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Jun. 28th, 2014


( Ariadne )

I would very much like you to come home.

Apparently a pirate decided a Viking and myself were in need of rum and gave us each some. He was very generous.

It was Jack Sparrow.

Did you know there are Vikings here?

...I may have had some of the rum.

And thank you for going to the wedding with me.

Jun. 1st, 2014


It was finally Lupus.

( Ariadne )

Were you aware that you had a twin in Storybrooke? A pregnant, younger twin?


I've never had a job before.  But- if I can't be out on the water every day- I think Atlantic Twine and Net will suit me pretty well.

May. 15th, 2014


As the Sheriff, I can't actually hit someone without an actual reason right? It's like the temperature going up has caused people's brains to shut down.

If I ask you about your world and the people in it, would any of you answer truthfully?

I think I'm going home. This paperwork can wait. I need a nap, a bath, and to spend time with my son and husband. Not necessarily in that order. Please don't do anything horrible for the next couple of hours.

May. 14th, 2014


Alcohol doesn't seem to have much of an effect.
I've started feeling antsy without orders. I think that means I need a job.
Who wants to spar. Lots of spare energy to work off.

I should probably make a few more friends too. People have those.

[Filtered to Steve Rogers]

Hey, so I need to talk to you about something. Just promise you won't get mad.

May. 8th, 2014


Lots of people talking about missing things lately. It's sort of timely, since next week would have been my girlfriend's birthday. (Again - her actual 26th birthday was only a few months ago, for me. I thought I'd have longer before the 'firsts' started It's actually only been a few weeks) I feel very... removed, like everything happened in a dream. I don't know if that makes any sense.

How deep do the woods go before you can't walk any further?

May. 5th, 2014


Please tell me there's a decent coffee shop here. I cope better with supposedly magical portals when caffeinated. Not that I've ever encountered them before, but something familiar couldn't hurt.

Apr. 28th, 2014


I probably shouldn't have used that much of my first paycheck on art supplies, but I was getting really tired of ballpoint pen on scrap paper that I scavenged at work. Oh, well. It's not like there's that much to spend money on here anyway.

We should go on a date. Like an actual date, not eating dinner in front of the TV.

I mean - would you like to go out to dinner sometime?

Apr. 27th, 2014


I never realized how much work could go into planning a wedding. It would be so much simpler back home

Apr. 18th, 2014


Ariadne just might murder me if I watch House continually until I am through with all eight seasons.

This might mean I need other things to occupy my time.

At least it isn't Glee.

Apr. 7th, 2014



Let's play Fuck/Marry/Kill.

Either just pick someone, anyone for each category or give each other three names and stick them in the categories.

You guys know how to play, right?

I'll start.

Fuck: Raylan Givens. Because of reasons.
Marry: Clark Kent
Kill: Clint, if only because if I put him in the other categories, I might get shanked or something.

Your turn.

Mar. 17th, 2014


I guess I should probably figure out about getting a job, but I have no idea what I'd be any good at here. Arthur thinks I'd make a good teacher but I don't think anyone would really respect me in front of a classroom. Besides, I'm still not done with my master's, so I'm not technically qualified. But we're going to run out of money and that worries me. I don't know that I'm good at anything useful. Just good at being a student. And designing, and drawing, and building dreams. But nobody is going to pay me for that here.

I've been trying so hard to not ask you why you kissed me on the Fischer job that my tongue hurts from biting it too many times. I don't want to make you answer when we have to tell the truth. That's not fair. I still don't know why you did it, though.

I kind of hate this place.

Mar. 15th, 2014


So, it's official. I am a business owner.

Smoak Securities is properly set up. Papers signed, office leased. Not bad for a sidekick. It's going to be weird being the boss but I really don't need many employees. I work pretty well alone.

What we do is install high tech security systems and maintain them. I'd give you references but they are back home. So I will say that I've been keeping the fact that my boss, Oliver Queen, is the Starling City Vigilante a secret for over a year.

Now, I want pie.

Mar. 12th, 2014


So, this is interesting.


