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Aug. 22nd, 2013


My wife is gone.

Aug. 19th, 2013


It sucks when you want to be mad at someone for something but then they do something amazing for you.

ooc: spoilers for the teen wolf finale in comments


My sister's gone. She can't be


Is anyone willing to potentially tutor a seventeen year old werewolf with rather serious anger issues?


I need a drink.

Aug. 16th, 2013


If I ever wanted to know what Sunnydale would have been like if it wasn't on too of a bloody Hellmouth, I know now. It would have been just as bloody boring as it is here. I haven't hit anything in weeks.

Aug. 15th, 2013


A nice lady told me that I'm no longer in Afghanistan - which makes sense, considering this doesn't look like a military base at all -. This doesn't seem improbable to anyone It wouldn't right because this is nor

Bones! You here? Isn't there some scientific mumbo jumbo that clearly states that this is ... impossible?

Okay, I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I still have sand in my boots.


Right, so, I got the message that this is some...magical world we've been pulled into.

...right. Um, that's really nice, but I have an exam on Monday, and Sam's going to be worried if I'm not there when he gets back, so if you would kindly send me back, I'd appreciate it.

Aug. 11th, 2013


Is anyone else feeling restless living here in Storybrooke?

Chloe, Lois

So, uh, I flew the other day. Just thought you'd like to know.

Kara Zor-el

I have a few questions. Can I ask them to you?

Aug. 10th, 2013


Since Angel had a whole puppy overload going on and I'm rooming it alone since they shuffled us, I hung onto one. I figure we can keep each other company and if I up and vanish back to where I'm from, he won't be any worse off than he was before.

Cute, right?

I've got to keep us both fed though, so guess I have to look into the job deal too. My hireable skills are pretty much kicking ass and looking wicked hot doing it though, so not much market for that. Anyone need heavy crap hauled around or something, or a little muscle?


So I'm curious and a bit obsessive and wondered about everyone since we have so many amazing people here. I'd love to know where everyone is from, what they can do, and you know, if you're not totally human, what you are. I'll start!

I'm Charlie, I'm from a world much like this one, and I'm run of the mill human. I don't have any special powers or anything, just some mad computer and gaming skills.

Feel free to use filters if you don't want to share with the whole class!

Aug. 9th, 2013


Seems there was a bit of a room shake-up. Interesting.


Guess who has a new roommate dear Sister.

Aug. 7th, 2013


I can only hope that Elijah decides not to join in on the fun and add a new addition to our place. I know nothing about caring for a pet and I certainly don't wish to start now. No matter how amusing the small chubby ones are.

Filtered: Matt D

I suppose I should be finding a job, I haven't decided if I want to return to school or not. Doesn't seem to be worth it, even if I still have yet to have a normalDoesn't really seem to be a good fit for me. Either way, I'm sure I can find a way to make myself useful here.

Aug. 6th, 2013


...uh. If you save a small dog from getting hit by a car does that mean it's yours to keep if it isn't wearing a collar...?

I've never had a pet.


Filtered against Any Authority Figure.

Is there anything fun to do here in Storybrooke?

Like, I don't know. Something. Suggestions?


On one hand, it's quite the relief to not be dead.
However, I do not understand this little machine and I do not know what has become of my friends.

Also, that terrible woman injured my arm and I have none of my supplies.

Aug. 5th, 2013


Angels defend us, what sorcery is this?

I am beyond pleased no longer to find myself in the Tower, but this must be a fell and unholy place, to have brought us here. Death and salvation, perhaps, would have been better than this devilry...

Aug. 4th, 2013


So, I've decided. This place is the coolest place ever and I never wanna leave it!

Aug. 3rd, 2013


So, this guy has stuck around for three days now and shows no sign of going anywhere. I guess it's about time he had a name. I'm not exactly doing so well in the ideas department, so I'm open to suggestions.

Where do you work here? I'm thinking about trying the library, which might be handy even if almost everything about everyone seems to be online here.

