith -- The Doctor -- Whatever -- and I am terribly sorry about my lack of courtesy and introduction to a lot of you, but I have been very busy attempting to examine a lot of the data among the people from my world, in an attempt to extrapolate some form of theory as to how it is we all ended up -- Yes, yes, I know, portals, magic, temporal distortions, Einstein-Rose -- wormhole -- whatevers -- lots of theories, not enough data to draw up a conclusion. That being said, I have a request.

I know many of you are busying yourselves trying to figure out how to adapt -- which makes sense, you're humans, you're brilliant, it's what you do -- right, yes, moving on -- but, among those of you who can spare the time, are there any among you who would be willing to volunteer for a bit of testing? It's all perfectly harmless I assure you -- really, could probably do most of it with my eyes and a bit of questions -- but what I really need is a collected series of data that might provide clues to the causal connectivity of events that led us all to be here through the, uh, portals -- wormholes -- whatever bits of understanding you'd like to call them.

Again, I'm only looking for volunteers. If you're unwilling or disinterested -- which, really, who can blame some of you -- have a lot of you eaten the food here yet? -- it's positively Brilliant -- then there is absolutely no pressure to feel like there's any need, whatsoever, to get involved. I'm just trying to find some answers and, while I respect the Mayor and folk of this wonderful town, I'm not quite so willing to accept this 'no way back theory' not just yet.

After all, nothing's impossible.

Jul. 14th, 2013


I'm after the Doctor? Is the Doctor here? I have a question for you!

Jul. 12th, 2013


This place is absolutely brilliant! What planet is this?

Jul. 10th, 2013


Right. So things worth noting right now.

  1. I'm in the States. I'm the state of Maine, in a town called Storybrooke, to be precise.
  2. I've been transported here by a magical portal of sorts. Apparently, the magic here is different from what I'm used to.
  3. I shall need to find a job, since I'm going to be here for awhile, and am going to have to provide for myself.
  4. Magic exists here, so there's no need in hiding that I'm a witch.

Right, then. Now that I've gotten those things out of the way, I may as well introduce myself. My name is Hermione Granger. I'm eighteen years of age, and I've just graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, which where I come from, is a school in the Untied Kingdom where young witches and wizards go to harness their abilities and become successful members of magical society afterward. I'm a Muggle-born, which means that neither of my parents have any magical blood in them whatsoever, so I am also well-versed in somethings that wizards that haven't grown up around Muggles or have never taken a Muggle studies class aren't, such as how to use a telephone, or operate a car.

I was top in my class at Hogwarts. I'm very good all manners of spells, translating ancient ruins, and brewing potions. I'm also very organized, have excellent typing skills, and good with numbers.


Right then.

My name is Emma Swan, and I'm the Sheriff here in Storybrooke. You've all met the Mayor, and been given your welcome kits, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, or my deputy, David Nolan.

And if you could all fill this out for me, so I get a feel of who's who, that would be great.

[OOC: Characters, can try to lie, but Emma has had the Blue Fairy charm the form with a spell that prevents people from doing so!]
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Jul. 8th, 2013


At this point in my life, should I even be surprised that there is such a thing as magic? Still, portals to different realms, seems more like alien technology rather than magic. But who am I to argue? I've seen mad things in this world and other worlds.

Are we doing introductions then? Hello! My name is Rose. Don't suppose anyone's seem a mad man running around? Or a blue police box?