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Jul. 21st, 2014


STOP ME IF YOU'VE HEARD THIS ONE ... so there's this portal? And it sucks people out of a thousand different dimensions and plops them into East Who-Gives-A-Damn Maine. And there's nothing to do but ... reconstitute, re-evaluate and re-form your life?


Oh right. Hi.

I'm Skye.

Jul. 12th, 2014


Filtered to Kitty Pryde (Film)

Kätzchen. I found something that I thought you might like.

I'll keep him for myself if you have no heart.

... )

Jul. 11th, 2014


Why in the world am I sitting alone on a Friday night watching musicals?

I fear for myself.

Jul. 7th, 2014


What. The. Actual. Hell.


You know, this place has a real knack for kickin' ya' out just long enough to make you think you're crazy, and then it drags you back in.

Don't suppose I can get a head count as to who's still kickin' around?

And a Cigar delivery.

And a drink.

Jun. 25th, 2014



It seems as though I am here. Again.

I am Kurt Wagner but in the Munich Circus I was known as the Incredible Nightcrawler.

Mar. 7th, 2014


Of all the bullshit we've been through here, including waking up as a woman, this I could do without. Hell, even the mistletoe was better than this, even if it did mean I ended up kissing Barton, Danvers, and a handful of strangers.

If anyone needs me, I'll be sitting in my apartment until this is over.

And I wish I didn't feel the need to tell you all that.

Why do I get the feeling this is only the beginning?

Mar. 6th, 2014


One time, I used my powers to get the Hulk to make me a sandwich. We spent an entire mission trudging through the snow with his hand on my head to keep me from dying. My hair is not naturally this color. I never went to high school. I hate that there are so many versions of my friends here and so few of them are the ones I know.

Just getting the small things out of the way before I can't stop my big secrets from rushing out.


You never realize just how much you lie on a daily basis until you cannot lie anymore. It's a good thing this happened to me here and not back home.

Detective Lance would have found out Oliver was the Arrow a long time ago. Oliver would know about my feelings for him. Then again all the catty women at QC would know that Oliver promoted me because he's a vigilante and I work with him.

God, I hate this. It's so embarrassing. I need alcohol.

Mar. 5th, 2014


I wonder if I will still have to make a choice when I turn 17 here or if that only pertains to my world.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


( Jubilee )


Will you go out with me one night?


Well, the abundance of honesty should at least make my job easier, for the time being.

Feb. 16th, 2014


Hello, everyone, my name is Jill Mastrano. This nice blue fairy explained everything to me, but can anyone tell me if they have seen a really cute guy named Eddie Castille or even a woman naed Sydney Sage or a girl named Angeline around here? I'd even take Trey And, um, Adrian Ivashkov. I don't think he's here I can't feel, but I thought I would ask.

And can anyone tell me where to get a feeder around here?

Feb. 15th, 2014


Right. So I've been here for what, a couple of weeks now? I guess I should start at least looking for a job. And is it too late to sign up for classes at the community college?

And I know I introduced myself back when I came here, but I'll do it again. Hi, everyone. I'm Claire Bennet. I'm eighteen-years-old, and I'm from Texas. And where I come from, I'm what you'd called an evolved human. There's a quite a few of us, people born with different powers and abilities. Mine, I heal really fast. Like crazy fast. I've even died a couple of times.

I know that sounds like a strange thing to lead with, but I've noticed that there's quite a few people that have special abilities, and with the whole magic thing, I figured me saying this wouldn't really be a big deal. I'd be happy to explain it anyone if they wanted me to.


So now that Valentine's Day is over, what do poeple do around here? I mean, I'm back from the dead, apparently, I should try to take advantage of it.

Feb. 7th, 2014


[ Filter; Sharon ]
Don't overthink this, but, a week from today... do you have any plans?

[/ ]

Just watched a kid finish off a bag of those candy hearts in record time. Good thing this place doesn't have a drug problem.

What's the most embarrassing Valentine's Day gift you've ever received?
Mine would be a tie with hearts all over that I had to wear to work. I'm a US Marshal.

Feb. 4th, 2014


[Filtered to Kiera Cameron, Julia Shumway, Jubilee]

Anti-Valentine's Day party.

Netflix, non-themed chocolates and candies.

Pizza. Alcohol.


Jan. 21st, 2014


Accidental Voice Post

[Sounds of someone jumping around on the bed and a young voice rehearsing to himself.]

This is all Kili's fault, Mom! Swear on Aulë! Dunno where I am Uncle Thorin! I saw a Hobbit though, like the ones in stories! Mom told me if I didn't eat my greens that the Hobbits would eat my toes.

[After he considers this.]


Jan. 19th, 2014


And here I thought this place was just some kind of fucked up dream.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Has anyone seen Logan?

The moment I have something to ask him, he's nowhere to be found.

Jan. 15th, 2014



Man... I hope I don't turn into a kid again. I was really hyper back then. And I wasn't tall enough to go on any rides.

Dude, being a kid is like... really depressing when you think about it.


[Filter: Storybrooke Sheriff's Department]
As the town's latest magic has gotten to Sheriff Swan, I'll be heading up the department until things pass.  We need all hands on deck, though, so please stay alert.

[Filter: Adults*]

Since we have a sudden influx of rather young children, we're going to need some temporary foster parents.  Please understand that this is not a commitment to be taken lightly.  If you're interested, please let me know, and we will arrange for fosters as the need arises.

* OOC: Charming means this as people over 18, but use your best judgment, based on however your characters' canon ages people. :P

Jan. 14th, 2014


This is very skilled for even an Erudite simulation.

I know that things were explained when I arrived, but it still doesn't make any sense.

