September 2016




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Sep. 17th, 2013


Filtered: Buffyverse.
Party on the beach this weekend. This almost definitely means it won't end with me having to replace all the windows. Or fix Buffy's furniture. We're going, right? All of we?

Ohmygod, do you think THOR will be there?

Aug. 29th, 2013


It has come to my attention that there is a large magical community in this town, and yet no shop or any good place for resources! So with that in mind I will be seeing about opening up a magical supply shop, given that running one is the only job I've ever had, and I hope to open soon. After I get things. Like licences and so forth.

Aug. 10th, 2013


Wait. Who assigned me a room on the bottom floor?

People in charge. Does the word penthouse mean anything to you?

Followed up with, you know who I am, so fix it. Fix it as in, room reassignment to something above the fifteenth floor.

You people have google right?

Aug. 7th, 2013


Somehow I ended up rescuing at least seven animals last night. Better than having to rescue people, I guess, but still. Before I take them back to the shelter where they could just get let out again, anyone want them? Right now I'm counting two dogs, three cats, a rabbit, and a turtle. Who knows if anything else is hiding in my apartment.

...I might keep the turtle though. Or the rabbit.


This town is overrun with vermin. They are strangely fluffy. Something should be done.


There are so many vampires here. And several that can walk in the day. Sookie! Sam! How is that possible?

Aug. 3rd, 2013


I suppose I should thank whoever is responsible for bringing me here and saving me from a pretty bad apocalypse

Thank you person I probably don't know. But since I didn't ask you to do it, I don't owe you anything, so I hope that's not why you did it. If it is, too bad.