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Jan. 24th, 2019


Kate and Nick

Hey. Wanna go on a date? I mean like the three of us and not at a big town wide party sort of thing?


You know what? I totally needed all these zombie games when I was a kid. I am totally going to binge some video games and movies this weekend.


Who: Marlene & Hermann G.
What: Check in!
Where: Their place
When: Dinner time
Warnings: idk
Status: In Progess, Closed

Randomness is good unless you were the guardian to the girl who was being random )


WHO Ella McCree, Jeremy Danvers & Nick Sorrentino (+ Max & Rocco)
WHAT Babysitting!
WHEN Thursday
WHERE The Pack House
WARNINGS tbd but probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+ )


Who: Fred Weasley, Jake Peralta, Loki.
What: Training the new employees!
Where: The shop.
When: Thursday, January 24.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Closed | Incomplete

... )


WHO Kim Possible & Rosa Diaz
WHAT Pity Milkshakes
WHEN Thursday afternoon
WHERE Hinkles
WARNINGS TBD, probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Death and Owen Grady
What: Owen meets Death face to face
Where: In town
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed

Read more... )


Who: Nyssa al Ghul & Chris Argent
What: Hanging out
When: Evening
Where: Town rooftops
Warnings: very few?
Status: Closed, In Progress

the greetings were getting better every time )

Jan. 25th, 2019


Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.

Jan. 24th, 2019


WHO: Carmilla & Anna.
WHAT: Random run in.
WHEN: Thursday.
WHERE: In town.
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing.

* * * * * )


WHO: Dream & Valkyrie.
WHAT: A random meeting.
WHEN: Thursday evening.
WHERE: In town.
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing.

* * * * * )


Where did January go? Crap. Oh well. One more month to be lazy about things.

Did you know there was a preacher here? I ran into him as a coyote and changed back to chat and look I did a wedding thing, we have someone to do the whole officiating thing.

Kate, Ella
Be proud you two, I did a thing and got someone who will officiate! That counts as wedding prep right? And before you ask, Kate, I am this bad back home too and totally avoided planning a wedding there too until I had to stop my mother from importing butterflies because someone once said it was a symbol of good luck according to some old Native guy.

Also no butterflies, thanks.

Edited: Evie
Hi, I'm Mercy - it was suggested I talk to you about designing something for my wedding in March. Yes, I know, I'm a slacker on this. Wanted to do something less traditional American and more Traditional Native American.


Happy birthday, Dean.


[Text: Oz | Hermione]

>> Would you mind stopping at the store on your way home?
>> I need more eggs for dinner tonight and I thought I had enough.


Who: Rogue and OTA
What: Out Running
Where: the Park
When: Morning
Warnings: TBD, bare skin warning for anyone jumping in, if your character touches her, please send me an email. <3
Status: Open, In Progress

She liked morning runs )


WHO Lucas & Riley & Lena & Dean
WHAT Double Pie Date
WHEN Friday afternoon (forward dated)
WHERE The Diner
WARNINGS Excessive ridiculousness as Lucas tests his friendship with Dean
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Lorna Dane and Cassie Banner-Romanoff
What: Dress shopping for Cassie and talking.
Where: Maurice’s and then who knows.
When: Friday [Backdated]
Warnings: Language probably, will update as it goes.
Status: Closed, In Progress

Read more... )


Okay, I've been a serious slacker here. I need some work - I have more of a background as a personal trainer for regular people - but any manual labor I'll do. I have no problem doing that kind of work.

Jan. 23rd, 2019


I am happy to have something to do with my day, though I am working on finishing this piece up.

Cut to save friend's list )

What do you think?


Who; Nyssa and Link
Where: archery range by the obstacle course
When: late afternoon
What: random
Warning: none?
Status: In progress, closed

Archers unite? )


( Loki )

My wife and I would like to invite you over for dinner.


Who: Erik and Lorna
What: Talking
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Hinkles
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/in progress

Read more... )


Who: Anna Latham and Open
Where: the Fountain
What: Relaxing
When: Early afternoon
Warnings: very little
Status: open, in progress

anna wanted to play )


Been quite the beginning of the new year, hasn't it?

Should I be concerned with the distinct lack of young Cassie fluttering about the kitchen?


You know, I have a little girl myself back home.

I'm not sure if I want her to take some lessons from Faith or if I'd keep them separated.


So, if we're going to start celebrating all of those stupid holidays, then we had better celebrate all those terrible pagan holidays that make grandmothers clutch their pearls and piss their pants.

Orgies and alcohol in the woods or it didn't happen.


The last time I was in temperatures and weather such as this was very difficult not only for myself but also for my Mother and for Wakanda. However, the snow and frigid cold did save my brother's life. So, for that, I am always grateful.

What I am not grateful for is the fact that so many layers are necessary to even open the front door!


[Phone Call: Alex D | Kim P]
[after this]

>> Hi, I sprained my ankle at the gym. Can you come take me to the clinic?

