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Apr. 13th, 2014


Okay. So how many holidays are there and wasn't a smaller one just celebrated not too long ago?

Apr. 11th, 2014


I just saw a porn title called Buttcheeks Aquiver.

What's the best porn title you've ever seen?

Apr. 8th, 2014


I need a doctor.

Apr. 7th, 2014



Let's play Fuck/Marry/Kill.

Either just pick someone, anyone for each category or give each other three names and stick them in the categories.

You guys know how to play, right?

I'll start.

Fuck: Raylan Givens. Because of reasons.
Marry: Clark Kent
Kill: Clint, if only because if I put him in the other categories, I might get shanked or something.

Your turn.


There's universes where people can fly, turn into monsters, or have tiny monsters in balls. Why isn't there one where math homework does itself?

[Beacon Hills People]
Who is even still here? Scott's gone, Derek's gone. I saw Lydia say something, so she's still here, Cora's here, Ms. McCall's here. Allison? Stiles?

It's fine if Peter's gone.
[/Beacon Hills]

Do you want to stay here? Until Scott gets back, I mean. In his room. Since we're both just rattling around, I thought maybe it'd be better. Or I could stay there, for a while. I hate when it's empty.

[Kitty Pryde]
Hi. I just thought I'd see if you were okay, or needed anything, since Derek's not here. I think that makes us pack by proxy? Or I would if I knew how the rules actually worked.

Apr. 6th, 2014


Scott is gone.


Apr. 2nd, 2014


Derek is gone.

He was supposed to meet me to go for a run and he never showed. This is awesome.

Apr. 1st, 2014


This doesn't even make the top ten list for weirdest things to happen to me this week. That makes me reconsider my life choices.

Anyway, hi. I'm Alcatraz and I break things. Way to sound like you're at AA, self

Mar. 31st, 2014


Damon Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman, and Jenna Sommers are all gone. If any of you knew them, I'm sorry.

[ stiles ]

Mar. 30th, 2014


This place again? Great.

Is everyone still here? Allison, please tell me that you're still here.

Mar. 29th, 2014


You know, I've fought gods and the Phoenix force and Doombots and aliens. I've even died before.

But I've never faced anything as horrifying as a teenage boy's bedroom.

Seriously, Francis. Do the piles of dirty clothes and junk in your room have defensive purposes? Are they there to attack people who invade your room?

Clean it up or...I don't know. You're grounded. Or something.

Mar. 25th, 2014


filtered against baby spider-man and gwen

... I swear I didn't mean to upset that girl.

Mar. 24th, 2014


My mom is going to kill me

So, let's make sure I have this straight.
  1. I went through a portal.
  2. This is all because of "magic" magic.
  3. There's no way to go home.
  4. Or if there is, nobody's figured it out.
  5. Also, some of us are apparently fictional in some other realities?
  6. My boyfriend is probably here because he can't avoid trouble and needs to speak up right now if that's the case. Peter Parker, where are you?
Is that about right?

Mar. 22nd, 2014


Today, I broke a kid's hand.
Then had to call my brother to bail me out.
Guys, if you touch my ass or any other part of me, I will hurt you. Females aren't your property and I am not afraid to make you cry like a baby.

Not going to ask if you're okay. Just wanted to tell you that if you want to hang out in silence with someone, come find me.

Mar. 19th, 2014


there may be spoilers in the comments for this post )

Mar. 18th, 2014


I realized I haven't really come out and said it, so there's probably a lot of people even in my social circle who don't really know.

I'm a vampire now.

Before anyone gets worked up, it was my choice. I was dying and losing my mind and possibly had an evil parasite thing inside me, and now I'm fine. I'm good. I mean, sure I'm technically dead, but it's better than being completely dead, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I know, I'm sixteen. I don't know what I want. I don't care. I like being alive.

And no, it isn't easy. Cravings are hard, and I'm definitely worried I'll slip up and eat someone. But there are resources here to help and it's probably easier than it would be somewhere that I'd have to hide what I am now. It definitely sucks not being able to go outside during the day, and I'm kind of going a little stir crazy around the apartment, but Cora's been good about bringing me my school work, so it gives me something to do. I guess the weirdest part is that I sort of feel like everything's turned up to eleven. Not just senses, which is kind of a given, but In general.

