September 2016




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Apr. 27th, 2015


Time for the latest installment of "Sara Instagrams Too Much When She Can't Go Around Being a Ninja Assassin".

pics! )

The club is doing well at least. With Thea's business sense and my bartender skills, I think we're really getting it going. I'm sort of settling into things here. I mean, I don't really have another option, considering I die back home. But it's something.

Apr. 21st, 2015


You know what's kind of weird?

Finding pictures of yourself on half the products in the grocery store. That's pretty weird. Although those cool ranch Doritos aren't half bad.

Mar. 30th, 2015


I could definitely use a new sparring partner. I'm starting to get bored and when I get bored, I apparently start Instagram-ing and posting the pictures here.

cut for pics )

I'm probably going to post more another time. Ollie, I will get you with a camera. You can't hide forever. Tune in next time for more Sara's Terrible Instagram Adventure, maybe co-starring Oliver Queen.

So, we should talk.

Mar. 29th, 2015


There are, literally, a thousand other places I'd rather be right now. Why did it have to be Maine?

Mar. 9th, 2015


I have to say, I've had some pretty weird days, but this is a whole different level of weird.

You'd think I'd be used to getting thrown headlong into new situations, but mostly I'm just tired of it. I could use a break from the whole 'life getting shaken up' thing. I'm just not sure Pleasantville is the place for it. The League is going to be pissed.