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July 22nd, 2014

[info]alteredsight in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm feeling the urge to go shop for things that I don't really need.

Jo, you're coming with me, right?

[info]agentthirteenth in [info]welcomenetwork

It's strange and nice to be living in a place where the world hasn't almost ended. It took some getting used to and I was feeling a bit useless but I think I'm getting the hang of this normal life thing.

And in my attempt to be less of a failure at the social life thing, who wants to have lunch? I've been studying for hours and I need a break.

[info]wingmanning in [info]welcomenetwork

I miss flying.

Is there a place in this town where a guy can rent a plane?

[info]exceptthedream in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to Clint (MCU) and Coulson

I'm sure it goes without saying if you haven't already, but whatever Deadpool left you this morning, dispose of it carefully. There's an explosive attached somewhere.

[info]widowsting in [info]welcomenetwork

[Clint (MCU)]
Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill him and hide the body, because I'm failing to think of one other than you would want to do it yourself.

[info]effeditallup in [info]welcomenetwork

There is a crucial lack of adult level hobbies in this town that don't involve hitting things, shooting things, or drinking things.

I haven't even found any community theater groups. Is that something I can start and manage, or do you have to have some level of superpower to do anything in this town?

[info]breakerofcurses in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm getting a lot of reports that there was a small explosion outside one of the towers. What the hell happened? Was anyone hurt? Who did it?

[info]speedier in [info]welcomenetwork

yeah so. not it. if anyone was wondering. i have blown zero things up lately.

but that was the most interesting thing to happen for like a week.

[info]betaed in [info]welcomenetwork

Kitty is missing.

I don't know who all is here from her world but she's gone.

[info]wherescarl in [info]welcomenetwork

I hear Weasleys like to make things explode.

Or at least twin Weasleys.