September 2016




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Feb. 3rd, 2016


I don't have anything against winter, I really don't but I feel like a freaking popsicle right now.

[Filtered to Ward]
What the hell were you actually thinking? What gives you the right to dictate anything in my life?

[Filtered to Archer]
I feel the need to apologize again, so I am. Sorry, so very sorry.

Feb. 1st, 2016


Be warned.

Winter Storm Bucky Approaches! )


Storybrooke. Cute.

But I signed on for time travel, not whatever this is.


I've visited my fair share of small towns but Storybooke surpasses them all in uniqueness.

Jan. 31st, 2016


Who is friends with Felicity Smoak?

She's back but she's in the hospital.

Jan. 30th, 2016


I'm not sure if it's too soon but I found this when I should have been doing homework.

Cut for potential Star Wars spoilers. )

Jan. 28th, 2016


I am going to make it my goal to watch at least one of the movies nominated for an award this year.

Dreaming big here.

Jan. 27th, 2016


I think for the first time in years I may actually be experiencing something like boredom with all of this idle time. I've been told there are job opportunities all over town. Any suggestions? I'd offer my resume but I have a sneaking suspicion many of you already know my experience.

How did your meeting with that young man go? He gave me an odd feeling. I couldn't place it.

I know we've only just touched on training but what do you think about starting in earnest now?

Jan. 25th, 2016


Has anyone seen or heard from Fitz? I went over to his to ask him something and there was no answer, I can't get hold of him.

[Filtered away from Carl]
Who do I speak to about being a guardian? Because I volunteered to do it for someone and I just want to check there's no hidden surprises for me.

[Filtered to AoS people, Avengers, SHIELD, Felicity, Arthur, Archer]
Arthur and I are organizing a Game of Thrones drinking game night. Who's in?

So... I had fun the other night, what I can remember of it. Did I

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I'm bored, I know it's bad luck to say things like I want something to happen so I'm not going to say that but someone give me an idea of something to do otherwise I'm going to try and find something to do and might end up landing myself in trouble because I have a habit of doing that. But no suggesting trying to conquer the human race (Loki I'm looking at you) or other activities such as that.

Dec. 17th, 2015


I have some extra Jedi robes if anyone needs them for a certain movie premiere.

No, you cannot have my lightsaber.

Dec. 15th, 2015


Since my bitter half has gone all quiet I need someone else to tell me that certain things are a bad idea or celebrate Christmas with or watch a movie and snuggle with and annoy.


I had plans to set up a skating rink on the town common, but it's been so warm lately I don't think there's any point. It'd just be a big puddle. Unless Elsa's around somewhere and I missed her.


Hey Arthur, I saw this and thought of you. If you don't get it then I think I'm going to have to rethink my entire position on you.

It's strange to think that Christmas is ten days away. I don't think I'm looking forward to it but then that's no different from how I'm used to feeling about the holidays. I've taken the advice of many of you and avoided watching the show that depicts the lives of me and my family friends. I don't know if not knowing what I might be going back to is good or not but for the moment that's what I'm choosing to do. At least I don't have to worry about it again until March.

Nov. 15th, 2015


If someone can teach me how to make this, I would be greatly appreciative.

Nov. 9th, 2015


I'm bored.

No one likes it when I get bored.

Nov. 5th, 2015


I really need the magic of this place to send back Phil.

Oct. 17th, 2015


[ Filtered to Ward ]
I think I might be ready for that talk now, if you're free that is, if you're not then that's fine.

Oct. 15th, 2015



Jemma is at my place. She's sleeping in the spare room. I don't know what happened but she isn't up to seeing anyone right now. I'll keep everyone updated.

Please feel free to send food and tea though.

I love you.


voice post.

( jemma's voice is very quiet and somewhat rough with disuse and it doesn't seem like she realizes she's broadcasting. ) is this...

I don't...

I don't understand...

This isn't real. It can't be real...

Oct. 13th, 2015


Has anyone seen Jemma? She was coming by for dinner tonight but didn't show..

I know she has a lot of friends I still haven't met around here so maybe someone else has seen her and I missed the memo?

Oct. 11th, 2015


i made a mistake.

[Filtered to Ward]
can i ask you something personal?

Sep. 24th, 2015


All right, another year older. Who's taking me out for a game of pool and drinks and embarrassingly giant cake?

((OOC: Pretend I posted this yesterday 'cause I'm a ditz.))

Sep. 22nd, 2015


I need a job.

Any suggestions?

Sep. 12th, 2015


Whoever buys me this will get cookies baked for them for a lifetime.

Sep. 11th, 2015


[Filtered to AoS minus Jemma]
It's Jemma's birthday, we need to do something for her. I feel bad because we should have planned something but I was too busy worrying about my own issues. Anyone have any ideas what we can do for her? Or has anyone already planned something?

Aug. 31st, 2015


Just when I think I'm starting to adjust to things I remember how everything is different here and that to some people I'm sort of like a fictional character and then it's a battle not to freak out all over again.

[Filtered to AoS]
I feel completely useless here and like I really don't belong. You've all been here so much longer than me and I don't know how to deal with that still.


I think I need a job. Since Shield doesn't exist here and I got fired and the Tony Stark here doesn't know me, anyone have ideas?

I've really gotta stop being such a hermit. I'm not going home anytime soon Who wants to hang out? Or is that really sad? Trying to make friends on the internet? Clint would never let me hear the end of it

Aug. 20th, 2015


Well this is definitely not where I thought I'd end up when I woke up this morning.

If anyone wants to tell me this has all been a very elaborate joke then I'm ready for the reveal. Or if someone wants to tell me I'm actually insane and this fairy tale town is all in my head then go ahead. Right now I don't think I'd argue with you.