[Text: Shuri | Kim P]

>> I am NEVER going back to Training Terrain ever again.

[Text: Rosa D | Kim P]

>> Have you been to the other gym here?

Jan. 22nd, 2019


Who: Kim Possible, Zatanna Zatara and Will Herondale
What: an entirely embarrassing day
Where: training terrain
When: some afternoon
Warnings: not really
Status: in progress, started in gdocs, continues in comments

could it get anymore award in here? )


( Padme )

Bruce Banner has offered to be your doctor up to and during pregnancy. I told him I did talk to you first about it before taking him up on his offer.

( Added later, filtered to Bruce Banner )

Padme would like to meet with you.

When is a good time for you?


I'm just going to leave this here for everyone:

A string walks into a bar and is told they don't serve his kind there. So he leaves. He ties himself up and messes up his hair, then goes back in. The bartender says "Hey aren't you that string that was in here earlier?" The string responds, "No, I'm afraid not."


This is quite the interesting form of art:

Cut to save space. )


WHO: Kenny & Lorna.
WHAT: Lorna's being nice? WTF. XD
WHEN: Friday, after this [backdated].
WHERE: Kenny's place.
WARNINGS: Language for sure. Anything else TBD.
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing.

* * * * * )


Filtered to Legolas and Julian

Hey Legolas, this is my friend Julian. He's the one I was telling you about, the one that's great at cooking.

We go to school in the day Monday to Friday, but he can teach you how to use your appliances after school. When do you want to do it?

Jan. 21st, 2019


WHO Gibbs & Karen
WHAT Catching up
WHEN Sunday night
WHERE Gibbs' house
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )


( Sif )

How are you doing, with Loki being here?

Do you want to go get drinks?


Who: Adam Milligan and Lorna Dane
What: Having a conversation
When: Backdated to Saturday evening
Where: Adam's townhouse
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+ )


[Filtered to Halliwells]

I could use a hand. At breaking a curse. And it's from another 'world', so to speak, so I don't have a lot to go on but I know we can do it, there's 6 of us here, it has to be possible, right?



Can't it be summer yet? Ugh. I want it to be summer and not so cold. Cold sucks.



You're welcome for all those beautiful outfits for the dance. There's still plenty of time to commission dresses and suits and outfits of all sorts for prom.

[Kenny | Evie]

I put together a few new outfits for the club, too. When you have your shit together, I'll give you a fashion show.

[Stephen J | Evie]

Feel up for another round?

[Text: Peter Q | Evie]
[added later after talking to Stephen]

>> Just in case you stop whatever it is you're doing long enough to worry about me, I'm fine. Just staying holed up in my room for a couple of hours.


WHO Birkhoff, Sombra & Mal
WHAT Having a heart to heart
WHEN Friday night
WHERE Their place
WARNINGS TBD, possibly just language
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Cassie Sandsmark and Tim Drake-Wayne
When: Sunday Night
Where: Tim's apartment
What: Things~
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/In-Progress

Tim had gotten to her first. )

Jan. 20th, 2019


WHO Erik Lehnsherr & Hiccup Haddock
WHAT An extra visit
WHEN Friday morning (backdated)
WHERE Charles' Erik's place
WARNINGS TBD probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO Amberle Ohmsford & Eretria
WHAT Complaining about Wil
WHEN Backdated to Saturday, 1/5
WHERE Eretria's place
WARNINGS TBD probably just Shannara S2 spoilers
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


I hate them i hate those fucking bastards, they always killing me. always decapitating me and impaling me and replacing my heart with a baked potato and poisonous snake bites. i hate them i fucking hate them and the vultures, they're always tapping on my window they won't let me sleep. why can't they bring me ice cream instead? i want ice cream.


Who: Jedikiah Price and Sam Winchester
What: Sam's freaking out. Jedikiah's just shopping, man.
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Walmart, because everybody expects weird there
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


WHO York & Wash
WHAT Chilling. Chatting
WHEN Sunday evening
WHERE York & Carolina's place
WARNINGS TBD but possible talk of torture, death, massive injuries, etc
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )


I'm glad that I decided to not sit around the house watching movies the night of that dance. I had a really fun night. And I have to say that I didn't look too bad either. Everyone is right, it is nice to get out and do stuff. I think that I am going to fulfill my bucket list after all.





Hello. I'm told a prior version of me has already met you.

[Will Herondale]

I get the distinct feeling that you're hiding from me.


So I sort of missed someone asking a question about magic staying magic the other day and instead of just looking it back up I figured I should put up an FYI about me for all the newer people.

I'm what's called a null. I turn off magic. It isn't something that can be turned off so supernatural creatures and magic beings turn human around me, spells break and the more you piss me off the bigger the area of effect is.

I bartend at Verdant so when people need a spell broken or just want to be able to get drunk when they can't usually because they heal too fast, werewolves mostly, they come drink with me.

Being kind of an antisocial bitch isn't part of being a null it's just me, sorry.

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