September 2016




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Jul. 30th, 2013


While I'm not a betting man like my brothers, I would bet that even Alice didn't see this happening to me today.

Jul. 26th, 2013


This? This is awesome. I know I should be having an existential crisis, but let's be real, my life has been pretty crazy. How I didn't figure out that I was fictional a long time ago is a mystery.

I'm Emmett Cullen, and I am never going to high school again!

Now, has anyone seen my wife? Yea high, blonde, the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?


I'm very used to strange and unexplained things, but I never actually expected to fall through a magic portal.

And since I'm apparently going to be here awhile, I might as well introduce myself.

My name is Esme Cullen. Would anyone be able to tell me if they've seen anyone named Carlisle, Emmett, Edward, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Bella, or Renesme around? That would be greatly appreciated.

Jul. 21st, 2013


So this is new. Better than a rampaging robot

Hi everyone? My name's Bianca.


I don't like this. I don't like that I'm here and Nessie is in Forks. I don't like knowing that anything could be happening there and I'm stuck here. I really hope that I'm not starting to go crazy, being away from her. I'm getting really restless just sitting around worrying and wondering if whatever magic brought me here will bring her here too. I know I should find something to do to try and occupy my time, but that's easier said than done.