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Jan. 18th, 2020


Who: Anakin and Rey
What: They meet
Where: Outside of Anakin’s work
When: Saturday Afternoon
Rating: Low. Spoilers for Rise of Skywalker

She felt him the moment she set foot in Madison )


Who: Rey and Poe
Where: The Park
When: Saturday
What: Poe's return and Rey's arrival
Rating: low
Warnings: Likely some spoilers for recent movie

Both returned, but only one had memories )


Nothing like spending the weekend grading papers. Thank goodness for decent coffee.

Jan. 17th, 2020


( Nick Fury )


I need help.

... am I dying? It feels like I am.


WHO: Sonya Blade and Henry Tudor
WHAT: encounter during work hours
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: his apartment building
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing\


WHO: Kenny McCormick & Matt Murdock.
WHAT: Matchup.
WHEN: Friday evening.
WHERE: Lou's.
WARNINGS: Language, drinking. Anything else TBD.
STATUS: Closed/Matchup/Ongoing.

* * * * * )


[Private to Buffy Summers]

You know how you said you wanted to meet history figures before they were famous? I happen to know a certain Elizabeth here that's four years-old at the moment with her farther Henry VIII.


WHO: Isak Valtersen & Aziraphale.
WHAT: Matchup.
WHEN: Friday afternoon.
WHERE: The library.
WARNINGS: Other than possible language from Isak, probably low.
STATUS: Closed/Matchup/Ongoing.

* * * * * )


[Private to Julian]

How's it going? With you and with everything?


[Private to John Grimm]

It's been suggested to me that I apologize to you.

So, I suppose I apologize. For being difficult.


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Celebrating January Birthdays (Ariel, Buffy Summers, Nikita Mears, Dean Winchester, Lena Luthor, and Lily Evans Potter)
WHERE: The Old Market on Main
WHEN: Friday, January 17
WARNING: TBD, let a mod know if it needs updating
STATUS: Party Post
NOTE: Handwave that an invite went out on the network.

Happy Birthday! )


Who: Kyo Sohma and OPEN
What: Kyo with a black eye walking down the street... yelling at old ladies, as you do.
When: Friday afternoon
Where: The streets
Rating: Low

At least Madison Valley had martial arts )


I won't lie. I kind of can't wait to have this month over with. January is always so dreary and boring to me.

Jan. 16th, 2020


WHO: John Young and Nancy Gama
WHAT: Random meeting/Match-up
WHEN: Friday
WHERE: Walmart
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Jason Grace and Marlene (Match-up)
WHAT: Meeting at the Obstacle Course
WHEN: Friday after school
WHERE: The Obstacle Course
STATUS: Closed/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Julian Blackthorn and Ron Weasley
WHAT: Trying to find a cure for Emma
WHERE: The magic shop
WHEN: Friday, after school
STATUS: Closed/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Clove and Landon Kirby (Match-up)
WHAT: Thinking about lost friends
WHERE: By Erin's cave
WHEN: Friday
STATUS: Closed/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Nico di Angelo and Five - Match-up
WHAT: Creepy Morning Visits
WHERE: By the river
WHEN: Just before Dawn, Friday morning
WARNINGS: Talk of death?
STATUS: Closed/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Lucifer Morningstar and Jason Mendoza (Match-up)
WHAT: Getting doughnuts
WHEN: Friday morning
WHERE: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
STATUS: Matchup/Closed

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Hey so, uh...

Didn't really think I'd have to make this type of network thing? Nico and Jason you're never allowed to leave

But Poe is gone? Like, some of his stuff is still here, but he definitely isn't? BB-8 is really upset and me too, but let's focus on the Droid

Am I going to have to find a new guardian again?


Who: Izzy and Yuuri
What: Matchup
When: Monday
Where: Ice Rink
Warnings: TBC, probably not
Status: Closed/Ongoing

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* )


It's hard to believe my birthday is in three days. Hopefully, the last two have broken the string of bad things coinciding with it.


So, anyone have any resolutions?

Mine's to try to stay here, because it's a hell of a lot better than home.


WHO: Adrian Ivashkov and OPEN
WHAT: Drawing
WHERE: Starbucks
WHEN: Thursday morning
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 15th, 2020


[Text: Sue S | Kenny M]

>> Hey boss, can I grab you for a minute?


Guess what everybody?

I got my weapon from home!

Under the cut )

Jan. 14th, 2020


I have learned I am in desperate need of a life. I am addicted to Mad Men.