I did something yesterday that I never wanted to do in my life. It was just as terrible as I thought it would be, but... I saved a friend's life by doing it. Does that make it better, or is it still just as terrible? I don't know. I wish I did. I wish I knew how this would end up, if I did the right thing. I hope I'm up to this...

It's taking a lot of concentration not to say the thing I did, wow.

Mar. 11th, 2014


I will do absolutely anything in order to survive. It doesn't matter who stands in my way. Though there is no Blight here, I have no problem taking the lives of people who will try to stop me from living. I miss the Blight in a way. Things were simpler. You put on armor, you fought Darkspawn. We killed the Archdemon and everyone survived. No one had to die.

Now we're stuck here where there are always more prejudiced people. Against magic. Against people who don't agree with the things they agree with. Is every world the same? Sentimentality is the downfall of everyone, no matter where they are it seems.

Mar. 10th, 2014


I don't remember there being a Storybrooke in this part of the state.

But then, I don't remember magic portals being a thing. And I do remember how I got here. So this can't be a dream. Whatever remains, however improbable, and all that, right?

Still doesn't make any sense.

Mar. 9th, 2014


I wonder if the hospital would knock me out until this spell is over.

My secrets are not the sort of secrets anyone should know.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Magic portals.

Or it's a dream.

I haven't quite decided yet.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Has anyone seen Sookie? We were supposed to meet at Granny's this afternoon so that we could go look for a dress for her to wear to the ball but she never showed up. I hope she's not gone like Claudine and Sally

Dec. 16th, 2013


[Filtered to Eames]

So. There's this ball coming up. For New Year's?

Will you go with me?
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Dec. 15th, 2013


So, Christmas. What is it?

Sounds like something people in the Capitol would love: a good excuse to waste way too much money.

Dec. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to Eames]

I remember you liking strawberries and whipped cream, so I made you these. Come home?

[Filtered away from Eames]

I hate that he doesn't remember. I hate this so much.

But at least he's back, right?
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Dec. 8th, 2013


[Filter: Not Harry Potter 'Verse]
Lily told me that there's a book series about my son.

I want to know what happens.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Oh what the hell.

This isn't the damn transport ship I was promised.

I think my VM is busted. Again.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


I need to get a job. My talents and expertise aren't strictly legal, and I was told I worked at a bar the last time I was still here. Any chance they would take me back?

[Private to Arthur]
Do you want to have a drink with me? I want to apologize for being so distant, Arthur. I just need time to adjust. I think getting a drink and then maybe a date later this week could help bring me back up to speed, love.

Nov. 26th, 2013


[Filtered to Eames]

I was thinking about making us something for Thanksgiving. This is what you get for living with an American, Eames.
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Nov. 25th, 2013


Thank god that broadcasting is back to what constitutes as normal around here. I was about ready to stab someone with a knitting needle.
In other news, I'm doing a fluff piece for the paper and since Thanksgiving is this week, here's the obligatory question for us all...

"What are you thankful for?"

Discuss. I'll probably quote you unless you don't want to be mentioned.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


I cannot find my totem anywhere and I was told that I had absolutely nothing to worry about. This is not a dream but merely the result of portals at work.

I have to admit that whoever has brought me into this dream certainly has a wild imagination. I must also make my intent to kill whoever is responsible should anything happen to my friend. Fair enough, loves?

Nov. 19th, 2013


I don't think Thorin would approve of this..

Nov. 18th, 2013


Having Blurred Lines stuck in my head is better than listening to polka.

I guess.


I really love the fall. It's colder than Mystic Falls, but it's still so pretty here. The colors are gorgeous.

Now, if I could just get the radio to play something else. I'm never going to get Blurred Lines out of my head at this rate.

( filtered to TVD/TO crew )
So, Thanksgiving is coming up. We should totally do something as a group. Yes, I know, most of us are vampires who don't have to eat, but it could still be fun. Just spending time together and being thankful for what we have. I just think it would be nice, after all the craziness we've had to deal with the past few years...or past few hundred years in some cases.

Yes? No? Ideas?

Nov. 15th, 2013


It's always been my experience that alcohol is a good way to drown your sorrows. I also know that you should not drink alone.

