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July 21st, 2014

[info]agentsupernanny in [info]welcomenetwork

Thanks again to everyone who came to the party, and helped Clint put it together. It was a nice surprise.

Consider any reports I was drunk and singing to be false, as a late birthday present.

Clint, two questions.

1. Why are there arrows in the freezer?
2. Is there any chance the arrows explode when you take them out of the freezer?

[info]ex_wintersol227 in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to Spysassin home + friends - Steve (MCU)

So... I may have done something silly and asked Steve if he wants to spar with me sometime. Who wants to come along and make sure that 'sparring' with Captain America doesn't turn into 'trying to kill' Captain America? I'd really rather not almost kill him again.

[info]particlethief in [info]welcomenetwork

I found this walking home. It seems very friendly and happy. Is anyone missing this little one?
Cutie )
If no one is, can we have a puppy, Kate?

[info]bilboisaburglar in [info]welcomenetwork

Anyone care to come over for some tea?

I just...

Think I need someone to talk to.

[info]earlragnar in [info]welcomenetwork

I need a drink.

Or what is this ziplining thing I have heard of?

[info]auroraofwoods in [info]welcomenetwork

When are we having the block party? I think it might be a good thing to do, to keep people's minds off things.

I miss my husband. I do hope he's doing okay.

Though I am excited about the impending birth of the baby. It seems so far away, though....

[info]passingthrough in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to 616!Kitty

Hi. So. Um, I need to get a job and stop mooching off Jubes, and I guess... I need advice? All I'm really good at is killing Sentinels. And sending other people back in time. And breaking mutants out of camps. None of which really translate to anything in Storybrooke, as far as I can tell. And - you're not me, but you are, so if anyone knows what I could be doing it's you.


[info]melissa_mccall in [info]welcomenetwork

I've never been without Scott this long...

( Rick Grimes )

I saw that Carl is back. Is he okay? Do you want me to come over?

[info]manscaping in [info]welcomenetwork

STOP ME IF YOU'VE HEARD THIS ONE ... so there's this portal? And it sucks people out of a thousand different dimensions and plops them into East Who-Gives-A-Damn Maine. And there's nothing to do but ... reconstitute, re-evaluate and re-form your life?


Oh right. Hi.

I'm Skye.