If there's anyone here who knows me then feel free to yell at me or come find me and help me understand what's going on and by that I do mean find a bar and drink it dry.

May. 1st, 2015


voice post

So from my understanding over the time I've spent on Miss Simmons' couch is...pretty much the basics of this place. Alternate universe, my-life-is-a-tv-show I think worse things have happened. Like the voice on this thing that reads back everyone's posts to me. But from what I can tell...the biggest worry in this place is where the bar is and what is going on in everyone's show that I'm not all too worried about anything else. Or trying not to be. I'm Matt Murdock. I'll find my way around this place in no time, just need to get a start.

I think it'll start with not sleeping on Jemma's sofa and finding a place to live.

Apr. 30th, 2015


Well, that was perfectly awful.

I can't believe that I

I'm a terrible

spoilers for 2x19 episode of agents of shield )

I'm an awful person.

I can't believe I did that.

Does the guilt ever get easier to deal with?

I want to drink rather a lot of alcohol right now.

Apr. 29th, 2015


Hey, Hot Guy, how come I didn't know you were this cool?

Apr. 26th, 2015


I'm trying not to worry about the fact that my job has been in a bar with no owner for a while now. We've been doing the best we can with what we got but I'm beginning to wonder if I should be looking for something else.

I need to stop drinking, I think. I just tried to stop a fight and got punched in the face.

Apr. 24th, 2015


I'm fine. I'm good. I can control it.

Back to pleasantville, I guess. Who's still here?

[ooc: there were some slight vibrations around Skye when she first reappeared, so if you were nearby, you might have felt something, but it wasn't like a townwide earthquake or anything]

Apr. 20th, 2015


Oh. Oh my.

I had forgotten about this.

Fitz? Are you still here? I do hope you are.

The thing is, I really did mean to post to this sooner, but I found a man in a dumpster just after I arrived. And he had a rather alarming number of injuries, which was really very worrisome when you take the dumpster into consideration. And the sensible thing to do seemed to be to take care of him first.

So he's on the sofa. My sofa, obviously. It was a bit difficult getting him back, but I managed. He's resting now.

Mar. 19th, 2015


When someone tells you not to watch the shit show about your life, listen to them.
I am going to get very very very drunk.

Mar. 18th, 2015


He still has my picture on his

I guess this place was real.

[Filtered to Phil and Skye]

I may need a place to crash for awhile.

Feb. 9th, 2015


Well, I can cross magical portals to Maine off of things S.H.I.E.L.D never prepared me for.

At least the lobster here is good. That's one thing Maine can always be counted for.

I'm Phil Coulson, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I heard my team was here.

Nov. 22nd, 2014


So, last year I was pretty neglectful about the holidays. I had just gotten here and had recently been kidnapped by a mad man so I'd like to think my grandmother would forgive me for not properly celebrating Hanukkah.

That being said I'm going to try very hard to cook a traditional dinner and celebrate it the way I would at home. Would anyone like to join me?

Nov. 17th, 2014


So I guess I should probably get caught up Or something. Do I even still have a job?

Fuck, I forgot how much being an adult sucks when you have to sort out life-altering shit. I need to clean out his stuff Or put it in storage And work out the job thing Kitty probably didn't fire me

( friends and family )
Sorry about that, guys. I wasn't really myself, but I still feel bad about being a dick. And stabbing Ward.

I'm me now though. 100%. So...that's good.

And hey, Jasper. Glad you're not evil. Sorry I was brainwashed, again, when you got here.

( casa del spysassins ) get it out of the way, I'm not fine.

But honestly, that's mostly to do with the whole Loki bullshit. I'm not happy that Phil is gone, it hurts, but I'm accepting it, and that's pretty much the best I can do.

I'd be down for a blanket fort and some takeout soon though.

( regina )
Thanks. I really mean it. I owe you a lot.

( loki )
If you ever come near me again, I'll kill you.

Nov. 8th, 2014


I guess I'm going to need a job. The question is, what's a hacktivist turned secret agent supposed to do in small town Maine?



Someone want to explain to me in what universe being dragged out of a car and thrown into traffic results in a surprise trip to the New England coast? The most I've been able to get out of the locals is 'magic'. Please god tell me there's a better explanation than that.


It's good to be back, as strange as this place really is in retrospect. Well, strange and fascinating.

Is everyone all right?

( Fitz )
I need to hug you. Is that all right?

Nov. 6th, 2014


Some of the boys are putting together a little team for snow warfare. Jemma? Skye? Want to be on my team? Hitting Grant with snowballs might be therapeutic.

Nov. 1st, 2014


What the hell? Am I seriously in the middle of a bunch of zombies right now?

Uh, guys? I could kind of use some back up right about now.

Sep. 10th, 2014


Well, that is just ridiculous.

Bees hardly ever explode. And certainly not like that.

Maybe now that nobody has abilities, things might become interesting.

Perhaps someone will be murdered. One can hope.


Party at Granny's for Agent Simmons' birthday, so don't tell her. Ward, it's your job to get her there with no questions asked.

The rest of you? Shower her in gifts. If Paddington Bear would like it, so would she. I'm gonna use my super power to make sure there are steak hoagies for everyone.

Sep. 8th, 2014


Hey guys. Hey. I do declare, I need a steak hoagie or I shall perish dead away. etc, etc, etc

hahaha all your super powers are gone, suck it HARD

Aug. 10th, 2014


And weirdly? Being yanked through the portal and into a place where I'm fictional isn't even the weirdest thing that's even happened to me.

But if anyone has any nectar or the ability to point me at the nearest doctor, that'll be great, thanks.

Jul. 30th, 2014


So, okay. We have a big block party coming up. Help a girl out - who's single? Who's cute?

And who is basically not even/would be evil if they were not bored?

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