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Jun. 23rd, 2014


There really isn't any way out of here, is there?

I'm Mys Raven. If there is a way to leave, I'd appreciate someone telling me.

Jun. 10th, 2014


It's boring here now that school's out for the summer. I can't believe I actually miss school.

Is there anyone who would mind having a fourteen-year-old work for them during the summer?

The plus is that Judith is here.

Jun. 9th, 2014


I'm going out to hit the ziplines. Anyone want to come with me?

Jun. 7th, 2014


The only thing I find myself hating about this place is that when you need to get away, there aren't many places to go. I thought about going camping but I don't think me in the woods is good plan.

So, if anyone needs me, I'll be building a telescope on the roof. Don't worry, the only thing I've drank today is tea and soda. There will be no bottles falling from the sky this time.

May. 20th, 2014


I think there's some things people aren't meant to know. But how do I deal, since now I do know?

I feel like Lilo already without a Nani. I try to forget? Just...keep living as if I don't know what's going to happen when I go back?

How many of us here are in the same boat?

May. 16th, 2014


Hey, okay. Two questions.

One, what do you people do for money around here? Is there like a displaced residents charity fund or something?

And two, is the...having someone who looks exactly like you walking around thing normal? Or did I just get sucked into yet another bad remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

May. 6th, 2014


I'm not sure I approve of my being in Storybrooke for almost the entirety of a school year.

Though it beats spending the entirety of a school year killing walkers.

( Rick Grimes )

I will watch Judith tonight if you want to take Ms. McCall out to dinner or something.


Sorry. Does anyone know of there's anywhere to swim here?

I... I really miss it.

May. 1st, 2014


Dear All:

It has come to my attention that GIF wars are hilarious.

It has also come to my attention that I haven't started one in a while.

There we go. Have at it.

Your kind, benevolent, and resident asshole,

Tony Stark

Apr. 30th, 2014


Ever since my wife was sent back, about a month ago, the apartment has been extremely quiet and I was thinking about getting a dog or something. Maggie had a dog before I was brought here, but when Beth was sent back, well, I don't really know what happened to it. I know that that sounds really bad, but a lot was going on then. So, I was thinking of getting a pet of my own now. Is the shelter the only place here to get a pet?

Apr. 28th, 2014


Anybody out there want to pick up some money babysitting? I need someone to watch my daughter Judith for a few hours sometime soon. I'm not going to be the type of dad that leaves it to her older brother to watch her all the time when I go out

And before I forget - anybody know who I need to talk to about maybe moving into a three bedroom apartment? I've got Carl and Judith both with me and they need their own rooms and while I don't mind sleeping on the couch if I have to I don't want to if I can avoid it.

[Melissa McCall]

So assuming I can find a babysitter for a night - do you want to go to dinner sometime soon? Maybe watch a movie if we can find one we want to see?

[Carl Grimes]

No you're not allowed to volunteer to babysit her. I know you love your sister and don't mind watching her but you deserve a night off.


I'll be resuming lessons in swordplay once again, if anyone has interest. I need something to distract me from Merlin being gone

Once again I'll hold them on a weekly basis, in the local park and training swords will be provided to begin; nothing steel, nothing sharp or capable of injuring students. My lessons would comprise mostly of sword position; parry and defence, as well as footwork and depending on how we progress, move on from there. Modern weapons may outshine the sword in this world, but it would be a skill in your favour none the less should you ever need to defend yourself.

For those of you already trained, and anyone wishes to maintain their skills with informal sparring, contact me here.

Apr. 20th, 2014


( Filtered to all three Sherlocks )

I hear one of you likes murder.

Not murdering, but...

Let me try this again.

How does one become a consultant with the police and would you be willing to take a fourteen year old on as an assistant?

Apr. 17th, 2014


Carol and Michonne are both gone.

Dad? Are you still here? And Judith.... is Judith still here?



No more Sherlocks.

I need a nap.

Apr. 9th, 2014


This town, this day, and this network makes no sense.

[Lydia Martin]
Someone told me you were here, along with Stilinski and Allison. What the hell is happening?

Apr. 7th, 2014


There's universes where people can fly, turn into monsters, or have tiny monsters in balls. Why isn't there one where math homework does itself?

