September 2016




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Sep. 3rd, 2015


I got tagged out somewhere in the middle of that mess, but I died with dignity, and unlike some people who I won't mention but live in my apartment, aren't still pouting about it. So I'm counting it a personal win.

Thinking I'll skip a run tomorrow and go up flying though, since my tasteful death scene may have involved tripping and a slightly twisted ankle. Any of the flier types want to come up with me?

Jul. 13th, 2015


I've decided I need more of a life other than sitting my job, my favorite bar, and crocheting. We'll consider this my attempt at making 'friends'. If it doesn't go well I can say I tried.

Jul. 11th, 2015


backdated to when that other post happened.

Talk about a headache.

Those quick trips back need to come with a fuck futzing warning label or something.

Nobody should ever experience three years in...shit has it really only been two hours? Because that's messed up.

spysassin house.
Tell me nobody panicked and set the fridge on fire.

You and the kids okay?

And how do you feel about maybe adopting a twenty-one year old war orphan with brain powers whose brother died saving my sorry ass hide?

You still around, witchy?

How are you holding up?

Jul. 10th, 2015



Does someone want to explain what the hel heck is going on here? Because I just had a pissy midget tell me that this is a some kind of small town fairytale bullshit mess?

My wife is going to kill me


It's probably not normal to have step one of this process being making new social networking but HOW CAN I NOT. This place is super Instagram-able. I never was really good at the whole camping thing, but whatevs. I'll make do.

Also super honored to be fictional or whatever. I mean, if you're with the likes of Captain America or Iron Man, it can't be all that bad, right? I'll just shelf away my mental breakdown and identity crisis to the side for now. Hi I'm Darcy!

Jun. 22nd, 2015


Traditional Father's Day gifts: ties, mugs, golf-related paraphenalia for reasons I still don't understand.

Less traditional Father's Day gifts: your two eldest children appearing in the fairytale town you've been trapped in.

Needless to say, Clint and I have been a little busy. But it's so good to have Cooper and Lila here, even if here isn't home. I missed them.

Jun. 6th, 2015


Glad the weather's starting to get good and warm. The summer garden's starting to come in really well. Reminds me of the farm on a much smaller scale.

How are you settling in?

I was wondering if you might want to have dinner. I think it might be good to spend a little time together. Nat's willing to watch the baby for a couple hours. I just really want to see you.

May. 9th, 2015


Okay, I'm not saying this is anyone's fault, but I'm pretty sure it might actually be Tony Stark's fault. Or Thor's. That trans-galactic travel could be trans-dimensional, right?

Anyone care to disagree?