September 2016




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May. 2nd, 2015


I think it's pretty safe to say this is the quietest birthday I've had in a long time. I don't even remember the last time I realised it was my birthday on the actual day.

Apr. 23rd, 2015



Can somebody who doesn't currently want to kill me explain what the hell this place is about? And what do you do when you find out your entire life was nothing but a gratuitous story arc for a really bad TV show...

Please, someone let me out or turn it off. Six hundred years of torture has nothing on this...

Apr. 20th, 2015



What fresh Hell is this. A new condo level?

Apr. 15th, 2015


[ filtered away from sam; ]

If anyone gets the smart idea to mention this "Supernatural" show to my brother, I will cut your throat. Don't think I won't. I'm not trying to be mean here or anything, but it's just a request. Me, asking a bunch of random people for a favor. He can't know.

[ public; ]

I think I need a job, I'm almost out of beer money. And the locals are starting to catch on that I'm hustling them.

Apr. 6th, 2015





There's apparently a nun that's the welcoming committee and while that's awesome, I don't plan on staying very long. Places to be, people to see. That and Maine is boring. So if anyone can point in the direction of the nearest exit. I'll leave.


Where's a bar so I can drink it?

Mar. 19th, 2015


When someone tells you not to watch the shit show about your life, listen to them.
I am going to get very very very drunk.

Mar. 6th, 2015


So I'm in some fairytale town, nearly bleeding out and I

I need to know if Sam and Dean got out

Is my mom


Feb. 4th, 2015


What the actual fuck

Aug. 10th, 2014


Well, this isn't Cleveland.

Jun. 10th, 2014


Everyone is always bored or missing people on this thing. Including me. So screw it.

Top five people in town you'd sleep with. Everyone tell me theirs. (I don't care if they're married/dating/into the wrong gender/from a world where they're actually a rabbit. It doesn't have to make sense.)

No picking people who aren't here anymore, because then it's not as funny.

Jun. 8th, 2014


Not to sound maudlin, but I do miss home. Or more accurately, some of the people there. I'd probably miss them much less very quickly if they were here, since a bored Buffy inevitably led to noises or excessive puns, but I do miss them.

Faith, Wesley, how does dinner strike you? Or a movie. Or anything aside from a book or the telly.

May. 24th, 2014


There are at least twelve different shows airing that all showcase the lives of people who don't seem to do anything but drink and complain. And I realize that saying something to complain about that is hypocritical, but I am not on TV talking about it, so I've chosen not to care.

Good god, I can actually see myself becoming someone's cranky and least favorite eccentric uncle. This is what happens when there are no demons to keep you busy.

May. 12th, 2014


...This is not where I intended to land.

I require assistance, but my phone is running out of minutes. I didn't realize I would still need it.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


I think I've become more accustomed to this place. While it is still odd, being some approximation of alive again, it isn't quite as bad as it could have been. I still miss

Faith, if you drink straight from the milk carton again, I will shoot you. It will be somewhere non-fatal, but painful. Just thought you'd like to know.


From what I've learned here, it seems like to prepare properly for life in this town, I would have been better off reading comic books and cartoons than I was doing anything of use. At least then I'd have some idea what anyone was talking about.

It's an odd comfort to know that even in an alternate world inhabited by fairy tales, American teenagers have no sense of history.

Mar. 30th, 2014


My sister was sent home again.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Well, now Cleveland is beginning to look like it was a better alternative after all.

I was greeted by a fairy dressed as a nun, and then told to talk to people via a tiny computer. I'm not entirely sure this isn't a hell dimension. But hello, then. If it's demons bent on torment reading this, just bring on some hellishly fancy coffee and modern pop music and you'll be amply set to torture properly.

Mar. 8th, 2014


I was drunk.

I was driving.

I didn't even check if she was okay...

Mar. 5th, 2014


What the fuck is all this shit? I am so done with tiny towns and their shitty powers.

Feb. 13th, 2014


Does anyone want to take pity on the new guy and do something with me tomorrow night? I'm a good date, I promise.

Feb. 4th, 2014


Guess I should find a job, seeing as how we're stuck here. Anyone got anything for a vampire slayer bartender or something? I can do security, too.

Jan. 20th, 2014


I'm trying not to think about what happened the last time people de-aged. There are just some mental images I do not need.


Time-traveling magic portal, huh? Can't say that's really the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me, but it maybe falls in the top twenty. Maybe. I've never made a list of weird things that've ever happened to me. Though maybe I should one of these days. Right now, I'm mostly curious as to what kind of magic there is here, I can feel a lot of types, all different from mine.

Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm Willow Rosenberg.

Jan. 11th, 2014


[Filter to Elijah]

Getting less drunk yet?

You okay?


I've been here a while now, maybe I should try out this job thing. I haven't really done the job thing in a lot of years, but it could be fun. It seems to be the in thing to do here, might check it out.

So, who actually needs employees? I'm a fast learner and enjoy seeing new things.

Jan. 10th, 2014


I've seen a lot of weird shit, but I think this takes the cake.

Oct. 19th, 2013


This place is awesome.


Comic books.

Fairy Tales. Captain Hook is way hotter than the curly haired monstrosity from Disney.