[Beacon Hills People]
Who is even still here? Scott's gone, Derek's gone. I saw Lydia say something, so she's still here, Cora's here, Ms. McCall's here. Allison? Stiles?

It's fine if Peter's gone.
[/Beacon Hills]

Do you want to stay here? Until Scott gets back, I mean. In his room. Since we're both just rattling around, I thought maybe it'd be better. Or I could stay there, for a while. I hate when it's empty.

[Kitty Pryde]
Hi. I just thought I'd see if you were okay, or needed anything, since Derek's not here. I think that makes us pack by proxy? Or I would if I knew how the rules actually worked.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Science fair projects end up much more interesting but much less scientific when there's magic in town. So far, my favorite was a project obviously done in twenty minutes the night before where they tried to explain why animals are likely to be able to talk. The conclusion was that they probably are already talking, we just aren't listening. Their research was a list of movies that aren't available to watch anymore, so they said we should just take their word.

I'm really glad I don't teach teenagers. At fourth grade, the teacher glare still works. And at least all the truth confessions I'm listening to mostly involve things that don't make me want to buy earplugs.

I still feel like I should avoid all adults until this is over, though. And I know it's probably not fair, but I still blame Regina for everything that goes wrong here.

Mar. 9th, 2014


Daryl Dixon is gone, for anyone who knew him.

Mar. 7th, 2014


So, I am taking a poll on behalf of one Bruce Banner in spirit of our new friendship...

How many people have thought Bruce Banner resembles a puppy?


I spend too much time indoors here. I miss being in space, a lot. I miss Liara. I miss Tali and Garrus. Hell. I miss everything. Except the Earth being on fire and invaded by Reapers.

I'd like to get drunk with someone soon. Any takers?


Of all the bullshit we've been through here, including waking up as a woman, this I could do without. Hell, even the mistletoe was better than this, even if it did mean I ended up kissing Barton, Danvers, and a handful of strangers.

If anyone needs me, I'll be sitting in my apartment until this is over.

And I wish I didn't feel the need to tell you all that.

Why do I get the feeling this is only the beginning?


I hate this bloody day.  I hate that they're still gone.  I hate the fucking cowards who did it.  I hate that I wasn't there.  It's complete shite and it's not fucking fair and I hate every part of it.  And I miss them.


This place is certainly different from home. I am attempting to acclimate, but many of these devices in my home are unfamiliar. Whoever created this miniature waterfall was brilliant.

Mar. 5th, 2014


The most obvious solution is that there's something in the general water supply, even if the media's idea of a truth serum is ridiculously inaccurate. But a magic spell is a lot more interesting, even if it's obnoxious as hell.

I wish the Eye was real, and the fact that our entire elaborate performance audition-slash-heist was actually a revenge scheme by a fake fed with extensive daddy issues is deeply disappointing.

And I don't think you should sleep with Merritt, Henley. He's possibly diseased and definitely old enough that heart attacks are an issue to consider and I would never get that mental image out of my head.

I resent the actual existence of Superman, because I can't fly.

Mar. 4th, 2014


I guess this isn't the worst place I've ever ended up.

It would be great if the people I was traveling with were here too but at least Judith is with me. So, she's safe here at least.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


[Filtered to the Walking Dead]

Back home, I shot a boy who was surrendering...



Feb. 20th, 2014


Right, now that I've been here a few days and walked around a bit? I've just got a question.

Does Storybrooke need any English teachers?

Feb. 18th, 2014


This place is real. Of course it's real. You'd think I remember that the third time around.

Mom? Stiles? Alison? Issac?

Please tell me you're all still here. And okay. Yeah. Okay. That's the big one. Please tell me you're all okay.

Feb. 16th, 2014


[Filtered to Rick Grimes]



I want pizza.

And coffee. Can I have coffee?

...oh, by the way.

I ate an entire box of chocolates.


This place is real. Really actually real.

Cecil? Are you here? Please say you're here.

Feb. 11th, 2014


Hello, everyone! Don't forget that P3 will be hosting an all ages Valentine's Day party. You don't have to be under 21 to come, but there won't be any alcohol allowed inside the building, so keep that in mind.


