September 2016




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Mar. 10th, 2014


Now why the hell couldn't something like this happen in Harlan County?

Would make my job so much easier. And get me into a whole lotta trouble.

I wish my best friend wasn't an asshole career criminal white supremacist.

Feb. 8th, 2014




So this wasn't a dream from a while back?


And I was brought here on my birthday.


Feb. 7th, 2014


[ Filter; Sharon ]
Don't overthink this, but, a week from today... do you have any plans?

[/ ]

Just watched a kid finish off a bag of those candy hearts in record time. Good thing this place doesn't have a drug problem.

What's the most embarrassing Valentine's Day gift you've ever received?
Mine would be a tie with hearts all over that I had to wear to work. I'm a US Marshal.

Jan. 11th, 2014


Being stuck in a town with no way of leaving was not exactly how I planned on spending holidays.

But I must admit, the locals did try to make it somewhat pleasurable for the newest citizens of Storybrooke.

I am just glad that it seems as though I avoided the mistletoe crisis of 2013.

Jan. 6th, 2014


Okay, So I've moped around enough. I need a job.

My name is Sharon Carter. I am formerly an Agent of SHIELD and an Avenger. I'm an excellent investigator, a fair teacher. I'm good with computers. God, this is pathetic

Jan. 5th, 2014


Is it horribly wrong if me that I'm watching shows that some of the people are here from? Including my own.

Jan. 4th, 2014


So, I been doin' some thinkin'. Since we're stuck here, Ol' Remy thinks it's about time we had a proper game of cards. So, who's interested, hm?

Dec. 31st, 2013


Anyone else not going to that ball thing?

Dec. 19th, 2013


that lady looked pretty scared. like she'd seen a zombie or something.

Dec. 17th, 2013


I think I'll skip Christmas this year.

Just hang out in my apartment and eat ridiculous amounts of ice cream.

Dec. 14th, 2013


Filtered against Frankie Barton

Okay so someone here has to understand or know how to deal with teenagers, right? It's been awhile since I've had any experience with them an' back then various circus folk did all the work.

Pretty sure my brother wouldn't like it if I gave his kid to a travelling circus.

Anyway. How do you tell a teenager that flirting with a known villain will only end with them being used as a human shield or being used to further nefarious plans without them deciding to ignore you an' do the opposite?

My immediate solution is to suggest we lock him in his room an' forbid him from dating until he's married. Who has a more reasonable one?


I just arrested the Grinch. He was trying to steal the Christmas decorations from Town Hall.

And no, not someone dressed up as the Grinch. The real deal.

Dec. 13th, 2013


Never been to Comic Con before.

The name's Raylan.