It's like the warehouse threw up and created a town. I need a job though. Until I figure out how to get home, i'm not going to rely on the kindness of strangers.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Long days and pleasant nights to you.

Does anyone know where one might come across ammunition for a .45 revolver? And mayhap a place for target shooting?

Say thankya, and grateful I'll be.

Oct. 14th, 2013


After watching everyone else freak out about their shows and movies or whatever the hell you people are from, I figure I'll offer a hand. If you can't stand not knowing all the shitty things that happen to you and your people, but don't want to watch it go down, I'll watch for you and give you the highlights and lowlights.

Someone else can handle the books and comic books. I'm that big a reader, most of the time.

Oct. 13th, 2013


Pretty sure I've laughed more at girly Angel than I ever did at puppet Angel.

Oct. 9th, 2013


Yep. Still have boobs. This is fairly outstanding.

But, ah, outside of playing with them -- what is it you women do? Not trying to be a sexist asshole really, Pepper. Don't look at me like that but wanting the full feminine experience.

And if any of you say I'm enjoying this too much? You're right, I am.

Oct. 7th, 2013


So Raven is gone, and I'm stuck like this.

Today is just a bloody brilliant day, isn't it?

Oct. 3rd, 2013


[ooc: TVD S5 and The Originals Series Premiere in the comments]

Would someone care to explain to me what the hell I just watched on the TV?

Oct. 2nd, 2013


Just so everyone knows, I am a metamorphmagus.

So if you know me, and someone you don't recognize approaches you and acts like he knows you...

Deal with it.

Oct. 1st, 2013


Somebody better start explaining: Now. I warn you that I'm not a man you want to anger.

Sep. 17th, 2013


The person who met me said I've been here before. They welcomed me back...

I've never been to Storybrooke. Quaint, quiet little town no hellmouth I think I'd remember...


Filtered: Buffyverse.
Party on the beach this weekend. This almost definitely means it won't end with me having to replace all the windows. Or fix Buffy's furniture. We're going, right? All of we?

Ohmygod, do you think THOR will be there?


Filtered: Under 25s. There is also a spell on this entry that prevents you from tattling to Regina or other law enforcement types.
As I'm sure some of you already know, Caroline's birthday is coming up Friday. We're having a party down by the beach. We'll have some snacks and some soft drinks, but it's pretty much BYOB if you want to make sure you have enough. Michael Glass is going to provide us with some music and you're all invited.

We start Friday night at 7. If you're interested in coming, let me or Caroline know and we'll get back to you with the exact location.

Filtered: Merlin
And I was sort of hoping you might like to be my date. What do you think?

Sep. 16th, 2013


i wish i could go back and kill them for doing this to me. i used to be able to control this.

I hate the days before the full moon. I get so distracted and it's still days away. Does anyone have today's homework assignments for history and math? i'm sure i'll get failing grades on them anyway. I'm going to flunk out of high school


Bianca's gone. I've been looking for her for three days now, but she's really, truly gone.


This place is no better than where we came from.

I hate it here.

Sep. 14th, 2013


Well, the town emptied out rather quick, didn't it?


Okay, I've tried calling Connor, texting him, knocking on his door, and searching every part of Storybrooke that I can get to in the daylight. I may or may not have broken into his apartment to look for him, too.

Where the hell is my son?


Great. So both Sherlocks and the other me.. I mean John are gone.

Molly if you're still around, we should room together. If you want, I mean.

Sep. 13th, 2013


Winter's hold on this city has loosened. Have her agents been sent back?

Sep. 9th, 2013


So, I've been dragged through a magic portal that skipped right over summer. Awesome. Way to go, portal. Just once, I'd like a break from this kind of thing

I guess I should see about community college classes while I'm here. anyone around from Mystic Falls?

Aug. 28th, 2013


Life is hard. I mean, you get sucked through portals, things try to kill you, and there isn't a decent Chinese joint around here. So I think my new policy is just to enjoy the little things as they come. You know, go for an inner peace deal.

Basically, I'm just going to keep watching that time Angel was a puppet, and everything's better.

If it makes you feel better big guy, your werewolf girlfriend's pretty hot.

Hey, Dawnie, check out what I found. This computer stuff is pretty handy.

Aug. 26th, 2013


Speaking as sort of an expert on the whole finding yourself in a world where you exist in a tv show, I feel like I should give out some pointers. I'm pretty sure these translates to all media.

- Don't Watch Your Show. (Read your book, Your Comic..etc).
- Don't google your name.
- Stay away from fans.
- Don't read anything they might have written.
- Don't look up actors.

Trust me, it'll just mess with your head. Obviously, these are just suggestions but trust me, you'll thank me.

Aug. 25th, 2013






Huh, look at that, Bonesy. Look at that.

Aug. 24th, 2013


You know, having too much time on your hands can be a bad thing. I somehow ended up scrolling through this twitter feed, and this one hits a little too close to h I think that's a sign that I need to take up a hobby or something.

Otherwise I might end up watching my own life on television, and I really don't think that's a good plan.

I noticed a couple more people showed up from your world. Including your son, and someone you seem much less happy to see. You alright?


Well. Haven't seen this one before.

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