Speaking of which, it took me a while, but I finally tracked down 'Manticore' and figured out who your 'face twin' is. Or I've narrowed it down to two people, rather, and I'm really hoping it's the sane one and not the serial killer. Because apparently in some other world there was a serial killer clone running around with your face for a while.

Adding that to my mental list of reasons why I hate it when people who aren't you look like you, incidentally. It's getting to be a long list.

So, I've settled in a bit. You were going to tell me more about your magic? And I saw that you met


I suppose I should thank whoever is responsible for bringing me here and saving me from a pretty bad apocalypse

Thank you person I probably don't know. But since I didn't ask you to do it, I don't owe you anything, so I hope that's not why you did it. If it is, too bad.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


FILTERED: Everyone interested in self-defense/sparring.*
Dmitri and I are working on getting some premises. My idea is to open a kind of gym/training place where we can offer classes in self-defense and some more advanced things for those with more experience in that kind of thing. There's a ton of paperwork and we'll actually have to find a space, but in the meantime, I thought maybe we could organize some more informal stuff. Someone mentioned just sparring out in the woods, which could definitely work.

So maybe we could get a virtual show of hands for who's definitely interested and give us an idea of when would be the best time for you guys/

* basically everyone who commented on this post and anyone else who might be interested!


I'm just curious. Are there any other archers here besides me and Thalia? It could be fun to have a contest.

Hi, Ms Blanchard. My name is Bianca di Angelo. I know that you teach at the elementary school, so I was wondering if I could talk to you about something. My brother Nico is 13 and I'm 12. And I think that when school starts again in the fall that we should go, but Nico and I have struggled a lot in school before. See, we're demigods. Our brains are made to read ancient Greek, so when we try to read in English the letters get all jumbled together. Like Dyslexia. And we both have trouble sitting still for very long, so it can be hard to concentrate. I thought maybe with some extra help that things might be easier for us. So, I was wondering if you know anyone we could talk to? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.


So...I'm only thirteen. Am I going to have to go to school this fall?

Aug. 1st, 2013


This is certainly an interesting turn of events.


I'm not watching TV anymore. Fuck.

Jul. 31st, 2013


I feel as though I should be following a rabbit in a waistcoat, but given the things I've overheard people calling each other, not to mention the welcoming committee, I wouldn't be surprised if he's around here somewhere. If only in a less anthropomorphic form.

Also, with the mutterings of magic and portals, I see no sense in keeping tight-lipped on my own issues. Peter Hale. Werewolf, recovering sociopath, and current babysitter to a gaggle of clueless teens. Speaking of... Any of you about?


I have to admit I am looking forward to the new school year. As of this afternoon I am the new Computer Science teacher at the local high school. I admit they were hesitant to hire me at first but I am glad that they did so.

Buffy Verse

I know there are many of you who I either don't know or who come from later than I remember you which has put me at a disadvantage. Rupert has told me much that happened over the years after my death. Still I would very much like to either see you again or meet and get to know you.


Jul. 30th, 2013


Mary becomes Queen of England.

Then Elizabeth.

Edward dies....

Whoever told me to Google my life is bordering on cruel.

Jul. 28th, 2013


Tell me does anyone dance or sing here? I have always been a fan of balls and parties. A part of me wishes I could grow my own food like I did back home but there is no space and no one to help in the gardens here. All the vegetables taste wrong to me.

Jul. 27th, 2013


[Filtered to Buffyverse people]

Illyria has arrived and she will be staying with me. She is from the same time as you, Angel and Spike.

She is an ancient god who currently resides within the body of Winifred Burkle, one of our former former former team members. While we were at odds before, she now is one of us. She may be abrupt and aggressive, that is her way. Please do treat her with courtesy and respect.


I'm Oz. I'm seeking musically inclined individuals for a jam session.


My apologies to those of you I'd made plans to stargaze with last evening. We'll have to make a take a pause for a bit.

Jul. 25th, 2013



14 years.

That isn't going to cease to be strange.


How many of you are there here?


That's the last time I go camping with a bunch of men.