( Sif and Matt Murdock )

Drinks Friday night? On me.


WHO Gilbert Blythe + the FitzSimmons Family
WHAT Discussing some paperwork
WHEN Monday evening
WHERE Their house
WARNINGS TBD, but probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )


Coffee will be the death of me.

( Torvi )

I may have had too much caffeine.

Do you want to go to the river?


[Private to Ty Johnson]

Hey, Ty.

I'm going to need you to say I was spending the afternoon with you.

Thanks buddy


Who: The Doctor (13) and OPEN
Where: Madison Valley Coffee and Tea Co
When: Wednesday Lunch
What: Bored and Building a not-so-simple tower
Rating: Low

If I had crayons and half a can of spam I could build you )


Private Filter to Colonel John Sheppard

Sorry to bug you, sir. Figured I'd check in though and report that I had a run in with an associate of yours yesterday. A little guy, scientist type, who seems to possess hypochondriac like tendencies.

I caught him in the middle of a minor altercation with the locals. Apparently he thought it prudent to break into a house, scare the family living there, and get into a tussle with their small dog. The dog won.

I advised him that things here were already tense between the locals and the refugees. And that a bit of tact would better suit him. Still I am not sure how much of that he took to heart. So I thought it prudent to give you a heads up, Colonel.

I talked the father out of calling the cops, but if the little guy returns...well I am pretty sure your friend will find himself talking to the police.


Who: Rodney McKay and John Sheppard
Where: The Farmhouse
When: Tuesday
What: Why did someone force McKay to babsit?
Rating: Low

While Rodney thought blue was his colour, he didn't mean it in eye shadow )


Who: Nyssa al Ghul & Chris Argent
When: Evening?
Where: Park
Warnings: TBD, sneak attacks!
Status: Closed, In Progress

No hesitation, no delay, You come on just like special K )


( Trixie Espinoza )

Balthazar is now my boyfriend, I thought you'd be pleased.


So this $1000 limit? As if!

You can barely buy a decent drink at Starbucks with that!

You know, Daddy always talked about price inflation and I object!

Jan. 13th, 2020


[Text to Cassie BR]
>>So it turns out I really don't like the winter anymore.
>>Didn't like it much to begin with but this one's bad.
>>I almost liked the snow once, you know.


[Private: Hunk | Bucky B]

Hey, I've got some new recipes I need some help with. Mind giving me a hand sometime this week?


I am feeling like the lamest adult to ever be lame right now and it sucks.


Migraines are evil.


Who: John Grimm and Rodney McKay
What: Rodney is dramatic, Grimm probably isn't
Where: The Streets
When: Monday
Rating: Low



( Balthazar )

You and your significant other should stop by the Den sometime.

( Fitz )

Would you care to assist me with grocery shopping sometime soon?


( Voice Post )

I do not like it here.

I need to go home.


Uh... hi. I'm Ned. Apparently I live here now.

I'm hoping that Charlotte Charles, Olive Snook, or Emerson Cod is here.

Also, is there a bakery around? Somewhere I can get a good slice of pie?


I've never had to look for housing before. Anyone have any tips on how to find a place big enough for me, my girlfriend, and two teenage boys?


[Filtered to Friends*]

I'm moving. Someone is entrusting me with the care of a sixteen year old.

From Beverly Hills.

Who is super rich.

I'm not sure I've ever owned anything Gucci that wasn't a knock off I bought from a guy in the streets, but here we are.

Pretty sure I'm not going to be able to keep her in the lifestyle in which she is accustomed. Where's my alimony check??

*ooc: it's Ella, if you think you are, you probably are, she loves everyone!


WHO: Jason Grace and OPEN
WHAT: Getting a Milk Shake
WHERE: Roger's Corner
WHEN: After school on Monday
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


You know, when someone makes me feel like a pig? That's really saying something.


Hey. You've been quiet. That's not like you.

Jan. 12th, 2020


[Private to John Grimm]

Just wanted to let you know I've changed where I'm living. No longer at that apartment, but I'm living in the TARDIS. Not technical my TARDIS, but I had to admit I've slept better since I've moved in. I'm telling you this just in case you go looking for me and find the apartment empty.


Who: Lorna Dane and Erik Lehnsherr
What: Lorna needs to talk to her dad about some of what she learned back home.
Where: Erik's place.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Warnings: TBD will update as we go.
Status: Closed, In Progress

Read more... )

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