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Jan. 18th, 2014


concerned citizen saw me standing outside a bar, thought i was sick so he tried to get me into his car, said something about the clinic. surprised he didn't try to give me candy or some shit.

...don't really look that bad, right? judging from people's reactions the smell's mostly gone, though i feel a little overdressed.

Jan. 9th, 2014


I for one am glad I can't see anymore of that stupid show that I'm supposedly on. There's more stupid ass drama here than at home. With fucking walkers.

I'm going to the damn movies, maybe there will be something to do there.

Jan. 1st, 2014


Greetings, denizens of Storybrooke.

Never before have I felt so strongly that I have walked into a story, even though the tales to be told here are not mine, and indeed are not from my world.

It seems pointless to ask how I have appeared here, since I believe they would have told me that on my arrival had they known. I will put it down, perhaps, to faerie magic, until a better answer can be found.

So instead of asking such a question I will merely introduce myself. Greetings, my name is Kvothe, son of Arliden, currently a student at the Arcanum in Imre. I have lived tales, loved women, faced evil and survived, faced grief and wept tears for those I have lost. And that, I fear, is only part of my tale.

Tell me, what are the stories to be found in Storybrooke?

Dec. 25th, 2013


So. About this ball. Somehow I still do not have a date. And since someone else tried this I might as well.

Here's a little bit about me.

My names Catty. I like time travel and dancing. Basically I'm just a lot of fun. And if you're really nice I might even take you time traveling. Oh and I'm a goddess in case that helps.


Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Tags: ,

Dec. 19th, 2013


that lady looked pretty scared. like she'd seen a zombie or something.