I think I need a drink.


[Filter: Not Canon-mates]
Has anyone else found out things about their future they'd rather not have known?

Jul. 24th, 2013


The downside to visiting the animal shelter is that there are PUPPIES and they are ridiculously CUTE. It shouldn't really be a big surprise that Caroline and I came home with a dog. Pics to come later. Right now, I have to go keep him from eating Caroline's shoes.


I miss my dog. I'm sure my brother is taking fine care of him, because if he's not, I'm going to find a way to cross back into my universe and throttle him. But still...

The sorts of dogs they have here are all very charming and affectionate, yes, and some of them even seem moderately clever. But I don't think they quite compare.

So what do you lot miss most?


A broken leg, two cracked ribs, a concussion, one sprained wrist, and some other cuts, bumps, scrapes, and bruises.

For falling through a magical portal after jumping off a Ferris Wheel, that's not bad at all.

Hi. I'm Claire Bennet.


Assuming that sleep doesn't get any easier, would anyone care to go star gazing tomorrow night, say, down by the docks?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


I've heard the bottom line here, and it's not good enough, because I have a kid and he's alone somewhere with an "adult" less mature than he is. So whatever needs to happen to make this move faster, let me know. Otherwise I'm going to go slamming into this barrier or whatever it is until something changes.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Hello, my name is Lilah Morgan. Next Monday, I will be opening a law office in the center of town, about two blocks east of the courthouse at [address]. Should anyone be in need of legal assistance of any kind, rest assured that I am well versed in the state's laws and am on my way to becoming familiar with Storybrooke's in particular. I don't discriminate in regards to clients: good, neutral, evil, human, vampire, demon - I'll take anyone who needs my services.

[Mayor Mills]
Thank you again for your suggestion in researching office spaces to rent.

I'll be working late each night while preparing my office. I'll try not to disturb you when I return to the apartment.



I am not exactly sure what this contraption in my room is, but... it's loud. And it has... moving pictures on it.

What is it, and why is telling me about the child just born to a Duke and Duchess of Cambridge?


Oh joy, just what I always wanted. But hey, this is actually better than the place I should have wound up.

I'm Tamsin. Where's the bar and the police station? In the order.


Voice Post

....this is not the Caribbean, loves.

Jul. 21st, 2013


So this is new. Better than a rampaging robot

Hi everyone? My name's Bianca.


This place is a total death trap...there's curtains and hooks and So, let's say hypothetically I suspend belief because, really, I've seen some pretty messed up stuff...there's really, definitely, 100% without a doubt, absolutely no way back to where we came from...? Really? That's not just, like...something townies say to make you wanna stick around...?

Jul. 20th, 2013


They said Tara is here. I asked them and they said she's here! Please. Please, someone tell me where she is. I have to see her. I just got here and I don't really know where everything is yet and I'm trying to figure out this new technology (which is really neat by the way), but it's really important I see Tara Maclay. If this is some kind of joke... well, let's just say we should all hope it isn't.

Jul. 19th, 2013


So what's there to do around here at night?


Faith's post got me thinking. There are quite of a few of us fighter types here, right? This place seems pretty nice and quiet, but I don't want to lose my edge. Is there some kind of place here we can all train together? I mean, if the rest of you are interested. I haven't even seen a gym in town and a girl has to stay in shape!


This place is seriously so calm, it's freaky. I just keep waiting for some big bad to bust through and start tearing the place apart. I'm not used to downtime. Without bars anyway.

B, Angel, you want to go a round and spar? I promise not to kick your ass too hard. Or anyone else, I guess, if you want to give it a go. I just need something to do before I resort to daytime TV.

Jul. 18th, 2013


Ain't anyone else considerin' that this ain't magic, but y'all are dead?

[ Filtered to Mulan Glenn ]

That sweet lil' lady of yours tell you about the day we spent together?

((ooc: I'm really sorry okay? I don't want to keep apologising in every single offensive comment. So, nice big world wide apology right here! sobs emotionally because wengh.))

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