But...yeah. I'm a vampire now. Deal with it.


((Unfiltered, but cut for oversharing mentions of past abuse)) )

Mar. 17th, 2014


Sometimes I wish that Peter had never bitten me. I don't exactly hate my life now, and I don't hate everything's that happened to me since I became a werewolf. But sometimes...I just wish my life could be normal. Not having to worry about having an asthma attack at any given time is nice, but sometimes I'd take an asthma attack over half the crap that's happened to me and my friends back home. But then that means I'd never really met Allison or gotten to know Issac better. And some terrible things might have still happened. If I never became a beta in the first place, Issac's dad might still be beating the crap out of him. But Erica and Boyd might still be alive. I don't know. Maybe things would still be the same for them, and I'd just be a normal guy, sitting on the bench at lacrosse games and watching Jackson score every goal. It's not something I really dwell on as much as I used to after I first got bit and crazy stuff started happening. But sometimes, I still do.

Mar. 14th, 2014


This is the best day known to man.

Not only is it Pi day, it's steak and blowjob day.

Everyone must celebrate one or the other.

Mar. 10th, 2014


I was a terrible alpha and I'm glad I'm a beta again. I'm not a leader. I was never meant to be one.

I'm happier here than I ever was back home. I've got my sister, an amazing woman that I love who isn't evil. I just can't help but wonder if the other shoe is going to drop. I just can't see myself deserving any of this.

Mar. 9th, 2014


cut for mentions of suicide )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


I am so tired of people thinking that I'm just some pet dog of Jane's. She doesn't even like me, to be honest. I'm glad she's not here because she'd just give me a bunch of condescending crap. I'm my own person. And I'm amazing. I refuse to be in her stupid perfect shadow any longer.

Also if any of you decides that this is a good time to be sappy and confess your love to anyone other than me on here in public, I'll taze you. Do that confessing stuff in private.


I have an issue where if someone shoots a gun within about a hundred yards of me, the bullet finds me. Every time. Please don't try this, just take my word for it.

I had a daughter, and this attribute was passed on to her. I learned this the hard way.

I blame myself every day.

...why I felt the need to confess this, I have no idea.

I hate Storybrooke.


I miss my mom and I wish she was here.

I hate it when I get like this. She's been gone for so long and I should be used to not having her in my life by now.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


I have the urge to get something off my chest.

I am not an American named Alexander Grayson.

I am Dracula.

Just thought you ought to know.


Is anyone else finding it hard to lie?

Or even tell a fib?

Feb. 21st, 2014


This is a really nice town you have here and everything, but I really, really need to get back to Beacon Hills. Like, as soon as possible.


Feb. 18th, 2014


This place is real. Of course it's real. You'd think I remember that the third time around.

Mom? Stiles? Alison? Issac?

Please tell me you're all still here. And okay. Yeah. Okay. That's the big one. Please tell me you're all okay.

Feb. 11th, 2014


So May's gone and that's been confirmed and, okay, I was sad for awhile but it's not so different from things back home. I mean, we lost people all time. The difference is that here I know she just went back home and maybe things are okay for her. She's not gone because I made a mistake or she was in one of those forbidden zone things or Ultron killed her. So, better.

I guess this just means I have to try and make new friends or something.


Sometimes, everything just sucks.

( Lydia )
Hey. I need you to do me a favor.

( Danny )
I need to talk to you about something. I know I'm not exactly your favorite person, but my girlfriends gone and my best friend is gone and I need to talk to someone.

( Isaac )
I need a favor. Sort of a morbid favor.

( Derek )
How are you holding up?

( Peter )
Life sucks.

( Elena )
Do you want to get ice cream?

Not like that. I know you have a boyfriend. And I have a girlfriend, even though she's not here.

But I could really use a break. And maybe someone to talk to

( OOC: Some definite spoilers for things revealed in tonight's Teen Wolf probably coming in comments, so be mindful. )

Feb. 7th, 2014


( Pepper Potts )

I think we should try to get Tony a really large stuffed animal.