So May's gone and that's been confirmed and, okay, I was sad for awhile but it's not so different from things back home. I mean, we lost people all time. The difference is that here I know she just went back home and maybe things are okay for her. She's not gone because I made a mistake or she was in one of those forbidden zone things or Ultron killed her. So, better.

I guess this just means I have to try and make new friends or something.

Feb. 10th, 2014


Holidays aren't really my thing, but you know what? Valentine's Day has chocolate. So it's fine by me.

Though come to think of it, every holiday has a lot of chocolate. Huh.

Feb. 8th, 2014


( Claire Callahan )

I think I'm depressed I need someone to talk to.

Can we not tell my dad?

( Michonne )

...can we go get pizza?

Feb. 6th, 2014


Beth is gone...

Why is everyone leaving?

Feb. 4th, 2014


Glenn's gone. I don't know if the portals stole him or he ran away because of Maggie and Daryl if he's just off somewhere. How long does it take to fix this magic and these portals? It's too dangerous back home. I hope it didn't send him there.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


Sam Winchester is gone.

I liked him.

[Filtered to Scott McCall]

My dad seems to be dating your mom.

Maybe we should get a cheeseburger.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


My feelings on Valentine's Day. )

[Filtered to Beth Greene]

Do you want to watch the Super Bowl with me? I never thought I'd be doing something as normal as watching the Super Bowl again.

Feb. 1st, 2014


Did everyone around here come from a place where all you do is have parties and have fun all the time? Hell, I can't believe that hardly anyone's taking this seriously. We've been kidnapped by people we can't trust, brought to a place that none of us really understand, and people are just having fun.

You know, the Capitol can seem fun when you don't look at it too close, too.


I've never been around this many muggles before in my life. And I'm not saying that's bad! Just that it's a little...weird. I know in the whole world there are a whole lot more muggles than wizards, life's been more than a little mental and I hardly know muggles at all.

So...'cause I'm friendly sometimes and curious (look, Hermione!) I just wondered if you muggles out there could tell me what it's like to live without magic. I mean, some of the things you do are pretty brilliant, really.

Oh Merlin I'm becoming my dad

Jan. 29th, 2014


I can't believe I was talking about my dad It wasn't that bad being a kid again for a few days, but I'm glad that I'm an adult again.

[Private to Kiera Cameron]
I saw your note about leaving the Sheriff's Department. I just didn't know why some woman I'd never met was telling me about changing her career. I'm sorry Now that I'm myself again - want to get drinks and talk about it?

[Private to Melissa McCall]
You're amazing Would you really have taken care of ten year old me if I hadn't liked Carl?

Jan. 27th, 2014


Well, that was interesting....

Dad, are you, well, Dad again?

Jan. 25th, 2014


[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

I think you might be in need of some pie. What do you say?

[Filtered to Beth Greene]

Are you holding up okay?

Jan. 24th, 2014


Well, that was an age I didn't expect to relive. Though I guess there were... worse options.

Anyway, I'm back to normal my real age now.

Happy birthday. What're we doing for it? Little me was a little too busy not wanting to building a treehouse to ask.

Jan. 21st, 2014


Dad's going to be mad that I went out by myself after dark and got lost. I've never been in this part of town before Can somebody call him and tell him where I am? And that I'm sorry

Jan. 16th, 2014


Hello, everyone,

I am organizing a clothing drive to outfit our influx of younger residents. If you have any spare child-sized clothing, please let me know. If you are in need of clothing, because you woke up a size that doesn't match the clothes in your room, please let me know and I will get something to you as soon as possible.

Filter: School and Youth Center Staff
I'd also like to offer my help in finding things for all of these kids to do after school, helping to make sure they're all taken care of, etc. Kitty, Logan, do you need any extra help at the youth center?

Jan. 14th, 2014


I don't even know what's going on here.

All I know is that I need some new clothes. The clothes in my closet are strangely too small.

Jan. 13th, 2014


How did I get here? Where's Dean?

Why am I living with a girl? Why are my clothes enormous?

Jan. 9th, 2014


I for one am glad I can't see anymore of that stupid show that I'm supposedly on. There's more stupid ass drama here than at home. With fucking walkers.

I'm going to the damn movies, maybe there will be something to do there.

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