Jan. 12th, 2014


Thanks to Jubilee, I have just discovered a random Netflx button. Now I can watch all the things I didn't know I needed to watch. Which is amazing.

So tonight is going to consist of movies, popcorn, and perhaps pizza.

Anyone up for joining me?


And has anyone tried out that Netflix Random Button? It's like a roulette game, only instead of a bullet you're likely to get a really lousy movie. I've gotten at least three different talking dog movies and I want to know why. I mean, they aren't even good ones! Heck, why are there five Home Alone movies? Who thought that was okay? Who?

Seriously though. Real question ahead. Is there a good place for someone like me to go blow things up around here? No, I'm not trying to be a jerk or a criminal or something, I just want a good place to train without scaring the masses when I work my mojo. Training sim, open field, I dunno. Anything like that. Plus I don't want to get arrested just because I'm working on stuff.

Jan. 7th, 2014


So, wow. I missed my birthday. Time sort of just slips away from you here, I guess.


[Private to Glenn]
It's still okay that I'm here right? I don't want to live with Maggie and Daryl. I would rather stay with you.

[Private to Carl]
Maggie wants to meet for coffee tomorrow. I should probably stop avoiding her I guess, right?

I didn't miss school one bit. I had fun at the ball. More fun than I thought.

[Private to Lily Evans]
Can we get dinner or something tomorrow?

Dec. 28th, 2013


I think next time I'll have to check to make sure we're taking the right portal. Kind of weird that this magical wormhole didn't bring everyone along, though.

Has anyone seen a blue-colored co-pilot that answers to the name of Radarr?

Dec. 24th, 2013


Presents for Jubilee )

Dec. 17th, 2013


Omg. Are you freaking kidding me? You couldn't wait to portal me somewhere until after Christmas? Dude. Not. Cool. I had presents waiting for me at Xavier's and in L.A. I didn't even get a chance to get yelled at for supergluing the training uniforms to the jet! Do you know how long it took us to do that? What kind of horribly malicious force ruins a girl's holiday like that? You are full of suck, portals. Full. Of. Suck.

Anyway, hi. I'm Jubilee. Well, Jubilation Lee, but everyone calls me Jubilee. Now someone please tell me they at least carry Sugar Bombs at the grocery stores here. You have stolen me away from my year's supply of Count Chocula and I have to have a suitable replacement or things could get messy.

Dec. 14th, 2013


I just arrested the Grinch. He was trying to steal the Christmas decorations from Town Hall.

And no, not someone dressed up as the Grinch. The real deal.

Dec. 5th, 2013


Apparently I have been here before, but I do not remember it. At all.

I... do not know what to do with myself here.

Dec. 1st, 2013


This place is quite strange.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Well, sure am glad that's over. I hear stories that there's a whole mess of you out there I know, don't s'pose any of you would care to go out celebratin' the reversal of this places recent touch o'the strange?

Oct. 17th, 2013


Hi, everybody. I'm Jess, and I'm just taking a roll call to see who's, ah, had their gender switched in the past few weeks and who hasn't? Sam and I are trying to figure out if there's a pattern.

Thanks, guys.

Oct. 15th, 2013


...I could have sworn I was safe.

Well. At least the blue isn't a shock.


Any word on how long this all is supposed to last?

Oct. 9th, 2013


You gotta be fuckin' kidding me...

God damn it

Oct. 7th, 2013


Raven Mystique She's gone.

Oct. 5th, 2013


Am I the only one who remained the gender they went to sleep as?

I am really glad I am exempt from this.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


This used to be my favorite time of year.


Anybody know, uh, how to get money around here? Kind of definitely failing in that department right now, and I might need it to get the car running, and some new clothes and... wait, there's a school here? Ah, damn it.

Do I have to go?

Sep. 21st, 2013


The students at the high school are far more accepting of my teaching them than I would have originally thought. Apparently I'm some sort of novelty to them, or something. Which I don't mind at all, I don't mind questions or anything as long as they are not mean-spirited.

That being said, I need something to take my mind off of being here. Off of Billie's disappearance. Off of my mother being here and her not realizing she's my mother.

Any suggestions?

Sep. 17th, 2013


[Private to Raven Darkholme]

...I have something I must talk to you about.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Billie... I can't seem to find her.

And I really kind of liked her.

Sep. 14th, 2013


My piano instructor is gone. I still have the music he wanted me to play, and I have everything he wanted me to work on. I know he'd be disappointed if I stopped practicing just because he left. But I'll miss Mr. Holmes. He was very kind.


Oh man. Give me my pumpkin spice latte or give me death!

Sep. 11th, 2013


Well, I've been through this town about three times now and I think I know the ends and outs. You can never be sure though. I've also put in my application at the Sherriff's office and a few other places. So that takes care of the job hunt. Got some things for where I'm staying, so that takes care of setting up my place. Essentials are taken care of.

I know Logan and Kitty are here... but who else? I'd like to know what I'm in for in regards to who I know and who I don't know. Logan gave me some details but... there are still questions that need to be answered and I'm inclined to start looking for those answers as soon as possible.

Also... please tell me there are things to do around here that make this place not so... dull? Other than the nifty little portals that brought us here, what else is there to do?

Sep. 10th, 2013


Left in front of Billie's apartment. )

Sep. 8th, 2013


[Filtered to Kurt:]

Hey! We should hang out.

[Filtered to Paige:]

Hey, Missy Whitelighter! How's it going? So far, I haven't freaked out about anything. Well, not really. I thought I saw a demon, but it wasn't - that was totally my bad. Do you think I can see Phoebe? And Piper? I really miss them.

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