You know, to make up for the one he got you.

Or something, I don't even know.

I enjoyed dinner with you the other night. We should do it again. Maybe even make after-dinner activities a recurring thing as well.

( Tony Stark )

Are you doing anything for Pepper next week?

( Filtered away from Pepper Potts and Tony Stark )

Valentine's Day is reminding me how useless I am when it comes to being purposely romantic.

Feb. 6th, 2014


[Filtered to Derek]
I'm sorry about Cora. It sucks that they're gone.

Stiles basically looks like he's imploding.

[Filtered to Allison]
I guess you heard Scott's gone. But it's okay, because Peter is still hanging around. Because that's better.

I don't like being alone. And now I have no alpha. I miss Scott.

I think we should start putting trackers on everyone. Just so we know for sure who vanished, and who just is crawling into someone else's bed. Which makes it sound creepy, but I meant for disappearing peace of mind, not to track who is sleeping where.

Feb. 4th, 2014


Scott is gone...

Jan. 28th, 2014


I still kind of miss being an adult.

Jan. 27th, 2014


Okay, that was unexpected.

Do you think if we try really hard, we can pick the next kind of weird crap that happens? Everyone shrinks, or the houses turn into gingerbread, or the animals start talking. Anything other than being a kid again, basically.

I'm sorry, Ms. McCall Melissa. And Dr. Banner. And everyone else I talked to, basically.

Jan. 19th, 2014


And here I thought this place was just some kind of fucked up dream.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Please tell me that I did not get sent back in time.

Stiles? Derek? Laura? Anyone?

I am not going to high school.

Jan. 14th, 2014


I thought this had been a dream. An elaborate dream, yes, but a dream.

Any chance Scott is still here? Stiles? Anyone?

Also, I think I need my job back at the hospital.

Jan. 11th, 2014


How is it that school's only been back for like two weeks and I already have a mountain of homework.

Jan. 10th, 2014


I've seen a lot of weird shit, but I think this takes the cake.

Jan. 9th, 2014


[Flitered to Beacon Hills people]

Sorry if I worried anyone. I got sent home. But I'm back now.

...I'm also an Alpha.

Jan. 8th, 2014


Not exactly what I was expecting, but I'll take it.

Dec. 30th, 2013


I want my brother back.


Derek's gone.

I really hope this is just one of those things where he disappears for a few days and then pops back up with new memories, but it's so hard to tell if someone is just sort of gone or really gone.

Dec. 21st, 2013


It's really beginning to feel like Christmas around here. I can practically smell that mix of gingerbread, mulled wine and existential despair that calls to mind the season.

I do wonder if, given the barriers surrounding the town, Santa Claus will show up. Not, of course, that the real Santa Claus is a jolly old man who comes bringing gifts. Everyone knows Santa Claus is really a drugged-up government bear used as an experiment by the CIA. Still, it's very much a part of Christmas, and it wouldn't be the same without Santa.

Speaking of Christmas, darling Carlos, would you like to go to this ball with me? I'm not sure which of us should wear the dress, but I'm open to either way.


[Filtered to Stephanie]

So....I'm going to ask Isaac out. Wish me luck?

[Filtered to Isaac]


I was wondering. To keep things from being super-awkward the night of the ball, do you want to maybe get some dinner tonight?

Dec. 20th, 2013


I found my dress for the ball, thanks to Kate. Seriously, she is a shopping goddess.

We sort of got waylaid by some mistletoe - A+ kissing, Kate - but we did find something eventually.

cut for image )

I'm pretty happy with it. It's got just enough purple, without being like...a punch to the face.

Dec. 19th, 2013


Magic portal through space and time to another part of the country?

Must be Thursday.

I'm Barbara Gordon. Hello.


I just got kissed by Natasha Romanoff. I think I might have accidentally stepped into a comic book nerd's fantasy for a second. Or it was that mistletoe. I was just picking up pizza.

This town remains so weird.

Dec. 18th, 2013


Sherlock's gone. I guess that makes me dateless again. I mean not that it was a date with the ball and everything.

I don't even know. I need coffee.

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