September 2016




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Jul. 11th, 2014


Why in the world am I sitting alone on a Friday night watching musicals?

I fear for myself.


Who does magic here, please?

Is there lots of different types? Can people from one place not learn magic from somewhere else?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


Why don't people celebrate the summer solstice here any more? Is it forgotten?

I want to go home

Jun. 5th, 2014


[Filtered to ALL magic users & magical creatures - werewolves, vampires etc]


I’m afraid I don’t know everyone else here well enough yet to send out personal invitations, but I suppose it’s best I ‘broadcast’ anyway, in hopes everyone who might be interested has the opportunity to come along.

My name is Hermione Granger and as I believe there are many magic users here in Storybrooke of varying skills not to mention worlds, I’m proposing the idea a study group of sorts, one based purely on magical education.

Nothing terribly formal, at least not at first. These regular meetings would provide not only an opportunity for some, like myself to learn, but for anyone who might be interested in refining their spellwork or magic techniques. As I expect there are varying levels of abilities amongst those of us here, I'm certain we'd have enough collective experience and knowledge to make a study group well worthwhile.

I was fortunate enough to arrive with my luggage for Hogwarts, so I’ve quite a few magical theory texts and several spellbooks allocated for my seventh year, as well as various supplementary texts we might refer to. Furthermore we'd have the fascinating opportunity to discuss and learn about other magical disciplines from other worlds.

You’re welcome to leave a note here if you’d like; if you'd prefer to contribute or learn, or perhaps both. Once we have a date and a place settled, I'll let everyone know via the network and you're just as welcome to simply turn up.

Perhaps we could see about booking a room at the Library if there's enough interest?

Jun. 3rd, 2014


Of all the effing places I could have been teleported to... why Maine?

No offense to the people who actually live here.

Even though I'm honestly aghast to think that anyone would choose to live here.

I suppose it's cute and picturesque in that small town sort of way, if you like that kind of thing.

Where can I get a drink around here? Please tell me there are clubs here. Or at least a bar?

Oh fuck me. How will I live without drink?


There's not many children who get brought here, are there? It's all just grown ups and old people arriving.

I'm a bit bored of playing on my own. Or with the dog.

May. 26th, 2014


This is shit. It's complete shit.

I don't care about your magic or your portals.

I just want my daughter!

May. 25th, 2014


I have come to a conclusion.

While Storybrooke is not the Enchanted Forest, it is still rather quaint.

I do not mean that in a bad way, either.

May. 20th, 2014


Do I really have to go to school here?

May. 14th, 2014


There's too many buildings here.

...are all places like this now?

May. 12th, 2014


Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

When is national Orphan's day?

Holidays suck.

May. 6th, 2014


I'm not sure I approve of my being in Storybrooke for almost the entirety of a school year.

Though it beats spending the entirety of a school year killing walkers.

( Rick Grimes )

I will watch Judith tonight if you want to take Ms. McCall out to dinner or something.

May. 5th, 2014


what's a superhero?

And what's prom?

How does this box work? ...please?

Apr. 30th, 2014


Is there anyone left here that I know? It seems like everyone left in quick succession. Is it because I smell?

Apr. 29th, 2014


I can't believe that in a few months some of us will have been here for a year. It's just hard to even comprehend that, especially knowing all that's happening back home. It's just...really a lot.

Still, there are definitely some positives to being here, and I do like it. I just sometimes wish there was a way to go home.

( Natasha )
How are you doing? I can't imagine what it must be like, not remembering this place and being told you were here for months that never happened for you.

We should get drinks soon, and we can talk about how things are going.

( Phil )
So, I guess a marriage ranks slightly above death and resurrection in terms of things to keep secret, but I'm still side-eying the fact that you and Clint got married without telling anyone.

I swear, you spies will be the death of me.

( Tony )
I'm concerned about Bruce.

Don't get me wrong, I love him...but I am worried about him.

( Regina )
I was hoping to take a personal day Thursday, if that's all right. Nothing serious, it's just my birthday and I figured a day off might be nice.

Apr. 28th, 2014


