September 2016




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Mar. 8th, 2014


Sometimes I want a dog, I mean I know I'm a vet and see animals all day long, but I want my own dog.

Nick, we should get a dog.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


I hear people are having trouble with lying.

Does this include lying by omission?

[Filtered to Juliette Silverton]

Want to go on a date with me?

Jan. 17th, 2014


Has anyone found a way to reverse what's happened to some of the population? I'd suspect it's magic based given the nature of Storybrooke.

But, if my services can be of use? I will gladly offer them.

Otherwise I can't believe I'm saying this I think I could go for a very strong drink. If anyone feels the similar need? I'd love the company.

Jan. 14th, 2014


This is definitely not Portland.

My name's Nick Burkhardt, and I'm a cop. From Portland. Well... I am sure the last part was obvious.

I guess first things first.

Where's Juliette or Hank or anyone, and where do I get some food?

Jan. 11th, 2014


I enjoyed myself immensely at the ball. It's nice to be able to attend a social function without having it turn into something else.

The fact that I could attend it with Anakin and not have to worry about who was watching or what they would think just made it better.

Now, however, I should probably start pulling my weight and actually look into work. I'm not too sure what I'll be qualified for here and I'll have a set of twins soon enough

Jan. 8th, 2014


This is... Not what I expected to wake up to. I'm not in a coma again, am I? That's not logical.