So, anyone want to meet up for a drinking night -- or if you don't like crowds, we can hang out in my apartment.

Nov. 9th, 2013


Well, that one was a fun ride. My nights performing in heels, a push up bra, and a red wig at the Rabbit Hole have come to an end, but Jessica thanks you for your generous patronage.

Roger, my darling, how are you? No bunny tail, I hope?

Nov. 8th, 2013


That was... an eventful week, to say the least.

And I think Eames is gone. Please, someone tell me I'm wrong.

He promised he wouldn't leave me...

Nov. 6th, 2013


The internet. It's not a happy place. Or a nice place. This site called Tumblr. I think I'm in need of "brain bleach" because of it. That is the term, isn't it?

Oct. 31st, 2013


This might be an odd question but.. am I dead?


I was all set on being the Doctor for Halloween, just to see the look on his face when I traded in my coat for his. But then I went another direction. It's Halloween, I should switch it up.

Free sonic screwdrivers to any kids dressed as the Doctor though, I know where he keeps the stash.

Oct. 30th, 2013


People keep talking about Halloween. But I don't really understand.

Is something going to happen?

We never had anything like that in District 4.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered to Eames]

I want to get married.
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[Filtered Away From Maggie Greene]

What would one have to do to get married here? My fiancé and I got engaged recently and now that we don't have the constant threat of walkers, I wanted to bring up actually getting married, but before I mentioned it to her I wanted to make sure that we could since we're not from around here. So, I guess this would really be focused towards the locals. Maybe I should have just gone to the Mayor, but I wasn't sure. I've never done this before.

Oct. 21st, 2013


I'm glad that everyone's back to normal although it was nice having so many customers coming in to Modern Fashions. I hope that everyone that was changed isn't having any problems now that they're back in their normal genders.

[Private to Arthur and for my amusement any Arthur can see this]
I have the weekend off if you want to do something together? Bran's behaving himself well enough now to be left alone for a little while if Morgana isn't going to be at home.

Oct. 18th, 2013


Apparently my word isn't good enough for my best friend.

Any single guys out there up to experimenting with me until my so called best friend decides I might actually mean it when I say that I think I'm into him?

No, I'm not joking. No haha's here.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Hi, everybody. I'm Jess, and I'm just taking a roll call to see who's, ah, had their gender switched in the past few weeks and who hasn't? Sam and I are trying to figure out if there's a pattern.

Thanks, guys.

Oct. 12th, 2013


Does anyone else find it really weird to read news about what's going on in the rest of the country and the world? I mean, we're not really a part of it anymore. I've been keeping up with it just out of habit, but it kind of just makes me feel more cut off from everything. We're basically trapped in Crazy Land

I've also been trying to find something that might help with the gender... problem, but no luck yet, sorry. Still working on it.

Oct. 6th, 2013








Oct. 5th, 2013


This is really not funny.

[Private to Jack Harkness]

You turned me into a girl. I have no idea how you did it, but you did.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


It looks like I was worried about the wrong thing. I should have been worried more about passing Trigonometry thank Merlin I had the textbook right next to me than learning how to help James take care of our son. He keeps saying I'm a natural and he must be right. Taking care of Harry is easy compared to this homework

Does anyone know anything about Trigonometry? I thought going to primary school before Hogwarts would make school here easier. I should be more used to muggle classes than this And might be willing to help me get a better grasp on it?

I'm Lily by the way. Lily Evans.

[Private to James]
I miss how things are at home with us I wish I was your age here I burnt the cake I was trying to bake for dessert so maybe you can pick something up on the way home for us to eat after dinner? I didn't burn that at least.


Oh! Oh! Hey! A PDA! I made these up North!

Buddy the Elf! What's your favorite color?!

Sep. 17th, 2013


As many charms as it has, sometimes this town does just seem small. And there are shockingly few aliens.

[Whoniverse Residents & Jack's Friends]
I'm not sure who else we've lost, but Ianto seems to have been one of the people pulled back out of town. Anyone else missing?

[Rose Tyler & Arthur]
I could stand to be extremely drunk right about now. Care to keep me company?

((If you think your character is friendly with Jack, feel free to assume they can see.))

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